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Early Release MP4 | Character Sheet drawing 

Note: Reward packs will be coming out a little late tonight. I meant to have them out earlier in the week but things got derailed pretty hard so I'm behind a bit still. Thank you for your patience! I'm working through this as quickly as I can.

When I started working on this animation I was wanting to do something a little funny with a lot of movement to it. I had a general idea and a loose sketch of a run cycle I had worked on previously. I was most excited to do the running animation because it's not something I normally work on.

I have the animation at a level of finish I am happy with ~ I'll also be adding some character design work for the flasher. The running portion has about 26 frames of animation and the rest of the project has around 41 frames. I added some additional effects through Afterfx after completing the animation work. As always thank you for the support!




The expressions are hilarious and the flasher is very sexy!