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I wrote up a long message going over a few things, if you don’t wanna read it ~ there are links to projects/artwork in the lower end of the post. I will be posting paid projects later in the evening. I've just been so slammed I didn't have time to do my usual prep work. So I'm getting sample images ready to go with the posts. My head in a positive place, I’m just always pressed for time. So to answer a few frequently asked questions:

Why am I slow at responding?

This fluctuates for me but recently the reason has been stress and time. Not feeling like I have enough time to get things done and then wanting to spend every second drawing. Managing conversations and contacts is very important and I’ve been slacking off in that department.

Why am I behind in some projects?

There are many factors that play into how I can fall behind in projects or at times take a long while to send out commission updates. 

Refunds ~ Since I don’t usually have an excess of money, when a refund comes up I usually have to replace one client with a new one. Basically putting in the same amount for something else. Which doesn’t clear work from my schedule.

Project Juggling ~ If I am working on one animation and one illustration, I can easily manage that within a reasonable turn around time. I’ve had more than 7 clients requesting updates all around the same time for their commissions. I feel obligated to update them all ~ It just turns out that juggling so many different projects, each with their own particular hardships is a lot for an individual to work through in a short period of time. On top of my Patreon projects and my personal life, it boils down to not having enough time and overdoing it.

Exhaustion/Fatigue ~ Pretty self explanatory, when you work all the time you will have days where you just feel like you can’t draw anything or your arm is goo or too sore. If you’re an artists, it’s important to drink lots of water, get lots of rest and take breaks during work sessions. Dealing with burnout is also not fun. 

What am I doing to work through these issues?

To address my backlog of Patreon projects ~ I’ll be trying more manageable current releases, to allow myself breathing room to catch up on other projects. Each week I want to try and complete a backed up project. Some are much closer to being done than others. Once a backed up project is completed I’ll share a downloadable link for all current patrons to access it.

For example the Medicham project will be released to all current patrons this week (as well as past patrons who supported the project). This package will include progress and high quality versions of the animation. 

LINK HERE - Medicham Project  

To address my backlog of commissions ~ I really feel like I need to pick the projects that are closest to being done and then just work on knocking them out. Then selecting the next closest to work on consistently until they’re completed. I also won’t be accepting any new animation commissions until my backlog is cleared out. I just don’t feel like I’m moving much right now, jumping back and forth the way I am.

To address refunds ~ Since my Patreon keeps me afloat for the month, the best option I can think of is to host sketch streams to pay down refunds.  I don’t think taking a replacement commission is a good way to handle it. Sketch streaming seems much more reasonable and time efficient in comparison. 

Right now I’ve packaged up Bowsette/Boosette project and the PKM sketch pack. One of the video process files is over 600mb in size and took some time to render and upload. The Mabel, Sable and Labelle project needs a few more days unfortunately. 

I am still drafting response emails and messages. Going to write back to as many people as I can over the next few days. I love my work and I am grateful Patreon has allowed me to connect with so many people who are willing to support artists. It’s a cruel dark world out there lol. Thank you ~

Minerva Mini Flash (SWF)


D . Va Shower Mini Flash  (SWF) 


PKM Sketch Pack  (Zip)


Bowsette/Boosette Page (GIF)


Novembers backlogged releases will include:

How2TrainYourDrgn 2, Assorted GIF pack, Ball Play (OC) and The Piggy animation. Each of those projects are very close to completion. The following month I will add more projects to be released.



Nice job with everything. You're my favorite artist for this reason ;)

Sleepnir (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-31 06:59:04 You are totally fine imo, and I still hope you only find more and more support! Definitely keep producing at a pace that is healthy for you, don't burn out, physically or mentally <3
2018-11-01 00:04:10 You are totally fine imo, and I still hope you only find more and more support! Definitely keep producing at a pace that is healthy for you, don't burn out, physically or mentally <3

You are totally fine imo, and I still hope you only find more and more support! Definitely keep producing at a pace that is healthy for you, don't burn out, physically or mentally <3