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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"We should leave this place now; otherwise, Konoha's ANBU will likely come searching for us soon!" Shisui cautioned vigilantly. After the intense commotion earlier, if Konoha's ANBU hadn't responded by now, it would be a sign that the Third Hokage might indeed disband them.

"Let's head towards the Central Tower and find a place to regroup!" Sakura helped Naruto to his feet. She waved her hand, creating a large cloud, and once everyone had settled on it, they departed from the scene.

Not long after Sakura and her group departed, a squad of individuals dressed in ANBU attire arrived. Their astonishment was palpable as they surveyed the battlefield, which appeared as if it had been ravaged by doomsday.

"Who could have caused this kind of devastation? Even an S-rank Forbidden Technique shouldn't be able to wreak such havoc on the environment!" One of the ANBU members remarked in disbelief. Looking around, the area within a few hundred meters had turned into chaos, marked by visible traces of lightning strikes and lava. The whole battlefield had transformed into a post-apocalyptic scene, exacerbated by the aftermath of a raging storm.

"Captain, take a look…" Suddenly, an ANBU pointed at a half-destroyed tree. Beneath the remnants of the tree, there lay a thin, membranous substance.

"Is this… Orochimaru? How is this possible?!" The captain of the ANBU squad bent down to pick up the shed skin. When he saw the face on the skin, he couldn't help but gasp. They were well aware of the Konoha Sannin's reputation; their ANBU database contained records of Sannin's unique ninjutsu. It was clear that this shed skin was the result of a battle between Orochimaru and someone else, with Orochimaru being severely injured, forcing him to use the Shedding Snake Technique. To have pushed Orochimaru to such an extent, the person responsible must be incredibly formidable.

"We need to report this to the Third Hokage immediately. Orochimaru may have infiltrated Konoha!" Standing up, the captain of the ANBU squad spoke with an unmistakable seriousness. Konoha was facing a tumultuous time; not only had Orochimaru entered the village, but the most crucial question was whether the individual who had pushed Orochimaru to use the Shedding Snake Technique was a friend or foe.

After the ANBU left, another group of ninjas, dressed similarly, arrived to inspect the area before silently retreating.

Inside the Hokage's Office, the Third Hokage listened to the ANBU's report, his expression growing graver. He had aged considerably, and his power had waned significantly. On the other hand, Orochimaru, his former student, had always possessed exceptional talent, and over the years, his strength had likely grown substantially. Orochimaru's infiltration into Konoha this time spelled trouble.

"Increase patrols, and if anything unusual happens, report back immediately..."

The Third Hokage sighed, a resolute glint in his eyes. He had once shown mercy by letting Orochimaru go, but this time, he, as the teacher, would personally put an end to the sins of the past. Konoha's next generation had gradually grown, and he could now depart with peace of mind.

"Third Hokage, what about the Chunin Exam?"

One of the ANBU members kneeling before him hesitated to ask. Orochimaru's appearance in the Forest of Death suggested that he might be targeting a specific candidate. If the Chunin Exam were to continue, the safety of those candidates could be in jeopardy.

"We will proceed. This Chunin Exam cannot be halted. It carries more significance than ever," Third Hokage replied solemnly, taking a drag from his cigarette. "This Chunin Exam is not just another competition among the five major ninja villages; it is crucial for conveying a message to the other ninja villages. It signifies Konoha's resurgence and secures our future standing. This is no longer a simple Chunin Exam."

Third Hokage was acutely aware of the significance of Sakura's Wood Release. He realized that he was growing old and wouldn't be able to lead for many more years. Within the Konoha Sannin, Orochimaru had defected, Tsunade had left Konoha due to past grievances, and Jiraiya had followed her. The Yellow Flash had sacrificed himself over a decade ago, and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki, the village's ultimate weapon, had yet to reach maturity. With only Kakashi, who had unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan, and Might Guy, who was always ready to give his all, Konoha was left with limited high-level combat power.

Konoha's weakened state had stirred ambitions in the other ninja villages. In this situation, Konoha needed to demonstrate a force capable of making the other four major ninja villages apprehensive. Wood Release, originally used by Hashirama Senju to bring order to chaotic times, was the most suitable choice. This Chunin Exam, rather than being a hidden competition among the five major ninja villages, was intentionally crafted by Third Hokage as a stage for Sakura.

The reputation of Wood Release would instill fear in the other ninja villages for a long time. This would give Konoha ample time to nurture the next generation. When the other ninja villages overcame their trepidation of Wood Release and sought to cause trouble, both Sakura with her Wood Release and the next generation of ninja should have grown to the point where they could stand on their own. By then, Konoha would still maintain an advantage in terms of their shinobis' capabilities, and Third Hokage could finally rest easy and reunite with his two teachers.

Within Konohagakure, turmoil had begun due to recent events. Meanwhile, in the Forest of Death, Sakura's group sat comfortably on the grass, discussing their plans.

"I've set up a Genjutsu barrier here; you don't need to worry about anyone disturbing us," Shisui assured. He retracted his Sharingan, and on the ground around the group, small tadpole-like runes emitted a faint glow. When a passing squirrel approached, it naturally chose to go around the runes, paying no attention to Sakura's group.

"Now that everyone should have collected their Scrolls, right?" Sakura inquired. Seeing everyone nod, she continued, "Since the Scroll matter is settled, our next destination is the Central Tower. However, Naruto and I are currently injured, and it may take us a day or two to recover."

"It has only been a day; there is plenty of time," Shisui nodded. "So, let's stay here for now until Sakura and Naruto have fully healed, and then we can set out."

"While my injuries may look severe, my recovery abilities are quite strong. A little over a day should suffice for me, but can Sakura recover in such a short time?"

Naruto, lying on the grass with his head on Sakura's lap, enjoying the privileges of being a severely wounded patient, expressed his concern.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 180: Sasuke Activates Mangekyo Sharingan [Part 2] 


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