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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"While Gato's organization may not be among the top few in the entire ninja world, it's still a considerable group. Bankrupting him? It's not that simple!" Zabuza didn't quite believe Sakura's words. Gato was a well-known businessman, albeit not at the top, but he had substantial assets. Occupying an entire country, how could it be so easy to deal with him?

"Have you heard of the Haruno Group?" Sakura suddenly asked.

"Naturally, I've heard of it. It's a group that has risen in recent years, primarily in the food and beverage industry, and has invested in many other industries as well. In the entire ninja world, they are among the top in terms of assets. They're loaded!" As a rogue ninja, Zabuza certainly took care of his intelligence gathering to avoid inadvertently offending someone and getting himself into trouble. And these well-known large corporations in the ninja world were naturally not to be overlooked.

"My name is Sakura Haruno..." Sakura pointed to herself and said.

"I know your name is Sakura Haruno. Didn't you introduce yourself already?!" Zabuza, upon hearing this, felt a bit puzzled. But as the words reached this point, he instantly froze. His eyes widened as he stared at Sakura. "Sakura Haruno, Haruno..."

"Haruno Group's chairman is my dad, and I was the one who supported the initial development of the Haruno Group!" Whenever Sakura thought about the first two years of starting the business, she couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness. As a four or five-year-old child, she not only helped Uncle Teuchi innovate dishes but also gave ideas to her parents, who were starting their first major business. In the end, she even helped connect Third Hokage to the business, ensuring the company's success. It was quite a challenging journey. But fortunately, her efforts bore fruit, and the Haruno Group had now become a leading large corporation in the entire ninja world, controlling the economic lifeline of numerous people.

"Damn..." Zabuza couldn't help but let out an exclamation of extreme shock. It turned out he was following a big shot. With the current strength of the Haruno Group, as long as they didn't deliberately target the Five Great Ninja Villages, even the villages wouldn't dare to easily offend them.

"Do you know Tenka Kai?" Sakura asked again.

"Tenka Kai? Are you talking about the Tenka Kai primarily involved in publishing and investment?" Zabuza's mind hadn't fully recovered from the concept of Miss Haruno Group, so he subconsciously answered. "That group that suddenly emerged a couple of years ago has a peculiar name, but they're quite powerful. They are on par with the Haruno Group. Especially their publishing and newspaper companies, which are popular throughout the entire ninja world. Even the current Icha Icha Paradise can only be found in Tenka Kai's bookstores. However, their best-selling series called 'Wrong Love' outsold Icha Icha Paradise, taking the top spot. But there's something odd about that series. It's all about men's love affairs. I don't understand why it sells better than Icha Icha Paradise!"

"So, you also read Icha Icha Paradise!" Kakashi had an expression of finding his comrades. But when he thought about the 'Wrong Love' series, he felt a sense of discomfort. It was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life, giving Sakura their graduation photo.

"Cough, I occasionally read it to pass the time..." Zabuza coughed lightly, feeling a bit embarrassed. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it before, but ever since he found out that Haku was a girl, talking about this topic made him feel awkward.

"Tenka Kai is a business I share with a few friends, but my stake is the highest. In other words, I am the chairman of Tenka Kai!" Sakura smiled and revealed an answer that almost made Zabuza kneel.

"Damn..." Zabuza realized he no longer knew how to describe his current mood. Not only did he hold onto a golden thigh, but it was more like he held onto a little golden idol.

"Do you know Amagiri Weapons Shop?" Sakura asked again.

"Is that also your business?" Zabuza's voice was already trembling. He had struggled his whole life, and now he had less money than a twelve-year-old girl. It felt like he couldn't survive in this world anymore.

"No..." Sakura shook her head.

"That's good!" Zabuza breathed a sigh of relief. If even the Amagiri Weapons Shop became Sakura's business, he would truly go insane.

"The sole heir of Amagiri Weapons Shop, Tenten, is my good friend. We've been playing together since we were kids, and we have a longstanding relationship..." Sakura casually stabbed Zabuza.

"..." Zabuza didn't want to say anything anymore. His mind was already filled with the phrase 'damn.' What else could he say? Big shots hang out with other big shots, while he, a poor guy who worked hard every day to earn a living, felt that life was meaningless.

"Oh, and one more thing!" Perhaps feeling that Zabuza hadn't been stimulated enough, Sakura suddenly clapped her hands and said, "Sasuke's Uchiha clan was not wiped out. They are now in the Land of Snow, and they have successfully occupied it. The entire Land of Snow has become their territory, and their wealth has multiplied many times compared to when they were in Konoha!"

"..." Zabuza clutched his heart. This life was unbearable.

"And Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. He is also one of the few remaining descendants of the Uzumaki clan. His mother, Kushina Uzumaki, is a pure-blooded Uzumaki clan member. In terms of bloodline, Naruto can be considered a prince!" Sakura pointed to Naruto and once again stabbed Zabuza in the heart.

Zabuza: "..."

"Currently, Kakashi-sensei is being trained by the Third Hokage as the successor to the position of the Fifth Hokage. He is destined to inherit the position of Konoha's village leader in the future!" Sakura pointed to Kakashi, who was engrossed in reading Icha Icha Paradise, and once again stabbed Zabuza.

Zabuza: "..." Damn, why does a guy who reads adult books do better than me in life?!

"In addition, among our group of friends, Hinata is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan's main branch and the future heir of the Hyuga clan. Neji's father is the leader of a branch family of the Hyuga clan. Kiba is the future head of the Inuzuka clan. Shino is the future head of the Aburame clan. Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino are the next generation of the Ino–Shika–Cho trio, representing the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans' future heads of households, respectively. As for Lee, although he's an orphan, his mentor and part-time adoptive father, Might Guy, is a Jonin of Konoha and known as the 'Blue Beast.' He's a formidable person who, when going all out, can rub the Five Great Ninja Village's kages into the ground. He also holds a high position in Konoha..." Sakura used her fingers to count, causing Zabuza's chest to ache.

"You... Please stop. My heart hurts, and I can't take any more stimulation..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 143: Gato's Recklessness [Part 1]


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