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Early Preview : GIF Link fixed*

Happy New Years Eve! (about to be new years) - I wanna thank everyone who supported me throughout this crazy year. It's been rough on pretty much everyone and I really appreciate all the support and care I've received. I'm also sorry for falling behind on projects or uploading at a slower pace. Navigating life isn't always easy and there have been a lot of ups and down. I'm not feeling as down this month and I'm hoping to ride this into the new year. Stay safe out there!

Project Details:

This project is an animation of Widow 'taunting' with an ass slap. Gotta love the bootyclap ~ The early preview link is my third rough pass at the animation. I haven't fully captured the movement yet I feel. So this won't be the final jiggle. This animation currently has 12 frames and will be fully colored. I am not sure yet if I'll include an alternate version, 12 frame loops are usually quite a bit of work. I do plan to put a happy new years message in the piece somewhere. Thought about the butt cheeks but that would be challenging to warp the text. I'll probably take an easier route on that one.

Bless and thank you for the support!



N1ght Fre4k

Happy new year mate, hope to see you more in the new year 💪🏻


Uuuh... I can't see the gif...


Awesomely fluid! Can't wait to see it finished. I think the cheek may need to carry some momentum into its twin for the slap to feel properly forceful

GottaFist ThemAll

Please help us get Orange-peel's attention by sending DMs and posting comments to address the complaints about his sudden absence for many months and start responding back to his commissioners.


? He posts every month at the end of the month like always

GottaFist ThemAll

Orange-peel has neglected to stay in touch with his clients outside of patreon. Many people, including myself, are upset with his sudden disappearance for several months. I'm trying to rally enough users to get his attention about this issue he's causing. Please help us by commenting in the community and/or a DM him.