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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"What are you guys doing? I'm not sick, I just need some water..."

Hozuki Kiyo endured the pain, rolled over, and tried to run. However, he didn't expect Haku to immediately stick a sealing charm on him and then Zabuza skillfully pulled out a rope and bound Hozuki Kiyo.

"Why are you trying to escape?" Zabuza's voice was filled with joy. "Now, your wounds will burst open, and you'll bleed even more!"

"Let me go! I don't want to go to the hospital with you. I can go on my own, no need for your help..."

Even though Hozuki Kiyo was tied up like a caterpillar, having witnessed the two unscrupulous doctors tormenting several seriously injured patients earlier, he still struggled to break free. However, the sealing charm had sealed all his chakra, leaving Hozuki Kiyo unable to escape the bondage of the rope.

"Too late..." Zabuza tossed him over his shoulder and walked away confidently. "You think you can resist after coming to Konoha's territory? You're quite optimistic!"

A group of Genin who had witnessed this second forced abduction by the unscrupulous Konoha doctors silently swore that they would rather die than go to Konoha's hospital.

"Please welcome Tenten from Konoha's Hidden Leaf Village and Retsu from Hidden Rock Village for their match..."

After hosting several matches, Gekko Hayate had lost most of his energy, with no real involvement in the competition.

"Is our opponent from Hidden Rock Village?" Tenten was somewhat surprised, but also curious. "I heard people from Hidden Rock Village are skilled in defense!"

"You... try to leave the arena in one piece," Sakura said, her mouth twitching. She had a feeling that after Tenten's match, the arena might be in shambles.

"It's fine; we can always fix it later..." Tenten patted her wallet casually. "Even if I have to pay for the damages, it won't be much. It's just an arena, and I can afford it."

"Alright, as long as you're happy!" Sakura didn't know how to advise her further; Tenten's abilities meant that any attempt to restrict her would likely be futile.

Retsu from Hidden Rock Village had an explosive hairstyle, resembling a bird's nest, and as soon as he entered the arena, he impatiently shouted at Gekko Hayate.

"Hey, Chief Examiner from Konoha, why did you set me up against a little girl?"

"The match-ups are randomly determined by the system, it's not up to me..." Gekko Hayate shifted the blame onto the electronic system, but everyone understood that, in reality, Konoha had the final say in who would be matched against whom.

"Ugh, such a hassle!" Retsu grumbled and then turned to Tenten, who had just jumped into the arena. "Hey, how about we discuss something? I see you've made it this far in the Chunin Exams; how about you just surrender? Otherwise, if we start fighting, I won't hold back..."

Retsu rubbed his chin and continued, "You're a cute girl, and I'd feel bad if I accidentally disfigured you."

"I don't need your pity!" Tenten replied calmly, activating her Byakugan. She couldn't believe that he dared to call her a little girl!

"Can't say I didn't warn you!" Retsu sighed and said, "Although you think you don't need my pity, I can't escape this mental hurdle myself. You're so cute, and if I end up injuring you accidentally, I'll feel terrible!"

"Thanks for the compliment!" Tenten chuckled. "But maybe you should worry about yourself more. Underestimating your opponent can be costly!"

"Fine, since you're not willing to surrender, I'll have to get serious. I hope you won't regret it later..."

Seeing that Tenten had no intention of surrendering, Retsu sighed in resignation. "I've encountered many girls like you—stubborn and thinking highly of themselves. But only when they get injured do they truly understand their limitations..."

"Hahaha..." As Retsu muttered to himself, Tenten suddenly burst into laughter. However, Retsu felt an inexplicable chill running down his spine.

"It's over; this poor guy..." Sakura, Hinata, and the others exchanged glances and silently offered a prayer for Retsu. Tenten hated being underestimated, and his actions had sealed his own fate.

"Chief Examiner, could you please stay away during our match? I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt you..." Tenten smiled sweetly, giving Gekko Hayate a friendly reminder. Once he had retreated to a safe distance in the corridor, Tenten dropped her smile and cast a menacing gaze at Retsu.

"Little girl, are you ready? I'm coming at you..."

With a friendly warning, Retsu threw two shuriken and then charged toward Tenten.


Tenten calmly pulled out two kunai with explosive tags attached and threw them at Retsu. The kunai accurately collided with the shuriken he had thrown, and just as Retsu was about to dodge, the kunai suddenly erupted in flames, causing a massive explosion.


The explosion enveloped the surrounding area, and Retsu's entire body was engulfed in flames.

"What kind of explosive tags are these? The explosion is too powerful!"

Retsu emerged from the ground, looking at his Earth Clone reduced to ashes, his face filled with astonishment. He hadn't been mistaken; each of the two kunai he threw only had one explosive tag attached, so how could they produce such a powerful explosion? Could it be that Konoha had developed new explosive tags?

"Can you guess?" Tenten casually tossed another kunai with an explosive tag attached.

"Oh no..."

Frightened, Retsu quickly jumped to the side. If he were hit by an explosive tag, he'd be severely injured even if he didn't die.


Tenten pursed her lips and calmly uttered the command. Instantly, flames erupted, and Retsu felt the tremendous force of the explosion once again.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 226: Art is Creating Big Explosions [Part Two] 


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