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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"How about calling it Naruto Great Bridge?" Naruto's eyes lit up as he eagerly suggested.

"So, Naruto, are you planning to be stepped on by everyone?" Sakura sarcastically commented, a vein popping on her forehead.

"Naruto Great Bridge? Then why not call it Itachi and Sasuke Great Bridge?" Sasuke whispered from the side.

"You damn brother complex! Shut up!" Sakura gave Sasuke a glare that suppressed his fangirling over his brother.

"How about Zabuza Great Bridge?" Zabuza chimed in, joining the fun. He even patted his Kubikiribocho and said, "Or better yet, call it the Beheading Great Bridge!"

"Shut up, all of you! I can't rely on any of you to come up with a sensible name!" Sakura exclaimed in frustration, rolling her eyes. They were all hopeless.

"What should we name it then?" The group fell into a dilemma. Killing people was no problem for them, but naming things was a different story.

"How about the Bridge of Hope? This Great Bridge was built to bring hope to the people of the Land of Waves, so why not call it the Bridge of Hope? It suits it well!" After thinking for a moment, Sakura took out a pen and paper and drew a few designs. She continued, "Let's engrave these designs on the pillars of the bridge. It would be great if people could see them at a glance!"

"What are these designs?" Tazuna asked in confusion.

"The symbol of Konoha, the emblem of the Uzumaki clan, the emblem of the Uchiha clan, the crest of the Haruno family, and my Tenka Kai logo. With these five designs, it's like telling others that we are protecting this territory. It can also intimidate those with ill intentions!" Sakura tapped the table with her finger and said, "After I return, I will send people to the Land of Waves. You will be responsible for receiving them and exploring how to develop and utilize the resources of the Land of Waves. I remember that the Land of Waves relies mainly on fishing for a living. The fish caught in the Land of Waves can be sold to restaurants under the Haruno Group. I will make arrangements for that. In any case, you should organize the Land of Waves as soon as possible so that we can discuss business when the time comes!"

"Really? Thank you, thank you..." Tazuna's eyes welled up with tears. The Land of Waves had been monopolized by Gatou before, and he controlled all industries. No one could earn much money. Now, Sakura's appearance had brought real hope to the Land of Waves. As long as people were willing to do business in the Land of Waves, their lives would improve.

"No need to thank me. This is a business matter. If there is no profit to be gained, do you think I would bother caring about your lives?" Sakura glanced at him. Before, he looked terrified of her, but now he felt grateful. In reality, it wasn't that Tazuna was no longer afraid of her; it was just that the prospect of profit suppressed his fear.

With the Land of Waves bidding farewell to Sakura and her group, they gradually disappeared into the distance. Behind them stood the Great Bridge, engraved with the word "hope" and five designs surrounding it. From that day on, the Land of Waves welcomed hope and a new beginning.

The journey back to Konoha didn't take long. Without the ordinary old man Tazuna slowing them down, Sakura and her group no longer had to travel slowly.

A kunai was stuck on a wooden stake next to Konoha's main gate. Kakashi glanced at the proof of departure below the kunai, Kamizuki Izumo and Kotetsu Hagane, the gatekeepers, only exchanged greetings with him and continued with their duties, checking others.

"Let's go to the Hokage's office first to handle their matters!" Kakashi looked at Zabuza and Haku hiding in his black cloak and felt a headache. He must have been crazy back then to agree to bring them back to settle in Konoha.

"Hey, what's with that look in your eyes? It's an honor for you guys in Konoha to have me join!" Zabuza, annoyed by Kakashi's disdainful gaze, wanted to draw his Kubikiribocho and take a swipe at him.

"Zabuza-sama, please don't be so hot-tempered. We're currently on someone else's territory!" Haku smiled sweetly, but Zabuza instantly fell silent. Even Kakashi discreetly moved aside. "In case someone offends us, and they retaliate privately, seeking revenge, and plot against us, it won't be good!"

Being referred to as "someone": Kakashi, "..." It sounded as if he were someone who enjoyed seeking revenge.

"Cough, let's go to the Hokage's office!" Kakashi coughed awkwardly a few times. He initially thought this girl named Haku was gentle, but who would have thought that she appeared soft on the outside but had a strong core like a sesame bun. Zabuza had been trained into a submissive, obedient person now, obedient to a fault. He had lost his former aura.

"By the way, are you sure the Third Hokage will accept me? My reputation isn't very good!" Zabuza still had some concerns. He had a history of attempting to assassinate the Mizukage, and as a missing-nin, he had committed many murders and arson. With such a past, would Konoha really accept him?

"Don't worry, Third Hokage will accept you!" Sakura seemed calm.

"Why are you so sure? Is it because of your background and the influence of your little companions?" Zabuza curiously asked. Even if he had a strong background, Konoha was still under the jurisdiction of the Third Hokage. No matter how great he was, he couldn't surpass the Third Hokage.

"No, this matter doesn't rely on background, and background won't help!" Sakura smiled lightly. "The reason I'm so confident is simply because of me. It was my suggestion to let you stay in Konoha, so the Third Hokage will definitely agree!"

"Is your words that persuasive?" Zabuza asked in astonishment.

"Well, in a way, the reason why the Third Hokage is willing to listen to me is mainly because he's afraid that if I'm unhappy, I'll destroy Konoha!" Kakashi revealed the reason with a vague expression. "You should know about the standoff between the Land of Fire and the Land of Lightning on the border a few years ago, right?"

"I know. It was said that the Land of Lightning withdrew mysteriously after a meteor shower, and some said it was because the Land of Fire made a wish on the shooting stars!" Zabuza chuckled at the rumor. If wishes came true, why did everyone work so hard? Just wait for shooting stars.

"However, the truth is, the reason the Land of Lightning withdrew was that all the meteors fell within their territory and nearly wiped out their army!" Kakashi's gaze became distant, as if he was back on that day. "And the one who caused that meteor shower was Sakura!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 151: The Cunning Fox, Kakashi (Part 2)


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