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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Does anyone else wish to withdraw?" Gekko Hayate surveyed the crowd once more. Seeing no one respond, he continued, "All contestants can now return to the stands. You will come down for your match when your name is called on the electronic screen."

"Have someone investigate that Yakushi Kabuto!" The Third Hokage ordered quietly, watching Kabuto limp away. "Something about him seems off!"

"Yes!" An ANBU behind the Third Hokage acknowledged the order and vanished from sight.

"Those over there, they're from the Hidden Cloud village, aren't they?!"

From the stands, Sakura's gaze landed on several muscular teens. Their dark skin and pronounced muscles were typical of the Land of Lightning's Hidden Cloud village style.

"The disciples of the Fourth Raikage, the apprentice of Gyuki Jinchuriki Killer Bee, and one with the Storm Release Kekkei Genkai... Tsk, tsk, the Hidden Cloud village must really be feeling provoked by Grandpa Third Hokage this time!"

Due to the presence of non-human spies like Eight Tail - Gyuki and Two Tails Matatabi, Sakura knew the contents of the letter the Third Hokage sent to the Fourth Raikage. The Fourth Raikage, known for his fiery temper, would find the message unbearable, as would even someone as good-natured as Minato Namikaze. Sakura wondered how the Third Hokage had managed to come up with such provocative words.

"There are quite a few formidable individuals among the Genin this time!" Hinata and Neji, having deactivated their Byakugan, commented, "Several people have unique chakra, probably indicating they possess Kekkei Genkai!"

"It seems this Chunin Exam is going to be interesting!" Sakura mused, her hand on her chin, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. With so many Kekkei Genkai around, she wondered if Orochimaru would still initiate his Konoha Crush plan. An accidental death of those Kekkei Genkai holders might just lead all the ninja villages to gang up on Orochimaru.

"The first match, Hidden Sand Village's Kankuro vs. Konoha's Yamanaka Ino..."

"Will the competitors please enter the arena..."

As Sakura and the others conversed, the electronic screen displayed the names of the first competitors, prompting many in the audience to shake their heads and chuckle.

The Yamanaka Clan was renowned in the ninja world, especially for their Ino-Shika-Cho formation and psychic Secret Techniques, which they combined with the strengths of two other clans for their assaults. However, despite their strong psychic abilities, the Yamanakas were not well-suited for solo combat. Their skills were more often utilized for logistical support. In a direct confrontation, their psychic Secret Techniques would hardly be effective.

Inoichi Yamanaka, seated in the audience, felt a tinge of concern. The Yamanakas were not meant for frontline battle, and yet, his daughter was up first. Given her opponent, who seemed to be a puppeteer from the Hidden Sand Village with something strapped to his back, Inoichi already considered how to console his daughter that winning wasn't everything.

"Ino, give it your all! Don't hold back; knock him down..." Sakura said spiritedly. "After years of training, it's time to show what we're made of. Today, you're performing in front of all the major Konoha clans, even Uncle Inoichi. Give it your best shot on this stage!"

"I understand!" Ino adjusted her forehead protector, a confident smile on her face as she stepped towards the battleground.

"Hey, Kankuro, looks like you're in luck!" Temari remarked, a disdainful smile on her face as she watched Yamanaka Ino. "Just be careful not to fall for the Yamanaka clan's Secret Mental Techniques, and victory will be a breeze!"

"This match will be over quickly, then!" Kankuro responded with an easy smile, leaning against the railing before leaping into the arena.

"Tell me, are you sure you and Kankuro are siblings?" Sakura asked Temari curiously. "You two don't look alike at all!"

"We are indeed siblings. I probably take after our mother, while Kankuro resembles our father more. But you can't really tell because of the face paint he wears," Temari explained, although with a hint of disdain as she mentioned Kankuro's makeup.

"True, he does resemble his dad..." Sakura's gaze shifted suggestively towards Baki. "Even their aesthetic sense is similar!"

"Aesthetic? My father never wore face paint..." Temari scoffed, catching Sakura's skeptical look. "You don't believe me?"

"Tch, he's clearly wearing face paint, and you say he has different aesthetics from Kankuro?" Sakura gestured towards Baki. "They both have this mysterious vibe. Obviously, like father, like son!"

"He's our team's Sensei, not my dad!" Temari slammed her hand on the railing, her eyes blazing. "Can you stop making up random family ties?!"

"He lives near your house, right?"

Sakura patted Temari's shoulder sympathetically. "Though it might not be my place, I must say, tell your dad to stay strong. Life is like this. Full of forgiveness, right? Losing a son but gaining a loyal Jōnin subordinate isn't a loss!"

"I'm innocent!" Baki's face turned all sorts of colors, especially under the scrutinizing looks of his Hidden Sand Village colleagues. The idea of being considered Kankuro's biological father was infuriating. "Can you please stop making up stories? Spreading rumors can come back to bite you!"

"Can't even speak the truth these days, how sad..."

Sakura returned to her seat, covering her mouth to stifle her laughter. "Indeed, teasing others once in a while feels pretty good!"

"Your joke went a bit too far!" Kakashi remarked helplessly. "If the Fourth Kazekage hears this, Baki is done for!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 190: Kankuro's Sorrow [Middle] 


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