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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


Upon seeing Third Hokage finally give up, Naruto instantly released his transformation jutsu and ran to the window, vomiting uncontrollably. He couldn't bear the nausea anymore.

"Grandfather Third Hokage, why did you have to be so stubborn? You could have surrendered earlier and spared yourself all this trouble," Sakura said with a pained expression, as if she was standing up for Third Hokage. "But now, look at what happened. You made yourself sick for nothing."

"Hehe..." Third Hokage forced a highly desolate smile. He had already given up earlier, but throwing up blood had left him too weak to fight back. He had clearly waved his hand to surrender, but that troublesome brat misunderstood and launched an enhanced version of his attack. What kind of sin had he committed to deserve this torture at his age?

"Uh, Third Hokage, can you please find a mission for us that we can take before the Chunin exams?" Sakura suddenly felt sorry for Third Hokage, seeing all the blood on the floor. He was probably going to spend a long time at Konoha Hospital.

"Come back tomorrow. I'll give you a mission then!" Third Hokage's face turned white as a sheet. He looked at Sakura with a sad and resentful expression. He didn't even have the strength to assign them a mission now, let alone deal with all the other issues.


Sakura smiled apologetically and helped Naruto, who had now collapsed on the ground, to leave. Kakashi and Sasuke were visibly frightened. They had only looked away for a moment, and Third Hokage had become a pathetic mess.

On that day, rumors about Third Hokage's secrets with Elder Homura Mitokado and Elder Danzo Shimura began circulating around Konoha Village. The stories were so juicy that they could be made into a book.

Also on that day, Third Hokage was sent to Konoha Hospital, completely exhausted. The doctors were astonished to find that he had severe anemia, even though there was no visible wound on his body.

The next morning, Sakura and her team arrived at Third Hokage's office and saw the conspicuous IV bag. Third Hokage, with a pale and bloodless face, was holding a document in one hand and a drip bag in the other. In just one day, he looked like he had aged ten years, with gray hair sprouting out in all directions.

"Good morning, Grandfather Third Hokage..."

Sakura greeted him awkwardly. Third Hokage looked like he had suffered a great deal.

"I'm not feeling good at all!" Third Hokage glared at Sakura. He had been covered in blood and sent to Konoha Hospital the day before. The doctors were all looking at him strangely, as if they thought he was some kind of pervert, especially the nurses who looked at the blood under his nose with disdain, as if they had seen an old lecher.

"Cough cough, Grandfather Third Hokage, please don't be angry. I had no choice. You were being so stubborn yesterday!" Sakura rubbed her nose. She didn't want to use that strategy, but the Enhanced Intelligence-Lowering Strike not only hurt Third Hokage, but also herself and Naruto. Only Kakashi and Sasuke, who had closed their eyes and gone into a trance, were not affected. It was an indiscriminate attack that hurt everyone. She felt terrible.

"After you used Plan Three, I had already surrendered! But you misunderstood and used an enhanced version of Plan Four!" Third Hokage's kidneys were aching just thinking about it.

As Third Hokage thought about it, he suddenly remembered the devilishly curvy woman with Danzo's head who had acted cute towards him, and his stomach began to churn again. His face turned as pale as if he had put on powder, making him look even more frightening.

"Ahem, to make it up to you, Grandfather Third Hokage, I'll help you recover your body!" Sakura said apologetically. She hadn't expected to make the old man suffer so much. But since he hadn't directly spoken up and corrected her misunderstanding, she felt the need to apologize. To express her regret, Sakura snapped her fingers and reversed time on Third Hokage's body by about ten years.

"Ahh, my hand..." Third Hokage screamed in agony. He still had a drip needle in his hand, and the sudden change in muscle strength caused the needle to break off inside his flesh. The feeling of having half a drip needle stuck in his body almost made Third Hokage cry out in pain.

After a chaotic scene, Third Hokage's office finally returned to calm, with his body restored to what it was ten years ago. He held a smoking pipe and tapped his fingers on the table.

"Third Hokage-sama, the person has arrived..."

The staff who had entered twice yesterday and spread gossip about Third Hokage brought an old man into the office.

"You may leave." Third Hokage waved his hand and didn't recognize who the person was, or perhaps he hadn't noticed anyone else coming in yesterday.

"Yes..." The staff lowered their heads and tried to suppress their fear. If Third Hokage found out that they had spread gossip about the village, they would probably be sent to the torture chamber to accompany Ibiki, the sadistic interrogator.

Tazuna, wearing his eye patch, emitted a strong smell of alcohol. When he learned that his mission had alarmed Third Hokage, panic flashed in his eyes. Did someone discover that he had released false information about the mission?!

"Sakura, this is Mr. Tazuna, the client for your next mission. Your task is to escort him safely to the Land of Waves!" Third Hokage threw a scroll to Kakashi and said, "This is just a C-rank mission, and you won't encounter any danger. But it will give you a chance to gain experience and relax outside the village!"

Third Hokage had initially been reluctant to let Sakura and her team leave Konoha, but now he was eager for them to go. His injured heart couldn't take any more stress. If he didn't let Sakura go soon, and she became agitated and attacked him again, he might end up in the crematorium.

As for the mission that Tazuna had issued, Third Hokage knew something about it. Although it wasn't just a C-rank mission as it seemed on the surface, Third Hokage wasn't worried about Sakura and her team encountering any danger. Not to mention the combat strength of these three troublesome kids, Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan alone was already the greatest guarantee.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 128: Mission in the Land of Waves


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