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Animation Preview (Colors/Shadows) (WIP ~ Still needs a lot of refining/reworks)

This animation has three characters in it, my OC Meryl with Minerva and Lola (who I've got in a familiar position).  The character in the middle is smooshing the bewbs together which causes some spurts. 

 I had started this a while back with all original characters but didn't like how it was progressing, so I swapped two of them out. Is it frowned upon to put your OC's with other well known characters? I still have to do the highlights and refine/tweak movement. I did two Milk animation passes overtop of the base loop. One with thinner spurts and another with a thicker stream. I am leaning towards only using the thicker stream since it's easier to see when watching the full animation.  

Milk Animation 1 

Milk Animation 2 

I think I might be able to use both in the final product. I'll have to tinker with it some more. The boobs that lola is grabbing, will also have some spurts coming out of them. I just haven't started on that portion yet.




Milky boobs!~ hot af!