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About my Character Request Pinup Set I'm doing this month ~ I am scheduling a post for this Tuesday the 26th, at 4PM Eastern Standard time.

What it is:

I am offering up spots to request a character to be drawn in a lewd pinup style. I will do sketches based off the first 8 listed characters and then I'll put a poll up to decide which ones get color treatment. I was going to decide myself but why not do a poll instead.

Rules for participating:

You can name any anime, furry, game or original character (as long as it belongs to you.) Characters have to be age appropriate, and you can only name one character. 

How to participate:

On Tuesday, the 26th, when my post goes up after 4pm, leave a comment with the character you want drawn. I will draw the first 8 characters named ~ So the spots go to whoever comments first.

I will post a sample of the level of finish I'll be giving the sketches/color work tomorrow!

If anyone has any questions let me know and I'll try my best to answer them.



Ok, maybe I will ask something too obvious coming from me, but I need to know: Can I suggest your OC Meryl? If not, I understand :)


Ooof, I won't be able to participate, then, that's literally 6am for me.


If an OC gets suggested, should they provide a ref link in the post or will you collect that once the dust settles?


I'd love me some Gadget. As long as there is no reference to the awful movie.


If reference isn't shared in the comments for OCs, I was just planning to inquire through private message. I wasn't sure if links could be posted in comments or not.


Gadget Hackwrench or Inspector gadget? they both had awful movies.. lol =p


Hackwrench, i need as much good art of that mousette as possible to try to forget the abomination Disney made, the inspector Gadget movie was bad but at least not outright insulting like the CDRR one


So you just give the name of the oc along with it's base off or just only the name?


If it's your OC, just give me their name and I'll send a private message asking for reference art~