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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"The audacity of this human girl, seeking her own death..."

Four Tails roared in anger. Opening his maw, he spewed several molten lava balls in quick succession. The scorching spheres left a trail of withering and curling grass wherever they passed.

"Wood Release—Birth of the World Trees..."

Numerous robust trees erupted from the ground. As the lava balls hurled by Four Tails collided with the trees, the intense heat ignited the trunks they struck. However, these life-bearing trees weren't easily set aflame, especially with Sakura's chakra enveloping their surfaces. In the blink of an eye, the trees absorbed and nullified Four Tails' lava balls.

"Is this... Wood Release? How is this possible?"

Four Tails' eyes were filled with disbelief. To the Tailed Beasts, both the Wood Release and the Sharingan were all too familiar, reminding them of past humiliations they could never forget.

"Nothing is impossible in this world..."

Sakura chuckled softly as countless trees, now resembling whips, lashed out under her command towards Four Tails.

"Damn Wood Release, Lava Release chakra mode..."

Four Tails roared in frustration, without much contemplation, a chakra resembling molten lava enveloped him.

"Thinking that your Lava Release chakra coating can counter the Birth of the World Trees? How naive. Wood Release—Dragon Wood Jutsu!"

Sakura uttered contemptuously. She clasped her hands together, summoning a gigantic Mokuryu that swiftly entangled Four Tails. The scalding Lava Release chakra was continuously absorbed by the Mokuryu, causing no harm whatsoever.

"Roar, release me..."

Four Tails cried out in agony, its hands desperately tearing at the Mokuryu, attempting to shred it.

"Release you? Sure, just change your name," Sakura said unflinchingly, tightening the grip of the Mokuryu. "Better behave, or I won't be so courteous!"

"You dare humiliate me, human!" Four Tails bellowed, considering the demand to change its name a profound insult.

"Is that so? Then, Wood Release—Unyielding Woodlock of Seven Days..."

With a low chant, the Mokuryu rapidly expanded, leaving only Four Tails' head and hands with minor mobility.

"What kind of ridiculous names are these..." Kakashi murmured under his breath, finding the name amusingly peculiar.

"I think this ninjutsu name is quite catchy!" Minato Namikaze commented with gleaming eyes, as if finding a kindred spirit.

Kakashi remained silent, shooting Minato an ambiguous look, recalling their teacher's eccentric naming habits, especially the notorious 'Rasengan Flash Super-Circular Dance Howl Stage Three'. Therefore, taking Minato's words seriously was out of the question.

"Roar... release me..."

As Four Tails struggled, the overpowering strength of Mokuryu made him feel as if every bone in his body was about to snap. The hands still free to move started to gather Lava Release chakra. "Lava Release—Flower Fruit..."

"Wood Release—Wooden Giant Jutsu..."

Before Four Tails could complete his technique, Sakura acted swiftly. A towering wooden giant emerged from the ground and promptly slapped Four Tails across the face.

"Ouch, that sure hurt..." Nine-Tails lamented, shaking his head. He had once been at the receiving end of that move. The memory of the impact was still fresh, and had he not been resilient, he would've suffered a concussion.

Unaware of Nine-Tails' schadenfreude, Four Tails felt an immense pain on his face that reverberated through his mind. The Lava Release chakra he was about to deploy dispersed instantly. That single slap left Four Tails utterly dazed.

"You... human, you dare... you dare strike my face? I'll make you pay for this..."

Four Tails was livid. To think that he had been slapped in the face, especially with Nine-Tails and the others watching. If he didn't seek retribution now, where would he put his face in the future? However, the binding power of Mokuryu held Four Tails tightly, leaving him no room to break free.

"Sun Wukong?!"

Sakura called out, and the wooden figure summoned a massive wooden mallet, staring menacingly at Four Tails.

"Human, if you have the guts, release me..."


Before Four Tails could even finish, the mallet struck him in the face, the impact making his head spin.

"Sun Wukong?!" Sakura shouted again.

"Human, you're done for..."


Another smack cut short Four Tails' words, forcing them back down his throat.

"Sun Wukong?" From atop the wooden figure, Sakura looked down at the persistent Four Tails with interest, only repeating his name.

"Why are you calling me?" Four Tails glared at Sakura, only to receive another whack from the mallet as expected.

"Sun Wukong?!" "You..." "Thud..."

"Sun Wukong?!" "I..." "Thud..."

Every time Sakura called Four Tails' name, he instinctively roared in anger, and the mallet's thud on Four Tails' head became a repeating chorus. After several times, Four Tails began to understand, a touch of trepidation emerging within him.

"Sun Wukong?!" "Huh..." "Thud..."

"Sun Wukong?!" "..."

After being hammered by Sakura more than a dozen times, Four Tails finally submitted in frustration. Every time Sakura called his name, he just trembled, keeping his head down without uttering a word.

"Why must you be so stubborn?" Sakura said, satisfied. "Now that you've agreed to change your name, you'll be called 'Sun' from now on. Understood?"

"Yes..." Four Tails replied weakly, feeling as though he was on death's doorstep after enduring so many blows.

"Sun Wukong?!" Out of the blue, Sakura shouted the name again. However, Four Tails remained still. Changing a name was trivial when one's life was at stake.

"How pitiful!" Nine-Tails and the others, who had been watching the entire episode, couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Four Tails. Such poor luck to be beaten and even lose his name in the process. A true case of more harm than good.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 166: Handing in a Blank Exam Paper​!


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