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Early Release Loop 1, Loop 2 long/w alt expressions
MP4 progress

(She's missing her tattooo! I promise it'll be in a later update lol)
Starting off work on this Nami project with two animation loops in progress (linked above) and two other animated parts with more movement from the males side - a shift in perspective and then a climax ending. Going to keep the overall idea straight forward and try to push the length with varying motion and expressions.

In the MP4 render I only used one new frame to connect the first loop with the second loop. So now it looks like shes changing expressions too quickly. I'll probably add more frames there to smooth that part out and allow for more motion in the breasts.

This project will be completed as a refined rough animation set with 4-5 loops. I will be posting progress updates throughout the next week or two until it's completed. I may also do a few livestreams while working on it. It's been too long!

Big thank you to everyone who is supporting me this month! It's much appreciated and I hope everyone's week is off to a good start.




Hang the black flag at the end of my mast You are a pirate