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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Stimulating cells with Lightning Release chakra for an instantaneous burst effect, is that it?" Orochimaru deftly evaded Sasuke's attack by shifting his body to the side and then casually drew a kunai to aim at Sasuke's neck.

"Ding..." A soft sound echoed as Naruto arrived in the nick of time, using his kunai to block Orochimaru's strike. Taking advantage of the situation, Sasuke swiftly launched a kick towards Orochimaru.

"Boom..." Orochimaru raised his hand to block Sasuke's kick, and their limbs collided, creating a muffled sound. Orochimaru couldn't help but step back slightly.

"A perfect opportunity..." Another Naruto sprang out from behind Orochimaru, aiming his kunai directly at Orochimaru's back.

"Shadow clones, huh?" Orochimaru chuckled lightly, and suddenly, his body bent like it had no bones, curving just right to evade the attack from Naruto's shadow clone behind him.

"A person truly living up to their name!" Sasuke and Naruto jumped back, distancing themselves from Orochimaru. With Sakura, they formed a triangular encirclement around him. Sasuke couldn't help but shiver at the memory of Orochimaru's inhuman movements moments ago.

"Soft Body Modification, I assume this was developed specifically to counter your teammate, Senju Tsunade's strength?" Sakura sighed. Senju Tsunade excelled in brute force attacks, and Orochimaru's Soft Body Modification was designed to counter such strength. If it came down to sheer physical strength, taking down Orochimaru would likely be an uphill battle. However, Soft Body Modification wasn't as effective against other types of attacks.

"Do you know this move?" Orochimaru furrowed his brows slightly. He thought that very few people knew about this technique, let alone its purpose. How did Sakura know about it?

"I know a bit about it," Sakura replied. "However, Soft Body Modification is mainly effective against raw strength attacks. It's not as effective against other types of attacks."

"Is that so? Well then, why don't you give it a try?" Orochimaru was well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of Soft Body Modification. It might work against brute force, but it couldn't withstand the sharpness of blades and swords.

"Suiton - Water Severing Waves..." In an instant, Sakura completed her hand seals, and multiple high-pressure water pillars rose from the surface beneath her feet, hurtling towards Orochimaru.

"Using Suiton ninjutsu for ranged attacks and disruption to create opportunities for your teammates? Not a bad idea!" Orochimaru's expression remained unchanged as his body contorted like it had no bones, effortlessly dodging each of the Water Severing Waves' assaults. Then, he extended his right hand towards Sakura, and two venomous snakes shot out from his sleeves, closing in on Sakura.

"While I don't particularly dislike snakes, I'd rather not have venomous ones get too close, especially not ones that are as ugly as these!"

Sakura drew her blade, Starry Night, and swirled it in rapid succession. The sharp edge effortlessly sliced through the snake's body, causing its severed head to writhe on the ground. New snakes sprouted in its place, relentlessly lunging at Sakura.

Back in the Land of Waves, Sakura had trained in swordsmanship alongside Zabuza for a period. While she couldn't be considered a master of the art, her skills had improved significantly since the days when she could barely draw her blade. She now had a grasp of the fundamentals.

"Sasuke..." Naruto called out. He extended his left hand, and Sasuke, understanding his intent, also extended his left hand. They both took a few steps and reached a tree trunk. Lightning Release chakra extended from their palms and connected in mid-air, forming a lightning chain.

"Lightning Release - Thunder Chain..." With a powerful push off the tree, they both plummeted to the ground. The lightning chain, connected between them, sliced Orochimaru's snakes in half as it passed through him. After landing, they continued their coordinated assault. With a synchronized swing of their arms, the lightning chain surged toward Orochimaru.

Orochimaru moved quickly, retreating to evade the attack. The lightning chain barely missed him, grazing past his nose. If he hadn't been so swift, he might have been cleaved in two.

Originally, Naruto possessed the Wind element as his primary affinity, but after gaining access to Six Paths Chakra, he had a balanced blend of elemental affinities. Sasuke experienced a similar change, although their preferences remained aligned with their original affinities. They had some understanding of other elemental ninjutsu, but their expertise was limited. Mastering Six Paths Chakra and controlling it completely was still a long journey ahead.

They dispelled the Lightning Release chakra and charged toward Orochimaru. Naruto wielded a kunai, while Sasuke brandished the White Fang short sword. They coordinated seamlessly, launching a relentless assault on Orochimaru, enveloping him in a continuous barrage that felt like a tempestuous storm.

However, Orochimaru, a legendary Kage-level Shinobi and one of Konoha's Sannin, though not a specialist in taijutsu, was still highly skilled in physical combat. He skillfully evaded or deflected Naruto and Sasuke's attacks, always narrowly escaping harm. Despite their relentless efforts, Orochimaru remained unscathed, not even a shred of his clothing was damaged.

"This swordsmanship... it feels so familiar. And this kunai... it's like I've seen it somewhere!" Orochimaru pondered as he battled Naruto and Sasuke. While he found Naruto's kunai style somewhat familiar, he didn't dwell on it. After all, the Fourth Hokage had been dead for many years, and his distinctive Flying Raijin kunai had faded into obscurity. Moreover, the ninja world was vast, filled with unique and exotic weapons; a shared kunai design was not noteworthy.

However, Sasuke's swordsmanship struck a chord in Orochimaru's memory. Konoha's White Fang had gained fame long before even the Konoha Sannin, and they had witnessed his ferocious swordsmanship on the battlefield. Sasuke's style stirred memories deep within Orochimaru's heart.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 175: Naruto's Blood, Sakura's Rampage (Part II)


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