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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


Gangshi rose from the pit, rubbing his abdomen and sporting a smirk on his face. Naruto, due to his extensive physical training over the years, possessed great strength. However, the kicks he delivered to Gangshi's body had little effect, causing, at most, a slight discomfort.

"As I expected..."

However, Naruto's eyes lit up, confirming his internal suspicions. "It truly is the Steel Release Kekkei Genkai!"

In reality, Naruto had never intended to harm Gangshi with this move. His only aim was to test whether Gangshi indeed possessed the Steel Release, and now the evidence was clear; his speculations had been accurate.

"Little brat, since you can't harm me, just accept your fate..."

Gangshi withdrew a kunai and charged toward Naruto.


Two kunai collided and rapidly separated, then collided again in the next instant. In a matter of seconds, their kunai clashed more than ten times, creating a constant ringing sound.

After another kunai clash, Naruto suddenly launched a punch at Gangshi, which Gangshi blocked with his hand. However, Naruto had a sly smile on his face.

"Using my hand..."

Swiftly forming several hand seals with Gangshi's hand, Naruto took a deep breath and then exhaled forcefully. "Wind Release—Pressure Assault!"

A chakra-infused wind sphere collided with Gangshi. In that moment, Gangshi's skin suddenly turned as dark as black steel.


Struck at close range by the Wind Release attack, Gangshi was sent flying and crashed heavily onto the ground. However, Naruto keenly noticed that his opponent had not sustained any injuries.

"When did Naruto learn this move?" Kakashi asked in surprise. Sasuke was known for borrowing his opponent's hand seals during battles, but Naruto learning such a move was unexpected.

"It's all thanks to Sasuke!" Sakura glanced at Sasuke and said, "Naruto and Sasuke have been sparring with Tenten for a while now, and under Sasuke's influence, Naruto picked up this technique."

"However, this move is quite effective for surprise attacks in battle," Kakashi nodded. He was aware of the dynamics between Naruto and Sasuke. While they appeared normal most of the time, they became highly competitive during fights. Over time, they had become familiar with each other's techniques.

"All the talented Uchiha can borrow hand seals, including your wife, Obito Uchiha," Sakura teased Kakashi.

"Can you please stop spreading those strange ideas? Obito Uchiha and I are just good friends!" Kakashi's forehead veins popped as he tried to maintain his composure.

"Yeah, I understand..." Sakura gave Kakashi an understanding look, her smile slightly mischievous.

"Don't make that expression!" Kakashi's mouth twitched. Sakura's behavior was making it easy for others to misunderstand.

"Alright, alright, I got it..." Sakura replied nonchalantly.

Kakashi took a deep breath and decided not to argue with the cheeky young ninja. He wanted to live a few more years and didn't want to get stressed out too early.

"Using my hand to form hand seals truly took you by surprise!" Gangshi brushed off the dust from his clothes, his blackened skin fading away, and a sinister expression on his face.

"You have more surprises in store!" Naruto held a kunai in his left hand while gathering chakra in his right palm.

"You're the Steel Release Kekkei Genkai user, your physical defense is incredible!" Naruto remarked.

"Oh? You figured that out?" Gangshi didn't deny it. Although Steel Release wasn't widespread, it wasn't weak either. Like him, Steel Release users weren't to be underestimated. While his Steel Release hadn't reached its peak, it already provided near-immunity to most attacks. Standard ninjutsu and taijutsu couldn't harm him, though Genjutsu was still a significant weakness, as Steel Release primarily enhanced physical defense and not mental defenses.

"Having a Kekkei Genkai that can make your body as resilient as steel is indeed powerful!" Naruto nodded. Steel Release was challenging to deal with, and its users were like invincible cockroaches. However, it wasn't an infallible Kekkei Genkai.

"That's true, Steel Release isn't invincible, but do you think you have what it takes to break it?" Gangshi asked confidently. Many people could break Steel Release, but they were typically formidable opponents. As a Genin, Gangshi didn't believe Naruto could penetrate his defenses.

"You won't know unless you try," Naruto replied. Chakra gathered into a pale blue sphere in his right palm, swirling continuously and creating subtle air currents.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?" Gangshi frowned, sensing danger from the chakra sphere. It felt as if this sphere posed a threat to him.

"It's a ninjutsu born from bonds," Naruto said with a smirk. Minato Namikaze had told him about the origin of the Rasengan, which was developed after seeing the Tailed Beast Ball. It was a ninjutsu intended for use with the Flying Raijin, a technique Minato had planned to teach Naruto. Unfortunately, the Nine-Tailed Fox Incident had left those plans unfulfilled. Nevertheless, Naruto had eventually learned the Rasengan, a technique his father had specially prepared for him.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 245: The Ever-Spinning Rasengan [Part Seven] 


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