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So for one of my next animation projects I took two ideas that were suggested earlier (from N1ght Fre4k and PogForeva) and mixed them together to get this :
Ankha gloryhole/assjiggling animation
Preview Animation Part A
Preview Animation Part B

Part A of the animation will be the base movement. I left the dongs mostly empty right now, I wanted some size differences in each of them. The background idea is the male characters are inside mummy caskets, you can see a sketch of the idea here.

Part B will be during the climax of the animation, with all three going at once or soon after each other. I still need to add a few transitional frames to connect both of these animations together.

I am definitely going to refine these more ~ However I'm not sure if I should jump into coloring them after that or rough out some different AC characters in a similar setup...

Let me know what you all think. I do have more stuff cooking from the last suggestion batch but they are like the framing of ideas (rough drawings of keyframes/scenes)




If you do them mummified, having diff girls kinda loses the mystique.


If I did up a different gal, I'd definitely have the setting/background be different to fit the character change. Similar posing/action though ~


The idea's really good. Def worth doing!