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Hey everyone ~ 

So things are pretty crazy everywhere lately. Since the Quarantine started in my state, some of my family has tested positive for Covid-19 and I've been feeling pretty sick on and off myself. My symptoms didn't exactly line up with the coronavirus but still I've been trying to take extra care of myself. Resting way more than usual and trying to stay hydrated. As well as keep away from people so I don't give them whatever it is that I have. I also have a lot of friends who lost their jobs and are in a bad way due to all of this. I just wanted to let you all know how thankful I am to have your continued support and help through these rough times. I know it's not easy for everyone and every tiny bit of support I receive I am thankful for. 

For the set of projects due at the end of April (not march), I will be taking suggestions on which characters to illustration/animate next. So throw in some suggestions below! I will read them over tomorrow and see if we have enough good ones to choose from. Try and limit your suggestions to one or two characters please! 

The projects I am posting up today will be the next colored loop in the Tifa animation. Kiyone/Mihoshi illustrations and an animation rough. Then a small animation, which is part of a bigger project with original characters that I have been waiting to get started on. It'll still be a while before I feel I have enough time to tackle the whole thing. I am happy to do little bits here and there for now though. I'm always playing catch up. *dizzy*

Also since I've been sick I haven't read any of my messages or emails that were sent recently ~ I am gonna dive into that and write everyone back in a day or two! Thanks for your patience. Stay safe and healthy out there!





Oh damn, I hope you stay safe. The same goes to your family. I hope they get better

Licorice Lain

More Coco would be nice.


Hope you stay safe Orange! Sad to hear about your family...


And for Suggestions I would suggest: Some Juno from Beastars getting fucked or by herself any of the two would be good.


Hope you feel better soon and stay safe.


I'd be interested to see if you can come up with something for this character: Reisalin Stout


I'd love to see a Primarina. Mermaid tid is good. No worries if there's any slowdowns, stay safe out there


Damn Peel, I hope you get better soon, also your family too. Seriously, take good care of yourself man, and that this improves as soon as possible.


And as a suggestion, you already know me: Meryl, I would like to see more of your work of her.


would be neat to see some of the AC chars now that the new game is out, like ankha, isabelle or audie.


Sonia from pokemon swsh. Stay safe and good luck to you and your loved ones. And everyone in chat :)


I would love to see more of the Tenchi Muyo girls train continuing! Ryoko and Ayeka having an exchange of teasing each other with naughty flashes, perhaps, or just giving in and making out?


more delphox, also get well soon


Do something with this fat tiddies duo pls : https://files.catbox.moe/oft96n.jpg