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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"Third Hokage-sama, you don't have to worry at all. Although we lack experience, we have Kakashi-sensei with us. No matter what happens, Kakashi-sensei will guide us. If you don't trust us, do you not trust Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura tried to persuade Third Hokage to let them leave the village and even used Kakashi as a guarantee.

"But Kakashi can also make mistakes!" Third Hokage shook his head and still did not agree. "And Kakashi's Sharingan greatly impairs his strength. If he uses it too much and faints when facing a powerful enemy, who will protect you?"

Third Hokage did not know Kakashi's current situation and thought that he was still the same as before, weakened by the Three Tomoe Sharingan. Upon hearing this, Sakura gave Kakashi a signal.

"Kakashi-sensei, why don't you show your eyes to Third Hokage-sama?"

"Okay!" Kakashi silently lifted his forehead protector, revealing his black pupil.

"Kakashi, where is your Sharingan?" Third Hokage suddenly stood up. If Kakashi lost his Sharingan, Konoha would lose a great asset. Given Kakashi's age, it would be impossible for him to make significant progress if he had to relearn the White Fang's Sword Technique.

"Don't worry, Third Hokage-sama. I can control my Sharingan now!" Kakashi thought and activated the Three Tomoe Sharingan. Then, as Third Hokage let out a sigh of relief, the three tomoe instantly connected to form a pattern resembling a three-bladed scythe.

"This is the Mangekyo Sharingan?!" Third Hokage's pupils shrank. He grew up listening to stories about Senju Hashirama and Madara Uchiha, so he was familiar with the Mangekyo Sharingan. But except for Uchiha Itachi, he had not heard of anyone else unlocking it for many years. How could Kakashi, an outsider, activate the Mangekyo Sharingan?

"Yes, it is the Mangekyo Sharingan. With this, Third Hokage-sama should not have to worry too much," Sakura said, pointing to Kakashi's eyes. "And we want to go outside mainly to gain experience and broaden our horizons. It is impossible to make significant progress by practicing silently in the village. Ninjas should grow in battle. Just like the First Hokage, if he had not experienced so many battles, would he still be the revered God of Ninjas?"

"That's true, but..." Third Hokage smoked and still seemed hesitant.

"Third Hokage-sama, if you don't let us go, don't blame us for being impolite!" Sakura's expression became unfriendly. She knew that Third Hokage would not let them leave the village so easily, so she was prepared. If Third Hokage listened to her advice, it would be fine. If not, they would have to use the last resort.

"Are you planning to sneak out or fight your way out?" Third Hokage smiled and joked. He did not think that Sakura and the others would defect, so this was just a joke.

"Of course not. We are all Konoha's ninjas. Why would we defect?" Sakura raised her eyebrows, and her smile was full of malice. "Just hope that Third Hokage-sama can still laugh so happily later."

"Oh? Sakura, feel free to use your tricks. I'll take them all!" Third Hokage waved his hand and said boldly.


Sakura gave Naruto a signal, then stepped back and allowed him to take the lead.

"Plan One..."

"Got it..." Naruto smiled and formed a hand seal for transformation. Third Hokage raised his eyebrows as he remembered that Naruto had used this technique when they caught Mizuki.

Kakashi secretly lowered his forehead protector to cover his left eye, and his right eye appeared to be squinting, but in reality, he was staring intently at the smoke rising from the transformation jutsu. The first plan was still visible, so he could use it to cleanse his eyes for the following plans.

Meanwhile, a certain haughty assistant blushed and closed her eyes at the so-called first plan. She was still a pure youth and wanted to save everything for her older brother. She couldn't let herself be contaminated.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, a golden-haired girl with blue eyes appeared before Third Hokage wearing a bikini and seductively threw him a flirtatious look.

"Third Hokage-sama, please let us go on a high-level mission, okay?!" Naruto forced himself to act sickly sweet and coquettish towards Third Hokage.

"Uh, no...you guys have just graduated, you can't go on a high-level mission!" Third Hokage's eyes were fixed on "Naruto," and a little bit of red liquid was secretly oozing out of his nostrils, but he still refused to budge.

"Naruto, plan two, let's give Third Hokage-sama an upgrade in stimulation. He's getting old, and his cardiovascular system may be blocked. Maybe we can open the blocked areas by stimulating his blood circulation!" Sakura remained calm and took a careful look at "Naruto's" transformed appearance, finding some areas for improvement.

"Okay!" "Naruto" grinned mischievously and created many shadow clones, then all of them performed hand seals at the same time. "Ninjutsu - Harem no Jutsu!"

Smoke from the transformation jutsu filled the office, and not only was Third Hokage eager with anticipation, but even the ANBU guards hiding in the shadows had hopeful expressions.

"Third Hokage-sama, can we have a high-level mission?"

"Please, Third Hokage-sama..."

"Third Hokage-sama, just give us a high-level mission..."

A bunch of scantily-clad beauties appeared in Hokage's office, all of them characters from the anime and games Sakura had seen in her past life. They were either cute, charming, or sexy, and their unique charms made Kakashi's nose mask moisten. The haughty assistant's face turned as red as a tomato.

The sound of dripping water could be heard both inside and outside Third Hokage's office window, and numerous drops of red blood stained the floor, almost turning it completely red.

Third Hokage was even more stimulated, as a group of beautiful women surrounded him, causing his nose to bleed like a broken faucet. Sakura was beginning to worry that he might bleed to death in the next second.

"I can't...I can't give you a high-level mission..." Third Hokage said with difficulty, his nosebleed flowing like a tap.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 126: Humiliating Third Hokage [End]


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