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Coco Progress | Cascade Progress (linework) | Cascade Progress (animation)

This post will be similar to my Lenora/Wicke and Rouge projects ~ illustrations with an animated portion layered overtop. Coco is further along right now, as you can see in the previews above.

Some elements that are missing right now (Shadows on the animated portion, blinking animation, Softened shadows - gradient coloring - table details - background finish on the illustration part)

Cascade isn't too far behind Coco. The animated portion is longer, as she's somewhat transparent in areas ~ I wanted to have an internal/external segment to the animation. I want to push her coloring a bit more with gradients/lighting~ The first animation I made with her, I dialed back some of the gradients because I didn't have a great way to carry the details over consistently per frame. I feel like I'll figure it out a way soon. Since that animation is done, I can go back and tinker with it later. This project only has one drawing of her, so I can try and match what was in my mind better. I'll be continuing work on these over the weekend.



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