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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"When you use hacks, how does it feel?" Sakura and the others fixated their gaze on Naruto once he returned to the viewing platform.

"What do you mean by 'hacks'?" Naruto awkwardly chuckled. "There's no way I could use hacks; Uzumaki Naruto would never resort to that in his entire life!"

"When chakras with similar attributes meet and are used together to create the Rasengan, a resonance occurs, resulting in the most powerful Rasengan, known as the Taichi Rasengan..." Sakura couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Don't tell me you managed to perform the Taichi Rasengan by yourself!"

"Nahahaha..." Naruto laughed nervously. "This was my first time using this move; I don't think I fully unleashed its true power yet."

"The complete Taichi Rasengan is a super S-rank ninjutsu. However, because Minato-sama is currently in a spiritual form, he could only infuse a small portion of his chakra into your own, rather than creating and merging two Rasengans. While this can still be called Taichi Rasengan, it's not in its full state."

Minato Namikaze remained in his spiritual form; he had only added his chakra to Naruto's Rasengan, greatly enhancing its power. However, it wasn't the true Taichi Rasengan. Even with Gangshi's body and the Steel Release bonus, it wouldn't withstand the attack of a super S-rank ninjutsu.

"When my dad is resurrected, we can truly unleash this move!" Naruto was looking forward to that moment and wondered how it would unfold.

"At that time, we can have Kushina Uzumaki Auntie join in using the Rasengan. The fusion of all three will produce the true Taichi Rasengan, and its power should become even greater..." Sakura supported her chin with her hand. "But I think when you and Minato-sama use the Rasengan together and fuse it, we should give it a different name. How about calling it a ninjutsu—Dad's Gifted Rasengan, what do you think?"

"Not a fan!" Kakashi, unable to bear Sakura's talent for coming up with names just like their Sensei, interrupted her. "You better focus on the match; the way Windstorm is staring, it's like he's about to distort space!"

"Huh?!" Sakura turned to look, and indeed, the electronic screen displayed her and Mist Village's Kira's names. Gekko Hayate, who was now standing with the entire Kira team on the arena, stared expressionlessly in her direction. His gaze resembled the legendary Secretary Dakang's deathly stare.

"Cough, sorry, Wind Examiner. Something came up earlier..." Sakura jumped into the arena, apologizing to Gekko Hayate and placing the blame squarely on Kakashi. "You know Kakashi-sensei, he loves being late. He held me up with his lengthy talk; otherwise, I would have come down earlier!"

Thinking about Kakashi's reputation as the King of Lateness, Gekko Hayate almost believed Sakura without much thought. That was good; he noted down this grudge while supervising the match. It was unexpected that Sakura would be a hindrance during his watch.

Kakashi, bewildered by the sudden glare he received from Gekko Hayate, had a series of black lines running down his forehead. He knew his students were unreliable, and he ended up taking the blame even when he was their Sensei.

"Both sides, prepare. The match begins..."

Switching to revenge mode internally, Gekko Hayate made a mental note to repay Kakashi for this later. But on the surface, he showed no other emotion. He simply announced the start of the match and moved towards the arena's exit, contemplating how to "repay" Kakashi for his "kindness."

"Why do I feel like someone is planning to backstab me?" Kakashi, engrossed in his book, suddenly sensed a chill down his spine, as if someone was about to ambush him. He became alert.

"Mist Village Genin Kira..."

Kira appeared to be a very handsome young man, yes, exceptionally handsome. When Sakura first saw him, she couldn't help but think of the phrase "uke" (a term referring to a submissive male in Yaoi manga).

"Konoha Genin Sakura Haruno..."

Seeing Sakura blush when she fixed her gaze on him, Sakura quickly refocused, forming hand seals for combat.

"Be cautious; I'm coming..."

After Kira's warning, he unsheathed his dagger and attacked Sakura.

"You're attacking right away? That's troublesome..." Sakura sighed as she blocked Kira's attack with her bandaged right hand, which concealed her wound. Upon contact, she felt a sharp pain as the force from Kira's weapon transferred to her body, causing her wound to throb.

"You must be injured," Kira noticed Sakura's trembling right hand and suggested, "Maybe you shouldn't continue the match. Your injury might worsen, and it'll be more trouble later."

"It's alright; this injury is nothing to me!" Sakura smiled nonchalantly and stepped back, sheathing her dagger. "I had originally planned to test my sword skills against you, but it seems that won't be possible now."

"Without sword skills, are you planning to use ninjutsu against me?" Kira didn't pursue the attack and instead stood still, tilting his head curiously.

"That's right, although my ninjutsu isn't as strong as my sword skills, it's still quite impressive!" Sakura confidently stated, her lie well-hidden.

"Since the best sword skills are off the table, I'll have to deal with you using ninjutsu!"

"Another innocent youth about to be fooled!" Kakashi sighed, his sympathy evident as he watched Kira. It was clear to him that Sakura's confident lies were impossible to detect.

"So many years have passed, and you still haven't learned?" Sasuke smirked mockingly. "Kakashi, haven't you figured it out? She's nothing but a demon, a demon specialized in harming others' hearts!"

"Poor you!" Kakashi sympathetically patted Sasuke's shoulder. He had been deceived so many times, but he had a resilient spirit.

"Heh, I'll get used to it..." Sasuke reminisced about his past experiences of being deceived and sighed with melancholy. He blamed his youthful naivety for always falling for the demon's lies.

As for the discussions above, the two participants below were unaware of them. Seeing Sakura's serious demeanor, Kira began to hesitate.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 247: Submerged in Water, Clueless [Part Two] 


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