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So I've been toying around with different design ideas for new characters. I came across an old sketch of this character (I made them around the same time as Meryl, you might be able to notice the similarities lol) Decided to do some touch ups and changes. I have an early version of the character reference worked out in a link below!

Character Sheet Link Here 

Character name: Fey | Age: 26 | Date of Birth: July 10th

This project will include 4 color illustrations and a fully colored reference sheet with more character information included. Two of the illustrations will have alternate 'wet' versions. The reward pack is expected to be available after the 4th of November.




Peel, first Meryl and now this beauty... I love you man, I love you.


She's cute! Very expressive, great proportions top to bottom


And now we wait for animations of her getting boned. 😂


Cute character. Always love your expressions and those extra portraits really sell it.