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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"It's all just an illusion," Sakura gently tapped Naruto's forehead with her finger, saying, "Stop being jealous all the time! Being jealous can easily hurt your heart. Your heart is already injured; do you want to make it worse?"

"I just can't help feeling uncomfortable," Naruto muttered softly.

The scene continued to progress. Seven-year-old Sasuke sensed something amiss in the family atmosphere. It seemed like his older brother had many hidden concerns. This realization left Sasuke feeling uneasy. However, when he walked home alone after school, an inexplicable sense of unease crept over him.

In the scene, the Uchiha clan had long turned into a river of blood. Masked Uchiha Obito was systematically killing Uchiha clan members, and the collective cries of countless people on the brink of death formed a symphony of agony. Uchiha Itachi appeared beside Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto.

"If Sakura hadn't appeared, our fate might have been just like the illusion," Uchiha Fugaku sighed. The illusion was too lifelike, as if they had truly experienced these events.

"Itachi, you always prefer bearing things alone," Uchiha Mikoto observed the soundless tears of Uchiha Itachi on the screen, her face filled with anguish.

"Now, I am no longer alone," Uchiha Itachi smiled faintly. If his experiences had been as depicted in the illusion, he would have indeed endured everything in solitude. However, in reality, he no longer needed to bear it alone.

Uchiha Izumi remained silent but gently held Uchiha Itachi's hand. Everything Uchiha Itachi had been through in the scene left a heavy, oppressive feeling in everyone's hearts.

The scene continued, and after subjecting Sasuke, who had witnessed his clan's massacre, to Tsukuyomi, Uchiha Itachi, he screamed and collapsed. When he awoke, Uchiha Itachi had become a rogue ninja, and Sasuke was left on his own.

As the scene changed, Sasuke gradually grew older, but his cold, aloof demeanor was unsettling to everyone.

On the day of class assignment, Naruto, who was standing on a desk, received a hard blow from behind when he made eye contact with Sasuke. He stumbled and ended up kissing Sasuke.

"Ah, this illusion has gone too far!" Naruto pointed at the screen, exclaiming. His heart felt like it was about to explode, and the thought of kissing Sasuke made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Uh, Naruto and Sasuke, these two kids unexpectedly seem quite compatible!" Kushina Uzumaki, their biological mother, pinched her chin and said something that left Naruto in distress.

The formation of Team 7 finally brought a slight change in the atmosphere. It seemed like everything was starting to get better. However, the good times didn't last long. During the Land of Waves mission, the person as white as snow, Haku, was killed by Kakashi's Chidori, and the atmosphere instantly turned somber.

"So, when you talk about having a role for me, you mean sending my head to someone?" Zabuza's face turned green. He had thought he was playing some significant role, but it turned out he was just providing experience points by getting his head chopped off.

"Having a role like this is already good enough. After all, you can't expect much when you're just a bandaged character," Kakashi remarked sarcastically, feeling strangely proud of himself. He might not be the main character, but he was at least a supporting male lead.

"Ha, what right do you have to mock me, the guy who fights for two minutes and then suffers from kidney deficiency for a week?" Zabuza glanced at him with a tilted eye. After all, he died a heroic death, but Kakashi, with his mask, mostly appeared as someone suffering from kidney deficiency. When he thought about it, he realized he wasn't that far behind after all.

Kakashi: "..." Damn, how could he argue with this?

During the Chunin Exam, encountering Orochimaru, going crazy after being cursed with the Curse Mark, feeling inferior upon witnessing Naruto's Summoning Jutsu, and becoming jealous after Naruto learned the Rasengan. He left the village and followed Orochimaru, eventually engaging in a decisive battle with Uchiha Itachi...

The ever-shifting scenes left everyone's emotions in constant flux. It wasn't until Uchiha Itachi, exhausted, still managed to use his typical forehead poke jutsu, accompanied by the words, "This is the last time, Sasuke," that all the emotions turned into a collective sigh.

"Sasuke in this illusion is living such a hard life!"

This was the unanimous assessment of everyone as they stared at the paused scene. A lifetime of pursuing revenge, only to have the ultimate enemy die by his side, not the puppet master behind the scenes. When the Sasuke in the illusion learned the truth, he would probably collapse.

"An illusion is still just an illusion. I am happy in reality!"

Sasuke stood up, and in his blood-red eyes, a hexagram-like pattern appeared.

"Due to Naruto's severe injuries and the illusion's impact, I finally awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan. But..."

Sakura suddenly felt curious. "Why did you come to your senses so quickly in the illusion?"

"Because it was too fake!" Sasuke's lips twitched. "I don't think you in reality would treat me the same way as in the illusion. Based on what I know about you, if I truly tried to defect like in the illusion, you wouldn't cry and beg me to stay like I did. You'd probably just break my legs and then talk some sense into me, convincing me to stay!"

"Are you saying I'm that unreasonable and violent in your eyes?" Sakura stared at him, a little miffed.

"I don't know if you're a violent maniac, but..." Sasuke shrugged. "I can guarantee that if I spoke to you with the same attitude as in the illusion, you would probably leave me partially paralyzed!"

"I feel like paralyzing you right now!" Sakura retorted.

"Try to use the Mangekyo Sharingan sparingly; it can harm your body," Uchiha Itachi began to share his experiences with using the Mangekyo Sharingan. He was afraid Sasuke might get carried away and damage his eyes.

"Kakashi-sensei, did you secure the bodies of Uncle Minato and Aunt Kushina?" Sakura looked at Kakashi and asked.

"I got them last night!" Kakashi had a nonchalant expression. "If it weren't for my agility, I would've almost bitten the dust last night!"

"Very well. When Orochimaru unfolds his plan to destroy Konoha, it will be the moment when Uncle Minato and Aunt Kushina Uzumaki come back to life." Sakura wondered if the Third Hokage would have a stroke when he saw two deceased people miraculously return before his eyes.

Thinking about the Third Hokage's reaction to witnessing two people who had died now standing before him, Sakura suddenly felt a sense of anticipation.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 183: Master-Disciple Play 


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