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Happy Monday night/Tuesday Morning All

I finally got the Able Jiggles animation and the Charizard bonus loops added to the reward link txt file! Please check the post put up on May 28th. Can I pin posts on here? I need to figure that out.. Might make this process a less confusing lol. 

Some brief notes: I did use a frame blending effect on the Able Jiggles Mp4 loops. I wanted to include some 'covered' alternates ~ where you couldn't see the anuz peeking out, but I scrapped it due time.  For the Charizard animation, I saw a few minutes ago that I missed some highlights on the tail/blush on her cheek.. I might fix this later on but I think it needs to exist outside for a while. 

I hope everyone is holding up well! I tried not to over-work during the weekend. I can't seem to take a break without feeling guilty lol.




God, this is amazing, all that booty jiggling, that chubby Charizard, you're amazing m8 Also, don't feel guilty about taking breaks, hard working deserve a good rest.