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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"A sealing technique with the effect of clearing the mind and enhancing perception is definitely the best choice for dealing with Tailed Beasts!"

Minato Namikaze had also seen this sealing technique, but it was not easy to practice in the first place. In addition, he was not a primary practitioner of sealing techniques, so he only glanced at it and did not know the specific usage method of this technique.

"Let go of me, let go of me quickly, what are you going to do?!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox wriggled its body, trying to break free. Unfortunately, its whole body was bound by the wooden branches of the Tree World Birth, and it was also tied up by Mokuryu on the outside. The binding power of the Wood Release made it unable to resist at all.

As the wooden person's palm was about to slap him, the Nine-Tailed Fox's feeling of unease became even stronger. He remembered that when Senju Hashirama used this technique, there was a seal resembling the character "seat" on the palm of the wooden person. Why wasn't Sakura's seal like that?


"What are you trying to do, you lunatic?!"

The wooden person's palm heavily slapped the Nine-Tailed Fox's forehead, causing the Nine-Tailed Fox to let out a scream. It hurt, and why didn't he feel the same inner peace as before? Instead, all he felt was pain.

"Of course, I'm going to use the Hakke no Fūin Shiki to seal you!"

Sakura said confidently as she continued to control the wooden person, mercilessly slapping the Nine-Tailed Fox's head.

"This isn't the Hakke no Fūin Shiki! You lunatic, let go of me quickly..." The Nine-Tailed Fox struggled harder. The strength of the wooden person was comparable to that of a complete Susanoo, and every slap on his head was really painful.

"I said it is!..." Sakura remained unfazed, continuing to slap him while muttering under her breath. "Just pass out already, pass out, pass out. Your resistance to dizziness is pretty strong. I've slapped you so many times, and you're still not passing out..."

"Snap..." "Pass out..." "Snap..." "Pass out..." "..."

As Sakura slapped him with the wooden person's hand, she quietly murmured to herself. She even started to create a rhythm towards the end.

"So this is how the Hakke no Fūin Shiki is used?" Uzumaki Kushina was first confused, but then became excited. "So this is how I was wrong in using the sealing technique before. It's no wonder my sealing technique couldn't reach the level of Mito-sama!"

"Hehe..." Minato Namikaze was scared white on the side. His wife had a somewhat violent personality to begin with, and if she believed that this was how sealing techniques should be used from now on, he feared that he would have no good days ahead.

"It's so scary, too brutal!" The Two-Tails Matatabi, Three-Tails Isobu, and Eight-Tails Gyūki were trembling in fear, all huddled together. They were really lucky. If they were beaten up like the Nine-Tailed Fox, they would have been killed.

"The Hakke no Fūin Shiki uses a strong palm strike to hit the Nine-Tailed Fox's head, causing it to suffer from a concussion and dizziness, thus achieving the goal of making the Nine-Tailed Fox calm down!"

Sakura explained to them as she slapped the Nine-Tailed Fox.

"You lunatic, let go of me quickly. Ah, it hurts! You're taking revenge on me deliberately..."

Nine-Tailed Fox screamed in pain, feeling like his skull was about to be crushed. In addition, Mokuryu kept wrapping around him, leaving him with no sensation except for the pain.

"I am just seeking revenge for my own sake!" Sakura did not argue and admitted straightforwardly, "Who told you to use Tailed Beast Ball to bomb me? If I didn't give you some color to see, did you really want to go to heaven?!"

"Ao, if you have the ability, then let me go. What's so great about Wood Release..."

Nine-Tailed Fox was almost exploding with anger. He knew that Senju Hashirama was not a good person. He had left such a treacherous sealing technique for future generations, even though he was already dead. It was simply shameless.

"Still have the energy to yell. Looks like I have to use my ultimate move!"

Sakura's face changed, took a deep breath, and formed two simple hand seals. A huge hammer took shape in the wooden man's hand.

"What are you doing? Let me go, you crazy demon. Don't come near me..."

Nine-Tailed Fox's eyes were about to pop out. The wooden hammer was bigger than his head. With the wooden man's strength, a single blow would kill him.

"Take it, little Nine-Tailed Fox, my ultimate move, Super Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!"

Under Sakura's control, the wooden man jumped high, swung the huge wooden hammer, and smashed it onto Nine-Tailed Fox's head.


The tremendous force made cracks appear on the sturdy handle of the wooden hammer. Then the entire hammerhead flew out, leaving only a bare handle in the wooden man's hand.

"Senju Hashirama, I hate you..."

The last thing that went through Nine-Tailed Fox's mind was Senju Hashirama's silly smiling face. Then his head tilted and he fell silent.


After releasing Wood Release, Sakura looked at Nine-Tailed Fox lying unconscious on the ground and nodded in satisfaction. She knew that she had some talent in sealing techniques. Even Nine-Tailed Fox was easily sealed.

"Will Nine-Tailed Fox be killed by this beating?!"

Gyuki lightly touched Nine-Tailed Fox with his tentacles and breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, he's still breathing. He must have just fainted."

"Dad, did you also seal Nine-Tailed Fox like this back then?" Naruto raised his head and looked at Minato Namikaze, curious.

"Hahaha, how is that possible!" Minato Namikaze quickly waved his hand, a cold sweat dripping down his forehead. "Back then, I used the Reaper Death Seal to take Nine-Tailed Fox with me to the afterlife. Then, I sealed the remaining half into your body!"

"I see. I thought Dad also beat him like that!" Naruto nodded, suddenly feeling sorry for Nine-Tailed Fox. "Being beaten like this must hurt a lot!"

"So the First Hokage sealed Nine-Tailed Fox like this. It seems that the records in the history books cannot be fully trusted!"

The Uchiha family started to discuss and couldn't help but feel doubtful about the character of the First Hokage. Wasn't it said in the book that the First Hokage had tamed the Tailed Beast with love? But now it seemed that the Wood Release sealing method was so brutal that Nine-Tailed Fox suffered from a concussion. It seemed that the First Hokage was not a good person.

Senju Hashirama was still unaware that his reputation had been questioned by everyone. Especially in Nine-Tailed Fox's heart, Senju Hashirama had successfully killed Madara Uchiha and ranked first on the hate list. Sakura was ranked second, and Madara Uchiha was ranked third.

The happiest person was probably Uzumaki Kushina, who was currently discussing with Sakura about how to use the sealing technique. The laughter from the two of them made Minato Namikaze and his group shudder.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 113: The Unwilling to Admit Defeat Nine-Tailed Fox


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