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"Everyone, I apologize for the inconvenience." Wang Shouye was still chatting with the merchants, including Rogue Cultivator, and laughing with them. He had a bright smile on his face and was very sincere. "It's all because of my family's business, and I've delayed everyone's journey. Please forgive me."

"Seventh Young Master, you don't have to be so polite."

"Yes, it's just a small matter."

"We're not busy, and there's no need to rush. It's Seventh Young Master's schedule that's more important."

Everyone was chatting and laughing, flattering Seventh Young Master. It was clear that he held a high position in their hearts.

However, Wang Shouye continued to make small talk, circling around the topic.

Finally, his gaze fell on the old man and Wang Shouyue, and he clearly saw that they were not ordinary people. He smiled and bowed, saying, "I've delayed you both."

He had an extraordinary demeanor, like a refined and elegant gentleman, making people feel like they were basking in the warmth of spring. His good impression was impeccable.

Now, the Wang Clan was powerful, and it was normal for people to come and visit. Wang Shouye thought to himself.

"No need to apologize," the old man said with a smile. "Seventh Young Master's martial arts skills are quite impressive, and his natural talent is exceptional."

"I'm just average, and my martial arts skills are nothing special," Wang Shouye said humbly. "Compared to my brothers and sisters in the family, I'm still far behind."

Although he was telling the truth, the old man and Wang Shouyue didn't show any reaction on their faces, but they were clearly skeptical in their hearts.

How could someone so young have such exceptional martial arts skills and a high level of cultivation? Wasn't he a spiritual seedling from his family?

Could it be that the declining Ping'an Wang Clan was still able to produce two spiritual heirs?

So, they just thought he was being humble.

At the same time, the familiar merchants and Rogue Cultivator began to tell stories about Seventh Young Master Wang Shouye to the people around them.

Seventh Young Master Wang Shouye had been learning alchemy at the Xu Clan's Pill Workshop in Changning Guard since he was a child.

Now, at a young age, he was already a first-grade alchemist.

Moreover, because of his handsome appearance and gentle nature, he was very popular among the young generation in Changning Guard.

Many aristocratic family misses had already set their sights on him, and they would often visit the Xu Clan's Pill Workshop, pretending to buy medicine or seek medical treatment. Some even brought a lot of alchemy materials, asking Seventh Young Master to help them refine pills, saying that they wouldn't need to compensate him even if they failed.

This made the person in charge of the pill workshop very frustrated. While business was booming, the other alchemists had opinions about it.

Why did everyone want Seventh Young Master to refine pills for them?

Was it because of his family background and good looks that his refined pills were more fragrant?

Wang Shouye's young age and high level of cultivation were clearly due to his family's wealth, which allowed him to waste resources without worrying about the cost.

As a result, these "rumors" spread, and the alchemists were beaten up by a group of aristocratic family misses in a dark alley.

There were many more strange stories like this.

It was clear that Seventh Young Master Wang Shouye was quite famous in Changning Guard.

When this was said, the old man and Wang Shouyue exchanged a glance, both looking puzzled.

Had the Ping'an Wang Clan really declined to the point where they had to send their heir to learn alchemy at someone else's pill workshop?

Usually, family heirs didn't specialize in a particular skill, as they had too many things to learn.

They also needed to focus on their cultivation and strive to reach the Spirit Platform Stage as soon as possible. Specializing in a secondary profession would delay their cultivation.

Oh well, no need to think too much. The Ping'an Wang Clan must have their own plans.

The two of them didn't rush to greet Wang Shouye.

Although they were shocked by his abilities, they felt it was normal.

After all, the Wang Clan, no matter how declined, could still produce a heir of this level.

Especially Wang Shouyue, who was only two or three years older than Wang Shouye and had already reached the peak of the Qi Refinement Stage Seven. He felt that he had a chance to break through to the Spirit Platform Stage before the age of thirty.

With a slightly proud attitude, compared to Wang Shouye, the Ping'an Wang Clan heir, Wang Shouye seemed rather ordinary.

Just then, a cargo ship was slowly docking, loaded with smoked fish, salted fish, and other goods. The ship's captain was a lean and strong young man in his mid-twenties. When he saw Wang Shouye, he exclaimed, "Young Master, you're back in Ping'an? You didn't come back for the New Year, and Uncle will be very happy to know you're back."

"Ah, it's Eldest Brother," Wang Shouye called out from a distance. "How's my father's health lately? I haven't seen him in a long time." Wang Gou Dan was a distant relative of the Wang Clan and had grown up with Wang Shouye's father.

"Uncle is in good spirits," Wang Gou Dan said with a smile. "Two months ago, he caught a Third-Order Aquatic Fierce Beast that invaded our family's waters and said he wanted to give it to you as a supplement."

