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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Anko," Sakura began with a solemn face, "If I recall correctly, according to Konoha's regulations, damaging public facilities incurs a fine and compensation, right?" Sakura muttered darkly, "With all those shattered windows, Anko, have you ever calculated how much you'll have to pay for the damages?"

"I... I forgot..."

Anko seemed dumbfounded. She had only wanted to make a grand entrance, completely overlooking the fact that she would need to pay for the broken windows. And given that there were so many candidates this year and consequently, numerous testing rooms, the sum of the damages and fines could force her into a desperate situation.

"Besides the windows," Sakura continued, pulling out a thick notebook from her ninja tools bag, "Isn't it time to repay the debts you owe us, Anko? The tab you've run up at both the Yile dessert shop and snack bar fills this entire notebook. If you don't repay them soon, you'll find yourself selling your skills to repay your debts!"

"Oh, Sakura," Anko laughed nervously, using the Body Flicker Technique to appear beside Sakura, trying to act familiar, "What are you saying? You know our relationship. I will definitely repay that money!"

"Sakura, give me a break, okay?" Anko pleaded, acting like the two were close. "You know, the most delicious desserts at both Yile shops are quite expensive. But since we get along so well, I've been allowed to buy on credit. I didn't expect to accumulate so much debt! Forget about the Chunin Exam; settling this debt is my priority right now."

"I don't believe you," Sakura responded dismissively. "Orochimaru has defected. Though he might've left his mark of love on you, he's now a rogue ninja, not a Konoha Sannin. His name isn't worth much anymore."

"I swear, I'll repay the money," Anko protested, biting her lip. "If not, let Orochimaru-teacher turn into a girl!" She then tried to act cute, saying, "Please, Sakura, give me more time. I'll work hard on missions to repay the debt!"

"...You don't need to swear on that," Sakura sighed, "Your master is already a girl. Whether it's your unfortunate predictions or you're just accurate, you've guessed even Orochimaru's transformation!"


Anko's voice grew pleading, her eyes glistening with tears. "Look at me; I'm all alone without any family. After deceiving me, even my master, Orochimaru, coldly left me behind. Can't you just help a poor soul like me out, just this once?"

"Stop, isn't my agreement enough? Senior Anko, stay away from me, you're making my skin crawl!" Sakura exclaimed, her body tingling from Anko's overly affectionate tone, as she instinctively stepped aside.

The students in the classroom were completely stunned by the unfolding events. The revelation that Orochimaru had tricked Anko and later abandoned her in a cold-hearted manner had left everyone in shock. Had one of the legendary Sannin really been involved in such a scandalous past?

For the trio from the Sand Village, who were collaborating with Orochimaru to bring down Konoha, their jaws dropped. Orochimaru had been away from Konoha for years. When he left, Anko was just a little girl. To think Orochimaru could do something so heinous was beyond belief. Almost immediately, Temari decided to be more cautious around the deranged Orochimaru in the future, to ensure they didn't fall for his schemes.

Meanwhile, lurking in the shadows and observing Uchiha Sasuke, Orochimaru's face turned as dark as coal upon hearing the insinuations Anko was casting upon him. It seemed that after their years apart, his apprentice had grown bolder.

"So, about the money?" Anko asked, rubbing her fingers together with an ingratiating smile.

"Just pay me back when you have the money," Sakura sighed with resignation. Anko always used her playful tactics to avoid paying her debts, and Sakura, unfortunately, didn't have a good counter for that. But with the upcoming Chunin Exam, she wondered how Orochimaru would treat his audacious apprentice.

Sakura had long noticed a powerful chakra lurking nearby, filled with malicious intent. It bore the chilling aura of Orochimaru, confirming her suspicions. But she hadn't expected Anko to make such a revealing statement. It seemed Orochimaru's reputation as a 'loli-con' might be hard to shake off.

"Teacher Anko, how did Orochimaru trick you, anyway?" Sakura inquired with a teasing grin.

"Oh, that? He said he had a gift for me. It hurt for a long time, and by the time I woke up, I heard he had defected!" Immersed in the relief of a temporary debt reprieve, Anko unwittingly blurted out. Yes, when Orochimaru placed the Curse Mark on her, it had indeed hurt so much she passed out.

The combination of "gift," "pain," and "awakening" led the students to make their own interpretations. It appeared Orochimaru was truly twisted, even willing to harm his young apprentice.

Those in the know, like Ibiki, couldn't help but smirk at the unintentional implications. The way it was phrased almost made them think wrongly too.

After Anko finished speaking, Sakura sensed the hidden chakra emanating even more anger, its chilling presence intensifying.

"Senior Anko, the exam..."

Sensing Orochimaru's fury, Sakura didn't want to further entrap the debt-dodging Anko and gently reminded her that they were in the midst of an exam.

"Oh, right!" Excited Anko, with her Blue Dragon Crescent Blade in tow, headed towards the door, motioning for the students to follow. "Hurry up and come with me!"

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