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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"According to my investigation, you've been known as the Demon Fox in Konohagakure since you were a child, and almost everyone despises you. But you seem to have never felt sad about it. Why is that?" Gangshi asked, his eyes revealing a hidden resentment.

"Because I have friends by my side!" Naruto replied with a smile. "It's true that many people in Konohagakure dislike me, but there are also many who are kind to me. Why should I be sad all the time because of a group of people who hate me?"

"Is that the only reason?" Gangshi didn't quite believe Naruto's words.

"When I was younger, I was indeed very sad and lonely. I didn't understand why everyone rejected me and even called me the Demon Fox..." Naruto remembered those days, and for the first time, he felt that time had passed quickly. The days of being rejected and hated by everyone in Konoha had long since gone.

"Later, I met Sakura and others. Sakura told me something. She said I am Uzumaki Naruto, not some Demon Fox. That was the first time someone said that to me. Afterward, Sakura and I became good friends, and I gradually made more friends. It was then that I realized that in this world, apart from those who hate me, there are also many people who care about me. It's not worth being sad for a group of people who don't care about me!"

What was he like back then? Rejected by everyone in Konoha, he had once shown signs of darkness. Anger, resentment, sadness—Naruto had become a vessel for all these negative emotions for a long time. Until one day, when he was so hungry that he went to catch fish, only to be almost drowned by the fish.

But he didn't die. Instead, someone saved him, and that was the first time he felt warmth. There were no scoldings, no whispers behind his back, no hatred. It was from that moment that the lonely days he used to know began to disappear. He had more and more friends, more and more people who cared about him. Looking back now, if it weren't for Sakura, he might have either died in the river or become someone who resented the world.

"Do you know? I actually really hate people like you!" Gangshi clenched his fists, his eyes filled with envy. "Why can you smile so happily? Why can people still care about you even when you're called the Demon Fox? Why can you live so comfortably?"


With Gangshi's hoarse roar, a heavy punch was fiercely aimed at Naruto.

"Why does everyone have to hate me? I only turned into this because I wanted to save someone. Why do they still hate me? Even those I protected look at me with disgust?"

A sinister smile appeared on Gangshi's face, and his eyes were full of malice towards Naruto. "To be hated by so many people and still be able to smile so happily. You, an extremely foolish little brat, don't deserve to live in this world!"

"I don't know what you've been through, but for me, the attitude of strangers has never been important. My life has never existed for them..." Naruto's eyes flashed with anger. Using his danger-sensing ability, he continuously evaded Gangshi's attacks. "I only know that there are many people who care about me in this world, many comrades who need my protection. Being sad for a group of people who don't care about me is not worth it!"

"Comrades? What a laughable term!" Gangshi continued to attack and sneered, "Those strange people around you are your comrades, right? It's a pity that I haven't had a chance to meet them. Otherwise, I really want to kill them. Will you still be able to smile then when they die in agony?"


Naruto's expression darkened instantly. He extended his arms to block Gangshi's attack and looked at him with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

"You want to harm my comrades?"

"Oh? Are you angry now?" Gangshi's mouth curled into a mocking smile. "Do you really want to protect your comrades? Then pray that they don't cross paths with me. Otherwise, they will lose their lives, especially those girls. Making them die in pain will be a wonderful experience, won't it?"


Naruto's face instantly turned gloomy. He pulled out two kunai and charged at Gangshi. The smile disappeared from his face, leaving only endless coldness.

"A mentally troubled guy like you was actually sent to participate in the Chunin Exams. I really don't understand what Hidden Rock Village is thinking," Hinata said, tapping her fingers on the railing in front of her, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. She was already calculating how to get back at Hidden Rock Village.

"A poor soul who was alienated by his peers in the village. Hidden Rock Village probably doesn't care whether he lives or dies," Sakura replied with no particular expression. She just felt an itch in her palm and wanted to see a meteor shower in Hidden Rock Village.

"Although his past is somewhat pitiful, it seems that his soul has already been twisted by years of isolation," Ino said with some disdain. "This guy really fits the saying: 'The pitiable are often detestable.'"

"But Naruto seems to have finally made him angry. He brought this upon himself," Tenten said, having changed into a clean jacket. She watched Naruto fighting Gangshi below and couldn't help but smile. "Speaking of which, I've never seen Naruto angry before."

"That's because no one has really provoked him before," Sakura explained. "Naruto may have a good personality, but everyone has their limits. Naruto's limit is his comrades. Once someone truly angers Naruto, the consequences can be very serious."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 242: The Ever-Turning Rasengan [Part Four] 


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