Wang Shouye couldn't help but laugh. "Father loves fishing, and this hobby is hard to give up." Now, his father Wang Dinghai was in charge of all the fishing fleets and didn't need to do it himself.

As they chatted, the ferryboat slowly sailed out of the dock and headed towards the center of the river.

This conversation made Wang Shouyue frown.

Father fishing? Had the Ping'an Wang Clan really declined to this point?

Was the patriarch of the Wang Clan, who was supposed to be in charge of the family, still fishing?

And they were even targeting a Third-Order Aquatic Fierce Beast This was a big boast.

A Third-Order Aquatic Fierce Beast was extremely powerful, even more difficult to deal with than a land-based Ferocious Beast of the same level. If they weren't careful, it could lead to a shipwreck and loss of life.

Who didn't know that even two or three spiritual ancestors wouldn't dare to take on a Third-Order Aquatic Fierce Beast lightly?

Wang Shouyue thought to himself, feeling a bit disdainful towards the Ping'an Wang Clan.

After that, there was no more conversation.

The ferryboat sailed along the river, finally arriving at the Dingpu Ferry Terminal in Ping'an Town.


This Ping'an Wang Clan ferry terminal was completely different from the Changning Ferry. It was like heaven and earth.

The Changning Ferry was old and dilapidated, fitting Wang Shouyue's imagination of a rural ferry terminal. But this Dingpu Ferry Terminal was beyond his expectations.

There were tall, sturdy wooden buildings, neat and clean, with a sense of grandeur.

The ferry terminal staff were all well-organized, and the people getting off the boat were all in order, unlike the chaotic scene at the Changning Ferry.

This kind of orderly scene was rarely seen even in Longzuo County, let alone in a rural area.

The old man and Wang Shouyue looked at each other, both puzzled.

"Third Uncle, have you been here before?" Wang Shouyue asked in a low voice.

"I came here twenty years ago," the old man replied, also looking puzzled.

Twenty years ago, this Dingpu Ferry Terminal was still desolate. How did it become so prosperous in just a short time?

It was like a small, prosperous town.

They didn't understand the situation, and the crowd gradually disembarked, learning that they needed to register to enter Ping'an Town.

Listening to the conversations around them, they felt like they were entering a government office rather than a rural town.

Just then, Wang Shouye, who had a Wang Clan identity token, was the first to pass through the Security Checkpoint.

A young man in his mid-teens, dressed in a neat and tidy uniform, was already waiting at the checkpoint. When he saw Wang Shouye, he hurriedly bowed and said, "Seventh Uncle, I received your letter and have been waiting for you here. Why did you come so late? Were you delayed by those misses who admire you?"

The young man was only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a strong and sturdy build, like a small ox.

"Zongsheng, you're getting more and more robust, and even your courage has grown," Wang Shouye laughed and patted him on the back. "Second Brother entrusted me to bring you some Peiyuan Pills, but I'll confiscate them all."

This young man was Wang Zongsheng, the son of Wang Shouyi, who was in charge of the Ping'an fish market and the entire fishing industry. His maternal family was from the Xu Clan, and he had grown up with Wang Shouye, with only a small age difference between them.

"Seventh Uncle, I was wrong," Wang Zongsheng hurriedly apologized, "I relied on my father's supplements to rush to the Qi Refinement Stage Seven and catch up with you. Please don't confiscate them."

The two of them exchanged a few casual remarks, but it was enough to shock the old man and Wang Shouyue, who were standing not far away. They couldn't believe their eyes.

That kid, Zong Sheng, should be a member of the Ping'an Wang Clan, right? He looks so young, but he's already planning to break through to the Qi Refinement Stage Seven?

How is this possible?

Then, they used their observation skills to take a closer look and discovered that the kid wasn't lying. He had already reached the mid-stage of the Qi Refinement Realm Six.

This was simply unbelievable!

Could it be that this kid was the true heir?

Especially Wang Shouyue, who was even more shocked. This kid was comparable to him when he was young.

This was simply baffling.

Later, the old man and Wang Shouyue started to register, wanting to hurry up and ask questions. Which one of these two young men was the true heir?

But unexpectedly, the registration staff questioned, "You're Wang Shouyue? A member of the Ping'an Wang Clan?"

"I'm Wang Shouyue, but I'm a member of the Longzuo's Wang Family," Wang Shouyue explained seriously.

Then the staff asked the old man, "You're Wang Xiaozheng, a member of the Wang Clan's Xiao generation?"

"That's correct," Wang Xiaozheng replied.

The staff then shouted, "Come quickly Someone is impersonating a member of the Wang Clan!"


Wang Xiaozheng and Wang Shouyue were both stunned. When did they impersonate a member of the Wang Clan?

Before they could speak, a group of soldiers rushed over, followed by several martial arts warriors, their faces stern.

