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Hey all! 

After my coffee incident, I did end up having to get my keyboard replaced on my laptop. It took a chunk of my work time but it was free so I just had to wait. I was just glad my harddrive wasn't splashed. No more coffee on my desk lol. I have been trying to get projects ready for posting today so I've been a little slow at responding to emails. I will be focusing my attention on sending out commission updates on the 1st and 2nd of Feb~

Also, in an hour or so I'll be putting up new project posts, each with finished content to share!

Everyone stay warm out there and as always I truly appreciate those who are pledged to my patreon currently and those who have pledged in the past! The support is keeping me going and I can't thank you all enough.


Master Sora

ok, awesome glad your pc is ok :-)