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Chapter List: Naruto: Sakura Blizzard


"I just need to rest for a bit!" Sakura closed her eyes and rested her head on Naruto's shoulder. If Grim Reaper had resisted earlier, she wouldn't have known what to do. Right now, she could only use a fraction of the power of the Infinity Stones, and she was no match for Grim Reaper, who had lived for countless years.

After a while, Sakura's complexion gradually improved. She looked at Minato and Kushina standing together and suddenly felt that her discomfort was not in vain.

"Hey, Nine-Tailed Fox, I might need your help with something. Can you please lend me some chakra?" Sakura stretched her limbs and walked to the cage where the Nine-Tailed Fox was imprisoned. The seal that had been inside Naruto's body was a huge space like a sewer, but after connecting with the spiritual space, the sewer-like environment changed. All the excess things disappeared, leaving only a huge iron cage imprisoning the Nine-Tailed Fox, looking like a fox trapped in a pet store.

"No, I won't," said the Nine-Tailed Fox, lying there with his eyes closed, calming his trembling heart that had been frightened by Grim Reaper.

"Are you trying to force me to beat you up?" Sakura's expression turned cold. This dead fox was still so arrogant since he had not been tamed by Naruto.

"If you need Tailed Beast chakra, just ask that yellow-haired kid!" The Nine-Tailed Fox suppressed his anger and said in a bad tone. Half of his Yin attribute was still in Minato's soul, and with the seal blocking him, he couldn't merge it with his Yang attribute.

"Oh, I forgot!" Sakura suddenly realized that when Minato sealed the Nine-Tailed Fox, he had intended to sacrifice himself along with half of the fox's Yin attribute. Now half of the Nine-Tailed Fox's Yin attribute was still entangled with Minato's soul. "But with your attitude so arrogant, it's really putting me in a bad mood!"

"Hmph, if you have the guts, come in and fight me!" The Nine-Tailed Fox sneered. This sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan was disgusting. He couldn't get out, but no one else could get in.

"I won't stay in a cage with a pet, but I am interested in beating you up!" Sakura motioned for Naruto and the others to step back. "Later, I will let you out, and then we'll fight. If I win, you'll obey me like a pet. If I lose, I'll let you go and promise that Konoha won't bother you. How about it?"

"Not good. I only have half of my body left, so I'll be at a disadvantage in a fight!" The Nine-Tailed Fox opened his eyes a crack and secretly thought of another plan for his other half.

"This, rest assured, since we agreed to have a fair fight, I will release your other half so that you can merge into your full power. Only then can you be convinced, right?!" Sakura's face showed a meaningful smile. The Nine-Tailed Fox had calculated well, as the complete Nine-Tailed Fox's strength naturally increased greatly compared to having only half of its body. But sometimes, the natural restraint is just that, and it doesn't have much to do with being half or not.

"As long as you keep your promise, I will agree to this fight!" The Nine-Tailed Fox was very excited. After living in obscurity for so many years, is it finally going to see the light of day?!

"Words spoken cannot be revoked!" After Sakura replied, she directly waved her hand and a purple energy shockwave hit the seal of the Nine-Tailed Fox's cage. The previously indestructible seal shattered instantly, just like paper.

"Roar... this old man is finally out..." The Nine-Tailed Fox roared excitedly, and its huge chakra completely shattered the broken cage. However, at the same time, the Nine-Tailed Fox was also somewhat uneasy. It had been trying to break the seal for so long, but Sakura broke it with a wave of her hand. Could it be that it could still fail?

"Uncle Minato, please release the Yin half!" Sakura turned her head and shouted at Namikaze Minato.

"Understood!" Namikaze Minato did not hesitate and threw the Yin half of the Nine-Tailed Fox, which was entwined with his own soul, out. Although he had just been revived and did not know Sakura well, his intuition made him choose to trust her.

"This old man's power has returned again..." The Nine-Tailed Fox swallowed the chakra that burst out of Namikaze Minato's body and its body instantly expanded. After a while, a giant Nine-Tailed Fox appeared in front of everyone. When its nine tails shook, the hurricane made people stagger, and the Tailed Beast chakra emanating from its body was filled with violent aggression.

"Little girl, you said you wanted to have a fair fight with this old man, right? Come on, since you have fulfilled your promise, this old man will give you a chance. Even if you lose, this old man won't eat you!" The Nine-Tailed Fox was in a good mood, and even the look in its eyes towards Sakura softened a bit.

"To be honest, Kyuubi, I have a question that I really want to ask you!" Sakura suddenly raised her eyebrows and showed a strange smile on her face. "The life of the Tailed Beast and the Jinchuriki are connected, and you can feel everything that the Jinchuriki sees and feels. I'm very curious, what did you feel when Kushina Aunt gave birth? As a male fox, you had to experience the pain of childbirth. Also, how about the feeling of being pressed under Minato Uncle every night? Oh, and when you were inside the body of the First Hokage's wife, and the person pressing you down turned out to be your most hated Senju Hashirama, how did that feel?!"

"You little bastard, this old man will kill you..." The Nine-Tailed Fox's good mood was instantly thrown out the window, and even the slightest bit of favorability towards Sakura disappeared. Its hair stood up, and it turned into an angry fox.

"By the way, could it be that the reason why the Nine-Tailed Fox has such a bad temper is because of what Sakura just said?!" Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fugaku, and others were all embarrassed by Sakura's question, but Uzumaki Kushina's expression showed deep thought. The Tailed Beast and the Jinchuriki shared life and death, and the feeling was also connected. Does that mean that there is a fox spirit sharing her husband's body inside her?! "Who, who knows?!" Namikaze Minato's face turned green. Thinking about the time he and his wife were together, this perverted fox also had the same feeling. An infinite feeling of disgust surged up in his heart.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 111: How to Properly Seal the Nine-Tailed Fox


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