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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


In the arena of the Central Tower, a scene of flying dust unfolded. A stone giant over five meters tall engaged in a heated exchange of punches and kicks with an even taller behemoth. The two massive beings seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their brawl, but those spectating nearby were far from pleased.

Cough, cough, cough...

A series of coughs erupted from Gekko Hayate's mouth, making one wonder if, in the next moment, he might cough up his own lungs. Initially tucked away in a corner with fresh air and pleasant weather, Gekko Hayate found himself in discomfort. The colossal figures of the brawlers had wreaked havoc on the surroundings, with airborne dust reaching even his spot. Gekko Hayate, already prone to coughing, now felt even more miserable.

"Can you two quickly settle the outcome? If you continue like this, you'll demolish the entire arena!" Ino shouted from the stands, covering her nose and mouth, visibly irritated by the two fighters below.

"Kakashi-sensei, could you stop reading that damn little yellow book of yours?"

Spotting Kakashi leisurely engrossed in Icha Icha Paradise, Sakura felt the urge to smack him with a hammer. "Hurry and use Wind Release to help disperse this dust! Cough..."

"Well, I'm not particularly adept at Wind Release!" Kakashi chuckled awkwardly. Wind Release was his least mastered attribute, and he had rarely used it.

"Not being good at it doesn't excuse you. I'm not asking you to join the fight, just to blow away this dust! Cough..." Sakura's eyes exuded a murderous intent, as if saying, "Obey, or face the consequences."

"Fine!" Kakashi sheepishly smiled, carefully stowing away his precious Icha Icha Paradise. He then began using Wind Release to blow away the drifting dust.

"You two down there! If you dare to continue chattering nonsense, I swear I'll slap you both to death!"

As the dust continued to rise, even small stones began flying towards the stands. Sakura, enraged, drew her knife and slammed it into the railing in front of her. Her fierce aura forced the surrounding crowd to scatter.

"Uh, I concede..."

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, Ganjuu, who was already at a disadvantage, blinked. In the blink of an eye, the rock golem was smashed into a pile of rubble by Choji. Regaining his senses, Ganjuu looked up to see Sakura, now emitting black energy and brandishing a knife. He promptly chose to surrender, sensing that not doing so might lead to dire consequences.

"The winner is Choji Akimichi from Konoha Hidden Village..."

After Gekko Hayate announced the result, he rushed to the stands, covering his mouth to stifle a cough.

"Did I win?" Choji still seemed a bit bewildered. However, in the next moment, he felt the murderous gazes from Sakura and others. He shuddered and quickly shrank back to his normal size.

"Haku and Bandage, I remember inhaling dust isn't good for the lungs!" Sakura, with a dark expression, hinted towards Haku and Zabuza. "He from the Hidden Rock Village has inhaled so much dust. I suggest you take him back and give his lungs a good wash!"

"No problem!" Zabuza, grinding his teeth, replied. He and Haku were standing at the entrance, waiting to rescue people. However, a cloud of dust rushed out of the passage, nearly burying them. Zabuza harbored no goodwill towards the culprit responsible for this mess.

"Don't be so angry; we are medical personnel and should treat people gently."

Haku smiled gently, provided you ignored the battlefield of carnage behind her.

After the dust in the arena completely dispersed, Haku and Zabuza entered. Once inside, Zabuza, with a clear goal in mind, headed straight for Ganjuu, pulling out a thick hemp rope and swiftly tying him up.

"What are you doing? Let go of me! Why are you tying me up?!" Ganjuu struggled frantically, but in the presence of Zabuza, a Jōnin, his efforts were futile. In a matter of seconds, Zabuza had bound him up like a caterpillar.

"Look, inhaling excessive dust has already affected his mental state. Bandage, after washing his lungs later, send him to the psychiatric department. Also, notify the veteran expert Ibiki from the psychiatric department to come and help this child properly!"

Haku's eyes were filled with concern, like a good doctor worrying about a patient. However, the words she spoke caused Ganjuu to twist and struggle even more frantically.

"Let me go! I'm not mentally ill, I don't want to go to the hospital..." Ganjuu's face was full of terror. He didn't want to go to the psychiatric department; it was full of crazy people. Going there would surely drive him insane. Moreover, he had heard these two people mentioning Ibiki, wasn't he the chief examiner of their first exam? Rumor had it he was a violent maniac who enjoyed torture. Were these people intentionally plotting to kill him?

"Plug his mouth, so he doesn't bite anyone when his mental state becomes unstable!" Haku took out a wad of gauze and handed it to Zabuza. Her face still wore a smile, but in Ganjuu's eyes, it was a smile from hell.

"I don't want... mmm..."

Ganjuu had just opened his mouth to speak when Zabuza covered it. Apart from writhing on the ground, he made no other sound.

"Take him away..."

Haku waved her hand, and Zabuza sneered, grabbing the rope and tossing Ganjuu over his shoulder. Carrying him in a head-down position, Zabuza deliberately made some exaggerated movements as they walked. Before long, Ganjuu became dizzy and unresponsive.

"Release my student!"

The leading Jōnin from Ganjuu's team tried to intervene, but two ANBU jumped out and blocked him. Although their tone was calm, there was an undeniable air of authority.

"Please go back. Rest assured, our Konoha doctors won't harm him!"

Though the leading Jōnin wanted to pursue, he considered that they were currently on Konoha's territory, and Konoha shouldn't mistreat Ganjuu. With reluctance, he went back.

After the arena was cleared, the Third Hokage sent a group of Earth Release proficient ninjas to begin repairing the heavily damaged arena.

Meanwhile, Ganjuu, taken away by the two gentle medical professionals, had been drugged and dropped into the psychiatric department. The chief physician responsible for his treatment in the psychiatric department was none other than Ibiki, the interrogator in charge of Konoha. When Ganjuu opened his eyes, he saw a face covered in scars magnifying before him, surrounded by babbling and insane patients. Instantly terrified, his face turned pale, and he nearly fainted again.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 216: Neji's Forbidden Magic Domain [Part One] 


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