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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Are these two really competing, or are they getting engaged?" Sakura and her group watched the friendly and harmonious scene below, and Kiba's discomfort was palpable. The atmosphere had taken an unexpected turn.

"They've even started exchanging tokens of affection!" Ino commented, her mind briefly wandering to the unspoken connection between Choji and Ganjuu, shuddering at the thought of it. The image was too terrifying.

"However, the guy who looks so simple and honest is actually the student of the Third Tsuchikage?" Hinata's keen ears caught Ganjuu's words, and she found it somewhat unbelievable. Ganjuu didn't seem to have any outstanding qualities based on his appearance.

"Well, Third Tsuchikage Onoki doesn't look that impressive himself. It's normal for him to have an ordinary-looking student!" Sakura couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Third Tsuchikage's appearance. "But honestly, I've always had a deep suspicion. Is Third Tsuchikage's son really his own?"

"Why would you ask that?" Kakashi's mouth under his mask twitched slightly. If Third Tsuchikage heard this, he might get into a fight.

"I'm just curious. Look at Third Tsuchikage's height; without the Light-Weight Rock Technique, he's only as tall as our knees when he jumps to attack. But Third Tsuchikage's son, Kurotsuchi, is completely opposite in terms of height and physique. Besides their noses, I can't see any resemblance between them," Sakura earnestly explained. Third Tsuchikage Onoki was a short, elderly man, especially in terms of height, resembling a child. Kurotsuchi, on the other hand, was tall and muscular, the complete opposite of Onoki. If it weren't for their similar noses, no one would think they were father and son.

"Well, appearances can be deceiving," Kakashi said, though he had similar thoughts to Sakura's. However, he could only gossip in his mind. As a Konoha Jōnin, he had to find a way to steer Sakura's wild speculations back on track. Otherwise, if this mischievous child decided to bring this up in Hidden Rock Village, the Fourth Great Ninja War might start all over again.

"For example, look at Third Hokage and Asuma..." Kakashi mentally reviewed the people he knew and finally found his target. "They don't look like father and son either, but Asuma is definitely Third Hokage's son. So, you can't judge relationships just by appearances."

Asuma, who had been unexpectedly dragged into the conversation, looked innocent and wondered why he was being mentioned again.

"Kakashi-sensei, you don't need to be so nervous. I'm not stupid; I won't go to Hidden Rock Village and say this!" Sakura rolled her eyes. She knew what Kakashi was worried about, but she was not crazy enough to bring this up in Hidden Rock Village. The entire village might turn against her.

Meanwhile, Choji and Ganjuu had already accepted each other's gifts, which had improved their relationship.

"Well, let's start the competition first. Regardless of the outcome, I'll treat you to a big meal after the match, and I guarantee you'll fall in love with Konoha's cuisine!" Choji said, patting his chest. For him, the best way to make friends was through food.

"Sure, when you have time to visit Hidden Rock Village, I'll treat you to a feast as well!" Ganjuu agreed. The tension that usually accompanied a match had completely disappeared between them.

Friendship could be strange at times. Two people who had never met before could quickly become friends, while others who spent every day together might become bitter enemies.

"I'm going in..."

Finally, without forgetting that they were in a match, Choji and Ganjuu stepped back a bit. Ganjuu let out a loud roar and expelled a stone from his mouth. The stone rapidly expanded in the air and flew towards Choji. "Earth Release - Rock Iron Cannon..."

"Partial Multi-Size Technique - Hand..."

Facing the incoming rock, Choji calmly raised one hand, which quickly expanded. By the time the rock made contact with his hand, Choji's palm had swelled enough to easily hold it. The impact of the rock caused Choji's body to sway slightly, but he managed to catch it unharmed.

"You're really strong!" Ganjuu was surprised by Choji's strength. The Rock Iron Cannon's impact increased during flight, and Choji had effortlessly caught it. Among their peers, few could match his strength.

"It's not bad," Choji modestly scratched his head and smiled. His unique ability was well-suited for this kind of challenge. While the Rock Iron Cannon had considerable force, it still fell within his tolerance.

"In that case, I'll go all out!" Seeing Choji's skill, Ganjuu also became serious. He rapidly formed hand seals, and an earth dragon rose from the ground, roaring as it charged toward Choji. "Earth Release - Earth Stone Dragon..."

"Partial Multi-Size Technique - Hand..."

Choji watched the imposing stone dragon and didn't take it lightly. He enlarged both his hands quickly and then struck the stone dragon with a powerful blow.


The moment their fists met, Choji's expression changed. His body was sent flying backward, rolling on the ground several times before he finally stopped in a corner. Meanwhile, the Earth Stone Dragon began to crumble due to the counterforce until it turned into a pile of rocks.

"Be careful..."

Ganjuu called out a warning as he rushed to Choji's side. With a clenched fist, he threw a punch at Choji.

"You be careful too..." Choji replied as he also threw a punch, but the moment their fists made contact, Choji's face changed. His body was sent flying.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 214: The Battle Between Choji and the Stone Men Continues 


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