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Early Release: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/dy8vmls6gtstzff/Minerva_mini.swf?dl=0 (no sound, play in browser or in Flash Player)

Content:Non-color animations set up in a click-through interface in FLASH. Minerva and Wilford

This project has 5 animations ~ Two are simpler loops and three are more flushed out. I want to add a sixth loop before the final release. I prepped this before I was 100% on everything, so things might look rough still. I really just wanted to make sure I had some content available immediately for viewing ~ I know I've been keeping lots of you waiting. The full release will include alts for the three main animation options. "cum covered" alternates.


Master Sora

nice, do you have time to chat on discord


i'm having trouble accessing the file for some reason. Does it not work in chrome?


For those having trouble with the link, try copy/pasting it. That worked for me.