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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Brats, you're not bad at all..." Zabuza forced Sakura and the others to retreat with a single slash. Zabuza frowned deeply; Sakura and her teammates had an incredible synergy. Their attacks and defenses seemed prearranged. Despite the prolonged battle, he hadn't gained any advantage.

"Huff... Thank you for the praise..." Sakura and her teammates took a brief breath. Though exhausted, they had gained a lot from the fight. Unlike their usual sparring sessions with Kakashi or Guy, which were only for practice and didn't pose any real danger, fighting Zabuza was a matter of life and death. Their teamwork had become more synchronized as a result.

"While I admire your talent, for me, the mission is the most important. So, I have no choice but to send you to your deaths..." Zabuza swiftly formed hand seals. Nearby, the river water surged, rushing towards Sakura and her teammates. "Suiton??Great Waterfall Technique..."

"Suiton??Water Formation Wall..." Sakura saw it and held her sword with her right hand while forming hand seals with her left. A water wall immediately enveloped the three of them. The powerful water from the Great Waterfall Technique crashed against the water wall but caused no harm.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Operation Plan B..." Sakura ordered.

"Understood..." Naruto and Sasuke responded simultaneously, putting away their weapons and forming hand seals.

"Oh? Abandoning taijutsu and resorting to ninjutsu? What a foolish choice!" Zabuza sneered. If they continued to use taijutsu and coordinate their attacks, he would have found it troublesome. However, Sakura and her teammates gave up on taijutsu and switched to using ninjutsu for their offense. Zabuza found their decision rather foolish. A group of freshly graduated Genin who could master several ninjutsu?

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique..." Naruto ignored Zabuza and created dozens of shadow clones, surrounding Zabuza alone. In the center of the encirclement stood Zabuza, isolated.

"What? How is this possible? They can create so many shadow clones?" Zabuza's eyes nearly popped out. The fact that Naruto could create so many shadow clones alone was enough to surprise him, let alone other aspects.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique..." However, Naruto's second move made Zabuza want to curse. All the shadow clones simultaneously took out shurikens from their ninja pouches and hurled them towards Zabuza. The number of shurikens increased in the air within the blink of an eye, forming a vast and dense cloud. In an instant, it transformed into a deluge of shurikens, rapidly descending upon Zabuza.

"Damn it..." Zabuza cursed inwardly. He didn't have time to think about anything else. He swiftly swung his Kubikiribocho, creating a blade barrier that deflected all the shurikens. The clashing sounds echoed like a symphony. From afar, all that could be seen was a dazzling display of flashing blades. As for Zabuza himself, he couldn't be seen clearly.

Kakashi silently lowered his headband. These troublesome brats. Just when he praised them in his mind for their ability to develop their weaknesses, they turned around and started another violent onslaught. Thinking of his experiences sparring with Sakura and her teammates, Kakashi silently lit an incense stick for Zabuza.

"Suiton??Water Sever Wave..." Just when Zabuza finally managed to block all the shurikens and caught his breath, Sakura's attack arrived. A high-pressure water column erupted from Sakura's mouth, cutting through trees along its path.

"Bastard..." Zabuza could only mutter under his breath as he bent backward, narrowly evading the Water Sever Wave.

"Fuuton??Vacuum Sphere..." Naruto's shadow clones seized the opportunity, simultaneously forming hand seals and releasing bullets of Wind Release chakra from their mouths. Dozens of shadow clones unleashed Vacuum Spheres. The result was a relentless bombardment of countless Wind Release chakra bullets, blanketing the entire encirclement.

"Suiton??Water Formation Wall..." Zabuza plunged his Kubikiribocho into the ground beside him. With both hands forming hand seals, he encased himself in a Water Formation Wall.

Countless Vacuum Spheres struck the Water Formation Wall, causing it to tremble as if it would shatter at any moment. Witnessing this, Zabuza increased his chakra output to stabilize the Water Formation Wall.

"Doton??Earth Dragon Bullet Technique..."

"Katon??Fire Dragon Bullet..."

"Fuuton??Vacuum Wave..." Sakura and her teammates stood their ground as they bombarded the Water Formation Wall with one ninjutsu after another. Wind, fire, and earth combined harmoniously. Their high level of synchronization merged three different elemental ninjutsu into a unified assault. Flames enveloped each Earth Dragon Bullet, while Wind Release added a layer of formidable cutting power to the outer shell of the Earth Dragon Bullets. Just as the molten lava-like Earth Dragon Bullets were about to strike the Water Formation Wall, an ice wall rose from the ground, blocking their path of attack.

"Zabuza-sama, are you alright?" Haku, wearing a mask, asked with concern. He had been hiding in the shadows and didn't intervene earlier since he didn't perceive any danger to Zabuza. But who could have anticipated that in the blink of an eye, these brats skilled in close combat would transform into mobile artillery? After just a few rounds of ninjutsu, the ground in the vicinity had been tilled. If he didn't step in now, Zabuza's life would be in danger.

After the Earth Dragon Bullets wrapped in flames and Wind Release struck the ice wall, producing muffled sounds, Sakura motioned for Naruto and Sasuke to stop.

"I'm fine..." Zabuza, who had dispelled the Water Formation Wall, had a face as dark as the bottom of a pot. These three brats didn't follow the usual tactics at all. In a Ninja battle, it was supposed to be a matter of using a few ninjutsu and finishing the opponent off. But the other side was bombarding him with a blanket assault. How could anyone endure that?

"So, you even have an ally?" Kakashi approached, not surprised by Haku's appearance. He had already sensed someone hiding in the shadows, but he hadn't mentioned it.

"Kakashi Hatake, Konoha truly is cunning!" Zabuza glared at Kakashi with biting resentment. He seemed to want to pounce on him and take a bite out of him.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 138: White Fang Foundation [Continuation]


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