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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Assassinate the Fourth Mizukage? What if the Fourth Mizukage personally vouches for you and clears your name?" Sakura said with a smile. In fact, Zabuza's successful escape had been planned with Yagura. Otherwise, given the difference in their strengths, Zabuza would have been a dead man. When the time was right, they would have Yagura help clear Zabuza's name, and everything would be resolved. As for Mist Village's pursuit, did they really need to worry? Sakura's influence now wasn't afraid of Mist Village.

"Yagura, that cruel guy, has already died. How could he come out to help me clear my name? Besides, I went to assassinate him back then. Even if he were alive, he would have wanted to kill me..." Zabuza shook his head. He had attempted to assassinate Yagura, so how could Yagura help him clear his name?

"Just wait a moment!" Sakura reached out and drew a circle in the air. Then she lightly tapped her finger, and the air rippled like water, forming a spatial portal in an instant.

"Oh, Zabuza, it seems you've made great progress over the years. You managed to survive under the pursuit of Mist Village ANBU, and you even acquired a follower from Yuki clan. Impressive!" Yagura, whose body was child-sized, peeked out of the spatial portal. When he saw Zabuza, he raised an eyebrow and said with a half-smile, "Are Mist Village's ANBU at such a state? They couldn't handle a rogue jonin?"

"Fourth Mizukage? How is it possible that you're still alive? Weren't you already dead?" Zabuza widened his eyes, his voice slightly trembling with surprise. "Could it be that you crawled out from the Pure Land just to seek revenge on me? But wait, even though I went to assassinate you, I didn't succeed. There's a saying that goes, 'With a clear conscience, one fears no accusation.' If you want revenge, shouldn't you go after the one who killed you? Why come after me?"

"Zabuza, have you lost your mind during your years as a rogue ninja?" Yagura's face darkened. This guy was such an embarrassment. He used to be an elite ANBU of Mist Village. How did he end up like this?

"Wait, the way you're talking..." Zabuza cautiously took a few steps forward and gently tapped Yagura's forehead with his finger. Suddenly, his whole body froze. "And there's warmth. Yagura, you're actually alive?"

"Zabuza, what are you doing? How dare you point your finger at my forehead?" Yagura pulled out the iron rod behind him, wishing he could smash Zabuza's head. Not only did this guy act so impulsively, but he also dared to point at his forehead? Did the world forget how terrifying he was after he secluded himself for a few years?

"So you're alive? Yagura, you tyrant, today I will rid the people of your tyranny..." Zabuza's eyes turned red, and he lifted Kubikiribocho, ready to charge at Yagura and fight him to the death. Loyal follower Haku stood by Zabuza's side, prepared to act at any moment.

"Who are you calling a tyrant? Back then, I was controlled by Genjutsu. I wasn't the one responsible for those things!" Yagura stomped his feet in anger. He was the one who had suffered the most injustice. He had been controlled and made to do those things, but in the end, all the blame fell on him.

"Who are you kidding? The newly appointed Fifth Mizukage of Mist Village has already spread the announcement throughout the ninja world. The entire ninja world knows about the crimes you committed!" Zabuza sneered. Although he became a rogue ninja because of assassinating the Fourth Mizukage, his motive was to end the Bloody Mist era. He didn't hold much hatred towards Mist Village. He had been keeping up with the events in Mist Village all these years, and he was aware of the accusations Terumi Mei had made against Yagura. So, he didn't believe a word Yagura said.

"That brat Terumi Mei dared to slander me..." Yagura's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot. The thought of Terumi Mei smearing his name made him furious.

"Cough, um, about that, let me apologize on behalf of Obito Uchiha..." Kakashi scratched his head awkwardly. Yagura had been controlled by Obito Uchiha, and as Obito Uchiha's close friend, Kakashi felt troubled. All he could do was offer a half-hearted apology to express his regret.

"And who is Obito Uchiha?" Zabuza frowned. Why did this white-haired masked man show up again?

"Obito Uchiha is the one who controlled Yagura with Genjutsu. He's also Kakashi-sensei's close friend, very close friends, like brothers!" Sakura explained to Zabuza. "The reason Yagura hid and pretended to be dead was to avoid being found by them. The things he did in Mist Village back then weren't actually his fault!"

"Hey, Sakura, what do you mean by 'close friends'? Obito Uchiha is just an ordinary friend!" Kakashi quickly retorted. When Sakura mentioned "close friends," he thought of the book Sakura had written. He regretted showing her that photo and personally teaching Naruto the Transformation Technique. In the end, he dug himself into a big hole.

"Usually, when love isn't publicly acknowledged, they call each other 'ordinary friends'!" Sakura secretly rolled her eyes. With their relationship, calling each other ordinary friends was simply unbelievable.

"What do you mean by love? Obito Uchiha liked Rin, okay!" Kakashi weakly explained. He didn't know why this kid's mind was always filled with such nonsense. Everything she said seemed to take on a different meaning.

"You're just being stubborn!" Sakura disdainfully pursed her lips and then turned to Zabuza. "Bandage guy, have you made your choice? As long as you join Konoha, I guarantee your safety. You can live happily with Haku in Konoha. You can slaughter pigs every day while he can learn medical ninjutsu. No need to worry about being killed in your sleep. These benefits won't come again!"

"Well..." Zabuza turned his head and looked at Haku, who silently followed behind him. He saw the longing in Haku's eyes when Sakura mentioned living in Konoha. He clenched his fist. "Alright, as long as you can guarantee our safety in Konoha, I'll go with you. You can do whatever you want with me!"

In the end, Zabuza made a decision. Haku truly wasn't suited to be a shinobi involved in constant battles. He was tired of the wandering life, and Zabuza was tired too. So be it. They could find a place to settle down this time. Even if they were deceived and sent to Konoha to be killed, he was exhausted from constantly struggling for his life. Death was death.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 141: The Gloomy Land of Waves


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