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Bulma Animation 5  

This post is for last animation loop and climax portion of the project. I am looking forward to doing the next set of animations from the Bulma Dream project. Which will be her while she is on Namek ~ I know I will be doing some heavy revisions on a few of the original animations and plan to add a few more new loops of her from that period in the show.

Hope you enjoy the artwork this month! Next month I will be doing individual animations themed around the holiday season.  One project could be similar to this ~ Futa Melony/Arcanine   not sure just yet though lol.




You always churn out such amazing work, and have some great dynamic poses. Bulma Animation 5 is to die for. Another favorite of mine is the Miltank & Machamp animation.


Still no chance of actually getting in touch over any archived content, huh?


I have the same doubt. If in the future it would exist a way that we can have access to the content that was sent years ago.