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As you may have noticed I tried to push away from doing a porkymon only month ~ I decided to do Alex Velasquez's bandicoot idea (thank you!) from the suggestion post with some random ones I pulled out of a hat. I did do one porkymon that wasn't suggested. Ho-Oh, mostly because they kinda look similar to a turkey, being a bird and all lol (shout out to Commissar Spuds!). They also seem to be lurking around on Porkymon Go now. 

The illustrations are all completed and each one has an alternate wet/nude version as well as a futa version (cause why not have more options!) These were done in a very high resolution for those that get the reward pack. Sketch previews are below ~


(I think I'll add a GIF of this one animated roughly, jiggle jiggle, ya know what I'm sayin?)




I want to thank everyone who left a comment in the suggestion thread. I am doing a Hex Maniac piece and some Marceline work to add to the Halloween reward packs from last month that got delayed. I was waiting until I had that big flash files kinks worked out but since the flash file was really just a bonus element.. I'll be sending out the reward packs for the animations and illustrations very soon. Thanks Bobo for the Hex idea ~ I may revisit it as an animation project at a later time. I'll also be pulling more ideas from the suggestion posts as time goes on.

I do apologize that some projects and commissions have been moving a little slower than others. I have been prioritizing these newer patreon projects because the money goes straight into my bills, rent and food for the following month. I have little left over to play with but it means the world that you all support me so much and I appreciate every single one of you. I haven't forgotten anything and will continue to play catch up! I'll be getting back to everyone who contacted me through private message very shortly~ I hope you all had a wonderful month. 

When I get my Picarto.tv Premium account back we can do more private streaming. <3



That's cool you tried to accommodate most people's ideas. Tawna &amp; Ho-oh ones looking particularly great from here. Did any of these latest post get sent already or still WIPs?


On a separate note: Just to let you know i'm abandoning supporting peeps via patreon for the foreseeable future. I just received an email from them saying there'll be an extra 'service fee'. This is something they keep doing btw (first with tax, then a processing fee, now this) and i'm not dumb enough to buy their reasoning for doing so. The pledge amount is becoming quite deceptive. This news sucks for creators too i'm sure. If possible i'd rather support you directly (via paypal or somthin) for project, but i understand that might make things more complicated/annoying for you though. Let me know what you think. Fuck patreon.


It is doubly awful for Orange, too, since their new fee applies to every post for per-post creators. It's a garbage money grab by Patreon and I refuse to support it. Hopefully the backlash they're getting is enough to make them rethink their choice.


yh, their "it's for the creators sake" reasoning is such obvious bullshit. Quite patreonizing, huh?


..and it looks like Orange could be missing on here until the New Year.


They were sent out today ~ A bit too late for my tastes. I'm working on my timing and getting things released on time in the future.


Wow, that Lola picture is freakin' fantastic. Fingers crossed it may some day get colored and/or animated (slim odds, I know, but still!)


The lola pic was colored =] I'll be posting them on my patreon page publicly tomorrow.