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Color animation link here ~ Went through this and made a lot of edits over the linework/colorflats. I tweaked the eyes, reworked the cheeks/nose and adjusted her head size. After looking at more character reference I felt I made her noggin too small. I also quickly added some milk in this one, might need some shadow colors though. I'd like to do more to her outfit (armor? details) and probably add a better background.

Edit: I had made color tweaks before posting the GIF version but when I saved the file, it looked grainy or lossy. Seemed to be the subtle shifts/gradients of color wasn't being processed well. So here is a better quality MP4 version (click here). I also edited the post so it's public now. Might help encourage new comers~




MIIIIIIIILLLKK!! Milk (^.^) But great work tho!


Could there be alt with Fox McCloud instead a human?