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Thousand Gold Spirit Horse——Fire Treading White Cloud.

Most people in this lifetime have never heard of it, nor have they seen a horse worth over 10,000 gold. But in this instant, the crowd of over a thousand people erupted into cheers.

This is the standard for the Celestial Clan's young clan leader's wedding, truly a grand affair. It seems that the bride's family is not simple.

The groom, Wang Shoujie, looked even more handsome, as if he was radiant and shining.

At the same time, Wang Shoujie's procession, led by Wang Shoujie himself, slowly approached the ceremonial gate.

Behind Wang Shoujie were his relatives, all dressed in luxurious and festive attire, riding high-headed horses.

Among them, the most eye-catching was Chen Fangjie, the young clan leader of the Chen Clan.

This year, Chen Fangjie had been very successful. His father, Chen Dewei, had broken through to the Spirit Platform Stage, and he had also married Wang Luoyi, the eldest daughter of the Wang Clan.

As Wang Shoujie's brother-in-law, Chen Fangjie naturally had to come and help.

He was in charge of the important task of leading the procession, and he was doing a great job.

However, Wang Shoujie's attire was too dazzling, far surpassing Chen Fangjie's own wedding attire.

Chen Fangjie's face turned black, and he thought to himself, "You're really showing off, aren't you?"

Just then, Wang Shuonuo, the third brother-in-law, rode up beside Chen Fangjie and said, "Third Brother-in-law, I remember when I attended your wedding two months ago, you were the most handsome groom I had ever seen. But now, compared to Wang Shoujie, you're not even close."

Chen Fangjie's face turned even blacker, and he thought to himself, "What's wrong with my ice-silk wedding attire? It's not like I didn't wear the golden fire double-spirit silk on my wedding day. And it's not like I wasn't hot enough to die in the summer heat!"

Chen Fangjie smiled and said, "Shuonuo, you're already 21 years old, aren't you? You're not young anymore. Why haven't you gotten married yet? I heard that you attended the Autumn Leaves Gathering, a matchmaking event for unmarried young people from prominent families."

Wang Shuonuo's face turned black, and he thought to himself, "Third Brother-in-law, you're really stabbing me in the back This Autumn Leaves Gathering was just a big show-off event. And I didn't even get to experience it..."

The direct descendants of the Wang Clan were very interested in Wang Shoujie and kept asking him questions. Wang Shuonuo could only smile and say, "I just went to take a look, but I've been busy with family affairs lately and haven't had time to talk about love. Unlike you, Third Brother-in-law, who rode a thousand-gold horse to marry my sister Luo Yi."

Chen Fangjie's face turned even blacker, and he thought to himself, "What's wrong with my thousand-gold horse? It's already high-end, isn't it? And my rare and exotic horse is worth 3,000 gold. Do you think everyone is as rich as Wang Shoujie?"

Then, the two of them started laughing and joking with each other, but their hearts were bleeding inside.

Wang Shoujie, who had been watching from the side, finally spoke up, "Third Brother-in-law, Brother-in-law, you two are about the same. Let's bring out the wedding gifts."

Wang Shuonuo quickly shouted, "Shouyong, Shoulian, bring out the wedding gifts!"

Then, Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian, the fifth and sixth brothers, quickly dismounted their horses and ran back to the carriage, each carrying a large box. They opened the boxes, revealing a whole box of small, yellowish copper coins and a box of malt sugar candies, each wrapped in oil paper and stacked neatly.

The crowd of onlookers cheered and rushed forward, excited by the sight of the wedding gifts.

Wang Shoujie, according to custom, dismounted his horse, took a handful of copper coins and malt sugar candies, and bowed to the crowd, saying, "I, Wang Shoujie, Clan Leader of the Wang Clan, have come to marry the noble daughter of the Liu Clan. Thank you, everyone, for your blessings."

He then scattered the copper coins and malt sugar candies, and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.

Especially the malt sugar candies, which were very expensive, costing around three or four copper coins each. For most ordinary families, malt sugar candies were a luxury.

The crowd cheered and shouted, "The Wang Clan is truly generous, even giving out malt sugar candies We support the Clan Leader's marriage to our noble Miss Liu!"

"The Wang Clan Leader and Miss Liu are truly a perfect match, a heavenly couple."

"We wish the Wang Clan Leader and Miss Liu a happy marriage and many children."

The atmosphere was extremely lively, and Wang Shoujie threw the copper coins and malt sugar candies in all directions, responding to the cheers of the crowd.

Later, Wang Shuonuo, Chen Fangjie, and the other brothers joined in, throwing the wedding gifts and adding to the excitement.

This was a characteristic of the Mysterious Martial World's customs.

No matter whose daughter was getting married, the goal was to make it a grand and lively affair. The more lively, the more it represented the grandeur of the wedding and the happiness of the future life.

Wang Shoujie's efforts to make the atmosphere more lively were also a way to add glory to the Liu Clan.

The malt sugar candies were a rare commodity, and not only children but also adults were fighting to get them. However, the crowd was well-behaved, and no one was pushing or shoving.

Suddenly, a seven or eight-year-old girl who had failed to get any malt sugar candies several times sat down on the ground and started crying.

Wang Shoujie quickly rushed over, helped her up, and gave her a handful of malt sugar candies.

The little girl was overjoyed and bowed to Wang Shoujie, saying, "Thank you, new groom brother. I wish you and your bride a happy marriage and many children, all as handsome as you."

Wang Shoujie loved hearing this kind of blessing and immediately gave her another handful of malt sugar candies.