Impersonating a member of the Wang Clan was a serious offense, and it had been a long time since such a thing had happened in Ping'an Town.

Even Wang Shouye and Wang Zongsheng hurried over, ready to take action.

The old man, Wang Xiaozheng, hastily shouted, "Don't misunderstand We're not impersonating. We're from the Longzuo's Wang Family, not the Ping'an Wang Clan."

"What's this Longzuo's Wang Family?" the lead martial arts warrior asked angrily. "Are you from the Wang Clan? Take them away, and we'll talk about it later."

Several soldiers rushed forward, pointing their spears at them.

"This is outrageous!" Wang Shouyue exclaimed. "We're from the Longzuo's Wang Family, the main family of the Wang Clan."

As the situation was about to escalate, Wang Shouye stepped forward and stopped it. "Wait," he said, looking at the old man and Wang Shouyue with a puzzled expression. "Are you guests from the Longzuo's Wang Family?"

The young generation may not be familiar with the Longzuo's Wang Family, but at least they knew it existed.

Wang Shouyue was about to speak when Wang Xiaozheng stopped him. He personally explained to Wang Shouye, "This Seventh Young Master should also know about our Longzuo's Wang Family. Please, have these soldiers retreat and avoid any misunderstandings."

As he spoke, Wang Xiaozheng took out a Clan Token and handed it to Wang Shouye.

Wang Shouye didn't understand it, but he was clever and thought to himself, "Whether or not these two are from the Longzuo's Wang Family, I can bring them back to the main residence. If they are, then we haven't lost any face. If not, then they're in trouble, and our family has strong warriors who can deal with them."

Immediately, Wang Shouye waved away the soldiers and welcomed them with courtesy, inviting them to board the Wang Clan's carriage. They then headed towards the Wang Clan Manor.

Their own carriage, driven by the coachman, followed behind.

Almost at the same time, several gray birds, like hawks, flew out. It was clear that the Wang Clan Manor would receive the news soon and make a judgment.

The carriage ride was silent for a long time. After more than half an hour, the dignified old man, Wang Xiaozheng, asked with curiosity, "Which one of you two is the true heir of the Wang Clan?"

Wang Shouye and Wang Zongsheng were both stunned.


How did this old man see that they had the aura of the true heir?

Both of them shook their heads. "We're not."

How was this possible?

Wang Xiaozheng and Wang Shouyue were both shocked and full of doubts.

Was this a joke? These two excellent young men weren't the true heirs?

Wang Shouyue laughed and said, "Seventh Young Master, you're probably the true heir. You can tell from your aura."

Wang Shouye was the most reverent of his Fourth Brother and hastily shook his head. "How can I compare to my Fourth Brother?"

Wang Zongsheng also shook his head, unable to compare.

"Fourth Brother?" Wang Shouye asked, puzzled.

"That's correct. In our Ping'an Wang Clan, my Fourth Brother is the true heir, the Clan Leader." Wang Shouye said sincerely. "You'll know when you meet him."

At the same time, his eyes revealed his admiration for his Fourth Brother, a towering figure he would look up to for life.

Wang Xiaozheng and Wang Shouyue exchanged a glance, both shocked. Could it be that the Fourth Brother mentioned was even more excellent than these two young men?


Especially Wang Shouyue, who couldn't help but think that maybe the Fourth Brother was only occupying the position of the true heir and wasn't necessarily more excellent.

He couldn't help but think this way.

The two young men in front of him were already exceptional.

If there was another, even stronger Fourth Brother, wouldn't that surpass him, Wang Shouyue?

Just then, a group of horse hooves sounded from the front, and a carriage appeared at the three-way intersection.

Everyone lifted the curtain to take a look and saw a group of riders galloping towards them, pulling a small carriage behind them. On the carriage was a massive Fierce Bird corpse, weighing several hundred pounds, likely a second-tier Ferocious Beast.

The Fierce Bird's head had been pierced by a sharp arrow, clearly killed with one shot.

The leader of the group, a beautiful young woman around 24 or 25 years old, rode a black horse. Her red martial arts attire fluttered in the wind, and her long hair flowed behind her, making her look like a heroic female warrior.

As she approached, she laughed and said, "Old Seven, you didn't come back for the New Year. Were you charmed by the beautiful ladies of the Changning Guard and forgot about your Fourth Sister?"

"Fourth Sister..." Wang Shouye's face fell, and he hastily got off the carriage, laughing bitterly and greeting her with a bow. "How can even you start teasing me?"

Wang Shouyue was shocked by the sight of this elegant and heroic woman. His heart was stirred, and he couldn't calm down.

This Ping'an Wang Clan was truly mysterious.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 152: A Cry of Despair The Old Heaven is Unfair


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