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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


Inside the classroom, it was utter chaos. Nearly every student was diligently cheating. Some were quite ingenious in their methods, like Gaara using his third eye, while others were rather blatant. One such student, after being caught cheating too many times, had been expelled, and his entire team had been escorted out with him.

However, in the midst of this cheating frenzy, Sakura and her group of twelve stood out like a sore thumb. While the others were busy with their own devices, this group was either sleeping, snacking, playing with their pens, or simply sitting with eyes closed in meditation. They made for an odd sight in the classroom.

"These troublesome kids... Just as Kakashi said, always unpredictable!" Ibiki's eye twitched, wishing he could drag these blatant youngsters out and give them a thorough beating. "And that attitude! It's truly exasperating."

He would've loved to toss them all out, but recalling the Third Hokage's instructions, he sighed in resignation, deliberately looking away. Regardless of how these kids performed, they would all proceed to the second round

. He wouldn’t have to stress about them anymore.

"Number 38 and his teammates... disqualified..."

"Number 27 and his teammates... disqualified..."

"Number 16..."

One by one, students were asked to leave, reducing the numbers in the room.

"Time's up. All students, drop your pens and hand in your papers."

Ibiki glanced at the clock, signalling the end of the exam. Papers were collected, with the ones from Sakura's group kept separately.

First, he reviewed the majority of papers. The answers were almost identical, clearly copied from the two students they'd planted. The room grew tense under Ibiki's silent scrutiny.

Then he turned to Sakura's group's papers. The sight of them ignited a rage in him. Clenching his left hand on the podium, he nearly crushed it.

"So audacious... Insufferably audacious..."

His ire was palpable. Not only had these students handed in blank papers, but they hadn't even bothered to write their names. For a moment, Ibiki felt as if his authority was being directly challenged. He wanted to drag them all to an interrogation room, whip in hand, and force them to answer every single question.

The weight of Ibiki's anger silenced the room. The students, unsure of what had infuriated the seemingly fierce examiner, remained hushed.

"Now that you've all answered the first nine questions, I'll introduce the tenth," Ibiki managed, suppressing his anger. A twisted, grimacing smile formed on his face. "But before that, you all have a choice to make. This choice will determine whether you can participate in the Chunin Exam in the future."

"Examiner, are you saying if we make the wrong choice, we won't be allowed to take the Chunin Exam again?" A Genin from an unknown small ninja village raised his hand, speaking indignantly, "By what right can you decide that?!"

"Ha, by what right?" Ibiki's anger seemed to find an outlet as his eyes, filled with murderous intent, stared at the challenger. "For questioning the examiner, I hereby declare you failed in this first round of the Chunin Exam!"

"On what grounds?!" The young Genin from the unknown ninja village blurted out in disbelief.

"Get him out!" Ibiki slammed the desk with both hands, signaling for the defiant Genin to be taken out. The latter's teammates had no choice but to leave alongside him.

Ibiki's stern action sent a jolt through the rest of the examinees. Their attitudes shifted to a more solemn tone. They initially thought Ibiki was just bluffing, but now they realized he was dead serious. They instinctively reined in some of their pride, understanding that when under someone's roof, one must bow their head.

"Now that no one else has any objections, let me explain the choice before answering the tenth question!" Ibiki nodded satisfactorily. It seemed his authority was still intact, intimidating many. As for those twelve cheeky kids, he had given up on them. They were just too infuriating.

"Before answering the tenth question, you can choose to answer or not. If you opt to answer and fail the question, you'll be barred from taking the Chunin Exam for life..." Ibiki declared with a sinister grin. "However, if you choose not to answer the tenth question, you'll forfeit this Chunin Exam but can participate in the next one. So, which will it be?"

Ibiki's words cast a heavy silence across the room. To not answer meant failure in this Chunin Exam but a chance to retake it in the future. To answer but fail meant never being able to take the Chunin Exam again. It was a grueling decision for many.

"I forfeit..."

"I forfeit too..."

"I... I guess I'll forfeit..."

Soon, many couldn't bear the pressure and chose to forfeit. Once this option was taken, it was like a floodgate had opened, and many more opted to step down. The number of candidates in the room dwindled further.

"It seems Konoha has been too peaceful these years. Without the pressures of adversity, the resolve of these Genin has waned."

Observing the Konoha Genin who had chosen to withdraw, Sakura couldn't help but frown. Konoha had been peaceful over the years. Without the life-or-death challenges, it appeared the ninjas' mental resilience had diminished significantly. It was disappointing to see so many from the leading ninja village among the five great powers opting out of the Chunin Exam.

"If you choose to forfeit this exam, you can still continue in the future. But if you fail this time, you'll remain a Genin for life. Be mentally prepared for the consequences."

Ibiki threw more fuel on the fire, stirring up the indecisive candidates even more.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 168: The Debt-ridden Red Bean [Part I]


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