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Hey everyone! I've been a tad held up, my computer fan died and I was afraid to turn it back on until I had gotten the fan replaced. I managed to get it fixed up the other day and I've been trying to catch up on my work since then! 

Yoruichi is complete! Due to the dimensions of the project I had to save it as a MP4 file, GIF saves were a bit wild. big in size with distorted quality. Check the finished animation out here ~ Tier 1 release  (Tier 5 and up reward packs will be sent out tomorrow, waiting on the files to finish uploading.)

I also have sketches of TronBonne and Primarina (there's a lickitung in the back) These are still changing and might end up a bit different in color.

I'm going to be grinding on these current patreon projects the next few days before I can get to some of my commissions/other work. I hope everyone is staying safe out there! I'll have more to share tomorrow.



Zorky (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 14:42:55 I can't wait for the primarina <3 Take care!!
2023-01-20 05:11:05 I can't wait for the primarina <3 Take care!!

I can't wait for the primarina <3 Take care!!