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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


The chakra from Nine-Tails, Indra, and Ashura slowly merged together in Sakura's palm. When the chakra was completely fused, Sakura quickly threw it out.

The thrown chakra didn't disappear, but instead floated in mid-air. In Sakura's eyes, a blue light flashed, and the power of the Space Stone was activated, directly opening a spatial channel and taking in the soul of the Six Paths Sage.

"Old man, long time no see..."

Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Nine-Tails' mouth curled up, and there were tears in his eyes, like a bullied child finding his parent.

"Kurama? Gyuki? Isobu? Matatabi? Why are you all here?" Six Paths Sage looked confused. He had sensed three types of chakra merging together and had come to take a look. But he felt a wave of spatial fluctuations, and when he appeared again, he was already here.

"Sorry, old man, I brought you here!" Sakura respected the Six Paths Sage, who was dedicated to world peace. "This is a mental space. Although the body cannot enter, you can stay here. It's perfect for you to retire!"

"It's a very magical space!" Six Paths Sage looked around the mental space and then focused his gaze back on Sakura, looking serious. "You have a very terrifying power, a power that has long surpassed mine. Even she appears very small in the face of this power!"

The Infinity Stones are cosmic-level treasures, so their power is naturally very strong. However, whether it was the Six Paths Sage or Kaguya Otsutsuki, their strength was at most the peak of a planet, and they couldn't compare with the Infinity Stones at all.

"It's a pity that I can't fully utilize this power!" Sakura shrugged helplessly. She knew the Infinity Stones were very powerful, but she couldn't control them. If she wasn't careful, the Infinity Stones could destroy the world.

"Too much power can make people lose their minds..." Six Paths Sage said, unconsciously gripping his staff tightly, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "You have a powerful force, but you haven't lost your mind. Instead, you have found your bonds. That's good!"

"Because I have many people I care about!" Sakura shrugged and said, "Power has never been a terrible thing, and strong power doesn't necessarily make people lose their minds. The so-called loss of mind is often just the release of the dark nature in one's soul. And like your mother's situation, it's not that she lost her mind to the power. She just cared too much about you and your brother!"

"What do you actually know?" The Six Paths Sage's expression changed suddenly. Why did he feel like Sakura knew everything?

"I don't know about some small details, but I do know a lot about your mother!" Sakura shrugged her shoulders. In a way, Kaguya Otsutsuki was quite tragic. She fell in love when she was young, but encountered a scumbag. She worked hard to raise her two children, but her son also betrayed her. She was sealed alone in a dark place for thousands of years, and when she came out, she was sealed again by a reincarnated individual of her grandson's chakra. Her only companion was the loyal Black Zetsu.

"Mother..." The Six Paths Sage's expression became complicated. There was a time when he, his brother, and his mother lived together happily as a family. But after learning about the Infinite Tsukuyomi, all their happiness turned into bubbles.

"I mean, can you not make that expression? With your current elderly face, it looks a bit too awkward!" Sakura shuddered. This old man's nostalgic expression was really hard to accept.

"Hehe, sorry, I just remembered some things from the past!" The Six Paths Sage laughed softly twice, then his expression became serious again. "Originally, according to my predictions, I should not have appeared for several years. But because of your existence, the prophecy has already changed. Since the Child of Prophecy has already appeared, I will entrust everything to you for now!"

"Are you referring to the resurrection of Kaguya Otsutsuki in several years?" Sakura glanced at him and said, "In a way, you really are a great filial son!"

"I have seen you in the original prophecy. You are Sakura Haruno, right? Then I will call you Sakura too. Why do I feel like you have some opinions about me?" The Six Paths Sage felt a bit depressed. He may not be loved by everyone, but he shouldn't be so unlikable, right?!

"Well, to be honest, I admire the shinobi system you created, the idea of using chakra to connect people's hearts is very good. But as for you and Kaguya Otsutsuki, I can only say hehehe..." Sakura sneered and said, "When you made the choice to seal your own mother, did you really not regret it? Have you ever asked why things turned out that way? You didn't even bother to communicate with Kaguya Otsutsuki and just assumed that she was going to harm the world based on a few words from others and your own imagination. Six Paths Sage, how should we evaluate you as a person? You have done great things for the entire shinobi world by bringing chakra to everyone, which is beyond doubt, but you have let down your mother Kaguya Otsutsuki!"

"But, wasn't the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan wrong in the first place? It would have trapped the whole world in a genjutsu and allowed her to gain control, do you think that was right?"

Sakura's words made the Six Paths Sage's expression somewhat gloomy. He remembered the sadness and disbelief in his mother's eyes when she was sealed. Suddenly, he felt very uncomfortable.

"The Infinite Tsukuyomi was indeed wrong, but who told you that it was for Kaguya Otsutsuki to gain power?" Sakura sneered and said, "Was it Gamamaru? Or was it your girlfriend? The so-called Infinite Tsukuyomi was actually a method for turning humans into White Zetsu, which was used by your mother to prepare for war against her enemies!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 117: It's All Your Father's Fault [Part 1]


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