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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


After just completing a mission outside the village, Kakashi was kind enough to give them a few days off to rest at home.

However, their peaceful days didn't last long as Kakashi showed up at their door, gathering them together.

"Kakashi-sensei, you came knocking so loudly early in the morning. Aren't you afraid of getting beaten up by the neighbors?" Sakura yawned and covered her mouth. It was still early in the morning, and Kakashi had come knocking, successfully waking her up. If it weren't for Kakashi still holding the title of sensei, she would have sent him away lying down today.

"I have something to discuss with you all!" Kakashi smiled awkwardly. "Since it was early and not many people were out for missions, I took the liberty of accepting a C-rank mission for you..."

"Kakashi-sensei, what's your hidden agenda this time?" Sakura interrupted Kakashi before he could finish speaking, looking suspicious. "Could it be that this mission is another huge pit like the Land of Waves mission?!"

"How is that possible?!" Kakashi's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained unchanged. "Why would I intentionally accept a mission with a hidden agenda? You're overthinking it!"

"Are you sure?" Sakura narrowed her eyes and stared at Kakashi, trying to find any signs of deception.

"I'm sure, I swear. If this mission turns out to have a hidden agenda, then let me..." Kakashi paused, raising three fingers and pointing them towards the sky. "Let me be chased and beaten by Uncle Teuchi all day long!"

"Kakashi-sensei, that's a vicious oath!" Sakura somewhat believed Kakashi's words. Considering Kakashi's situation with Ayame, Uncle Teuchi already had a grudge against him. If this oath came true, Kakashi would probably end up being chased and chopped to death by Uncle Teuchi with a kitchen knife.

"So, you don't have to doubt me. I'm your sensei, and I would never intentionally set traps for you!" Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, he managed to fool these three troublesome students. As for the oath, well, Uncle Teuchi had been giving him a cold shoulder lately anyway. It wouldn't matter if he was chased and beaten for a day. In fact, Kakashi secretly hoped that Uncle Teuchi would be rougher so that it would evoke sympathy from Ayame. Then he could play the victim and maybe even strengthen their relationship.

"Alright, let's pack up our equipment and set off later!" They had rested at home for several days, and Sakura was getting a bit bored. It was better to go out on a mission and relax. "By the way, Kakashi-sensei, how long will we be staying outside for this mission?"

"We'll leave in the morning and should be back by evening, not wasting any time!" Kakashi calculated in his mind, and they had more than enough time for a day.

"Okay, then we'll just bring some consumables like kunai and shuriken. We won't need much else!"

If they were going to stay overnight or for a few days, they would need to bring some essentials. But since they were leaving and returning on the same day, they didn't need to bring too many things. Some consumables would be enough.

"Gather at the main gate in an hour and a half..."

With that, Kakashi left without looking back.

"I feel like Kakashi-sensei is hiding something from us!" Naruto, the most perceptive among them, rubbed his chin and said.

"Don't think too much for now. Let's take it step by step. If Kakashi-sensei's mission really does have a hidden agenda, then we'll give him a taste of his own medicine!" Sakura casually sentenced Kakashi to death.

"I'll go back and pack my things!" Sasuke lit a stick of incense for Kakashi, then got up and quickly left. Kakashi didn't have good luck, and he was probably in for trouble this time.

The climate in the Land of Fire was pleasant, and the greenery surpassed that of other countries. The group walked comfortably under the shade of the trees.

"Kakashi-sensei, can you tell us the mission location and objective now?" Sakura twirled her oil-paper umbrella and nonchalantly asked. However, Kakashi nervously swallowed.

"Um, can you put the knife down first?" Kakashi smiled awkwardly and flicked the blade of the Kusanagi sword that was pressed against his neck with his finger. "Well, there's no need to be so tense. Actually, this mission is a simple C-rank mission. We're required to eliminate a bandit hideout. The bandits inside are ordinary bandits, not ninja!"

"Eliminate a bandit hideout? So, it means killing people, right?" Sakura's brows furrowed involuntarily, and she asked, "Do we have to kill all the bandits or capture them all?"

"The bandit hideout is notorious. It has destroyed several small villages. The mission objective is to kill all the bandits in the hideout!" Kakashi fell silent for a few seconds and continued, "Let me tell you one thing, inside that hideout, not a single person is an ordinary villager. They are all bandits!"

"What about the elderly, women, and children?" Sakura bit her lip, her face turning pale. "Are we supposed to kill them too?"

"The mission objective is to eliminate all the bandits, and everyone on that hill is a bandit!" Kakashi said expressionlessly.

"I see!" Sakura remained silent for a while before responding.

For the rest of the time, the group fell into silence, and the atmosphere grew heavy.

When they arrived at the location of the mission contractor, Sakura and the others were stunned.

It was a dilapidated village on the verge of collapse. The houses looked unstable and could collapse at any moment. In the village, Sakura and the others hardly saw any young people. Everywhere they looked, there were mostly elderly people. Occasionally, they would come across women and children, but they were all disabled.

"What's going on here?"

Except for Kakashi, Sakura and the others couldn't believe their eyes. They had never seen such a scene during their time in Konoha. Even the Land of Waves seemed like paradise compared to this place.

"This is one of the villages that have been ravaged by the bandits. They're considered relatively lucky. The other villages have already turned into ashes." Kakashi explained to them. For him, this sight was nothing out of the ordinary. He had even wiped out villages himself, but that was during the Great Ninja War.

"What about those bandits?" Sakura and the others' faces showed a hint of anger, and the repressed feeling of having to kill all the bandits suddenly diminished. "They deserve to die!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 154: Cunning Fox Kakashi [Final]


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