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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"As long as I avoid your shadow, there shouldn't be a problem!"

Temari, recalling the information about the Nara clan Baki had shared with her before entering the arena, couldn't help but smile. The Nara clan's shadow secret technique was indeed troublesome. Once controlled, it was hard to break free. However, this technique also had a significant weakness.

To control an enemy with the shadow secret technique, their shadows had to touch. Shikamaru Nara, being only a Genin, couldn't extend his shadow control too far, no matter how strong he was. By maintaining a safe distance and using Wind Release for attacks, Temari was confident of her victory.

Temari began to plan her next move, focusing intently on the shadows on the ground.

As she retreated to the edge of the arena, Shikamaru's shadow finally stopped, appearing to reach its limit. Temari's heart leaped with joy.

"Reached your limit? Then it's my turn to strike back..."

A smile spread across Temari's face as she opened her giant fan slightly. Wind Release chakra burst forth. "Wind Release—Wind Scythe..."

The strength of Wind Release lay in its powerful cutting force. The tempest formed by the Wind Scythe technique was especially potent, capable of slicing even rock in two.

"Secret Technique—Ghost Hand of the Shadow..."

Calm and composed, Shikamaru extended several sharp claws from his shadow, deflecting the Wind Scythe.

"Damn this shadow! First, I'll suppress you to prevent your ninjutsu, then attack!" Temari, frustrated, glanced at the dark shadow hands and swung her fan fiercely. Wind Release chakra formed a net around Shikamaru, binding him. "Wind Release—Net Technique..."

"Planning to bind me with Wind Release and then finish with Wind Scythe? Too bad..." Shikamaru quickly deduced Temari's strategy, his face showing a trace of helplessness. He didn't want to end the battle too soon and stand out, but he also didn't want to be beaten up, so he silently apologized to Temari.

"Good, you're bound. Now, it's time for Wind Release—Scythe..."

Seeing Shikamaru trapped by her Net Technique, Temari's eyes sparkled with triumph. She raised her fan to launch the Wind Scythe, but suddenly, she found herself unable to move.

"What's happening? My body..."

Despite her struggles, Temari couldn't move an inch.

"No need to struggle. Your shadow is under my control. You can't move unless I release the technique!" Shikamaru explained lazily, as Temari's expression turned to one of shock and confusion.

"When did this happen?" she asked, her heart sinking.

"When? The moment you first tried to hit me with your fan!" Shikamaru explained indifferently. "You fell into my trap right then."

"Why didn't you end the fight immediately?" Temari asked, surprised that she had been caught by his Secret Technique from the very start.

"That would have been too showy. I don't like drawing attention," Shikamaru shrugged. "Besides, a little exercise is not bad."

"How did you control me? Your shadow never touched me."

"Family Secret Technique. Not for sharing," Shikamaru replied nonchalantly. In truth, his ability was a unique mutation. As a strategist and a lazy ninja, Shikamaru preferred to attack from the shadows, and his ability evolved accordingly.

The Nara clan's secret technique controlled shadows, and Shikamaru's ability was similar but more versatile. He could manipulate his own shadow and, through it, control others' shadows. By merging a part of his shadow with his opponent's, he could control their body. This ability, often used stealthily in spars, was termed by Sakura as the "Shadow Sneak" skill, incredibly hard to guard against.

"I can't believe I lost so quickly!" Temari's face was bitter. She had been outplayed from the start, her earlier confidence shattered.

"You haven't lost..."

Shikamaru's abrupt statement caught Temari off guard. He raised his hand to the examiner, Gekko Hayate. "I forfeit!"

"Are you sure?" Gekko Hayate asked, puzzled, as the situation clearly indicated Shikamaru's victory.

"Positive!" Shikamaru gestured, and a tiny shadow clone emerged from Temari's shadow. "Competitions are boring. Sleep suits me better."

"Alright, if you insist, the winner is Hidden Sand Village's Temari..."

As Shikamaru walked away nonchalantly, Gekko Hayate had no choice but to announce the result.

"I owe you a favor for this outcome..." Temari said, her expression fluctuating. She resolved to ask her father not to disturb the Nara clan during the Konoha Crush Plan, repaying this debt.

"Whatever," Shikamaru replied indifferently, tossing a sealed scroll to a puzzled Temari. "It's a collection of luxury edition novels. Since you enjoy reading, consider it a gift!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 211: The Battle of the Huluba Brothers Against the Stone Men [Part 1] 


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