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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Striking the enemy's shoulder is the result, throwing a kunai into the sky is the cause. In other words, as long as Tenten throws the kunai into the sky, it will eventually hit the enemy's shoulder, regardless of the influence of natural or non-natural factors. The outcome remains unchanged," Sakura explained.

Sakura pointed at Lee and continued, addressing Kakashi thoughtfully, "In simple terms, Tenten's causality allows her thrown weapons to have a 100% accuracy rate. Lee is the one who can testify to this!"

Kakashi, intrigued, asked, "So, Tenten's ability makes her projectiles hit their target 100% of the time? That's quite formidable. Why does Lee have the authority on this matter?"

"Lee used to pester Tenten incessantly about 'youth' and even wanted her to wear matching green tight-fitting suits with him. In response, Tenten got fed up and directly used her causality ability to set the result of a kunai hitting Lee's butt with the cause being her throwing the kunai. Then, Lee ran thirteen laps around Konoha but couldn't escape his fate of getting stabbed in the butt by the kunai," Sakura explained, recalling the day when Lee was chased by a kunai, circling Konoha thirteen times. Since that day, Lee never mentioned anything about wanting Tenten to wear a green tight-fitting suit.

"This ability is really terrifying," Kakashi remarked.

Kakashi couldn't help but imagine the relentless pursuit Tenten would become if she decided to target someone. Once Tenten set her sights on a target, escape would likely be impossible.

"Not entirely," Sakura said with a smile. "To break this ability is actually quite simple. Just destroy the intermediary object that connects causality, and the ability will naturally disappear. Tenten uses various thrown weapons to perform causality. So, if you destroy the thrown weapons attached with causality, the effect will disappear automatically. It's like what Itachi once said, every jutsu in the world has a weakness. Tenten's causality's weakness lies in the thrown weapons."

"Ah, I see now," Kakashi exclaimed, realizing that if Tenten's causality had no weakness, she would indeed be unbeatable. However, that was clearly not the case.

While Sakura played the role of a commentator, Retsu was seething with frustration.

"You didn't have to tell me all that! The battle isn't over yet, and we don't know who will win!" Retsu  protested.

"Are you daft?" Tenten quirked an eyebrow. "Who would reveal their abilities to their opponent?"

Retsu fell silent, realizing that he had asked a thoughtless question.

"But you're right; the battle isn't over. We still don't know who will win," Tenten added.

Tenten took out a Spirit Scroll and released a barrage of kunai and shuriken toward Retsu without explosive tags.

"Surprised I'm not using explosive tags, huh? They're expensive; I can't afford to use them throughout the whole fight!" Tenten remarked.

Retsu, who noticed that the thrown weapons from Tenten's Spirit Scroll didn't have explosive tags attached, breathed a sigh of relief. Clearly, Tenten's family must be relatively wealthy to afford so many explosive tags for a Genin.

However, even without explosive tags, Retsu didn't want to risk getting hit by these projectiles. His Kekkei Genkai was Bakuton, not Hagane, so he couldn't achieve a Diamond Body.

"No, Earth Release - Hardening Technique…"

Just as Retsu was about to dodge the projectiles and charge at Tenten, he suddenly felt an extreme sense of danger and promptly used the Hardening Technique to bolster his defense.


The kunai and shuriken that Retsu managed to dodge exploded not far from him. The powerful shockwave sent him flying like a ragdoll. If he hadn't used the Hardening Technique to toughen his skin, he would have suffered severe injuries.

"Why did they explode again? I thought there were no explosive tags!" Retsu questioned his sanity, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him.

"Amagiri Weapons Shop's custom-made explosive tags are different. They don't need to be attached to the kunai; they can be wrapped around the handle or coated on the surface of shuriken. We can make it nearly impossible for anyone to detect the explosive tags hidden on the weapons. It's cost-effective, and they're the only ones who offer this service," Tenten explained, showing a black-coated explosive tag on a kunai handle and shamelessly promoting her weapon shop.

"You're so cunning," Retsu muttered, feeling frustrated. Most people attached explosive tags to the back of kunai, making them easily detectable. Tenten's approach, on the other hand, concealed the tags, making it exceptionally tricky to notice them.

"You're too kind," Tenten replied with a smile, translating Retsu's words into praise, further infuriating him.

"All right, I'm going all out!" Retsu shouted as he got up from the ground and charged toward Tenten, disregarding everything else.

"Art..." Tenten sighed and took out two Spirit Scrolls, tossing them into the air. The scrolls unfolded, releasing numerous projectiles that rained down on the battlefield, covering everything outside the scrolls. "Spirit - Twin Soaring Dragons - Paida Xing Explosive Art..."

The projectiles rained down like a storm, and their continuous explosions engulfed the entire arena in fiery chaos.

"I can't believe it...," Gekko Hayate, Shiro, and Zabuza, who were standing at the entrance, turned and ran for their lives as the explosions threatened to consume them.

"I knew it; Tenten always ends up destroying the arena in every battle," Sakura muttered, her forehead covered in sweat. The intense explosions were on the verge of turning the arena into a flat plain. She focused on using Earth Release chakra to repair the damaged arena walls.

The other onlookers, too, were terrified. Such intense explosions had affected them all, and they scrambled to deploy their defenses.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 228: Art is Disaster [Four] 


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