Then, he was surrounded by the crowd again.

Luckily, Wang Shuonuo and the others came over to help him out.

This lively atmosphere lasted for about two hours.

At this time, the Liu Clan members who had been waiting on the side finally came out to stop the commotion, saying, "That's enough, don't delay the groom's auspicious time."

The Liu Clan's prestige was very high, and the crowd immediately dispersed, making way for the procession.

Then, Liu Clan's elder, Liu Gao, came forward, smiling and bowing to Wang Shoujie, saying, "I am Liu Gao, the seventh elder of the Liu Clan. You must be tired from the journey, Shoujie. Please come and rest in the cool pavilion for a while."

Wang Shoujie quickly bowed and said, "I am honored to meet you, Seventh Uncle. I am grateful for your hospitality."

The other younger generations also came forward to pay their respects.

At the same time, the three elders of the procession, Gongsun Chong of the Gongsun Clan, Lu Zhengjie of the Lu Clan, and Wang Dingzu of the Wang Clan, all came forward to pay their respects to Liu Gao.

The two preceding individuals were Wang Shoujie's maternal uncles, and Wang Dingzu was his third uncle. Both his maternal and paternal families had elders present, making the arrangement very complete.

At the same time, Wang Dingzu took the lead and presented a red envelope to Liu Gaoyun, who was leading the procession, containing twenty gold coins.

The Liu Clan's specially prepared drum and music team began to play lively and joyful music, creating a festive atmosphere.

After everyone had a cup of sweet tea and took a short break, Little Uncle Lu Zhengjie came out and said, "Brother Liu, it's almost time. Please lead the way."

After completing the new bride's procession, they would return to the Wang Clan, and the time it took would be very tight.

Liu Gaoyun received a large red envelope and would not refuse, so he immediately shouted, "Lead the groom into the door!"

Then, the Liu Clan people took the lead and opened the way, followed by the wedding procession. Behind them, and all around, were increasingly more onlookers following and watching, making the scene very lively and grand.

When they were about five kilometers away from the Liu Clan's main residence, the road became a wide and sturdy stone path.

At this time, the onlookers also began to increase, and the atmosphere became more lively. The drum and music team was about to start playing again.

They were about to enter the Liu Clan's main gate, and it wouldn't be right if there wasn't a lively performance. Lu Zhengjie and Gong Sunjiang exchanged a glance, knowing it was their turn to take the stage.

In the welcoming procession, it was usually the maternal uncle who would take the lead and create a lively atmosphere for the nephew.

However, Wang Shoujie was a bit special, having two maternal families.

A few months before the wedding, the two maternal families had already started competing for this segment.

The reason, of course, was due to the two ancestors, Ming Sheng Old Ancestor and Ancestor Mang, who were openly and secretly competing with each other to see who was Wang Shoujie's true maternal family.

Now, the two families were at odds, with one emphasizing blood ties and the other emphasizing righteousness.

Naturally, neither side was willing to back down.

The scene had reached this point.

"Play the joyful music!" Lu Zhengjie, who had been personally instructed by Ming Sheng Old Ancestor, started the drum and music team he had carefully prepared.

Immediately, the sound of drums and cymbals filled the air.

The atmosphere became even more lively, and the onlookers cheered.

"Is that all?"

Gong Sunjiang, who had been instructed by Ancestor Mang, revealed a disdainful expression. "I say, Brother Lu, can't you do better than this for your nephew's wedding?"

As he spoke, Gong Sunjiang clapped his hands.

Then, a small group of people at the back of the procession began to perform. They were a carefully dressed acrobatic troupe, flipping and jumping, and even performing a fire-spitting stunt.

The performance was very lively, immediately capturing the attention of the onlookers. Even many of the Liu Clan's side branches began to gather around, watching with great interest.

"My acrobatic troupe is from Longzuo County," Gong Sunjiang said with a proud smile. "Many aristocratic families in Longzuo County use them for their weddings. Our ancestor said that Shoujie is our Gongsun Clan's true nephew. On his wedding day, we must make it as lively as possible."

Wang Shoujie's face was helpless. These two uncles were competing with each other, and neither would back down. However, he couldn't intervene, and besides, it was a wedding, so it was normal for them to compete in liveliness.

But unexpectedly!

Lu Zhengjie's mouth curled up. "Is that all?"

Then, he solemnly took out a red fan from a jade box, and as soon as it appeared, a wave of heat burst out.

"Fire Fan?"

Wang Shoujie was shocked. Wasn't that a Spirit Artifact, a powerful weapon on the battlefield?

Lu Zhengjie's face was solemn. "Our ancestor spent five Fire Element spirit stones to infuse energy into the Fire Fan and spent a month training it."

After saying that, he fanned the air.


The Fire Fan's flames burst out, and a magnificent Fire Phoenix virtual image soared into the sky, its flames burning fiercely, creating a shocking visual effect.

Immediately, a Fire Dragon virtual image emerged from the Fire Fan, chasing and playing with the Fire Phoenix, as if they were a pair of divine lovers.


The crowd went wild, and the wedding scene was unprecedented and unforgettable. Even the Liu Clan's direct descendants were shocked and ran out of the main residence to watch.


Even with their extensive experience, they had never seen someone use a Spirit Artifact to set off fireworks at a wedding.

This Wang Clan's wedding procession was really something.

However, the more lively the wedding procession, the more face the Liu Clan would gain.

This proved that the wedding partner attached great importance to this marriage and was taking it seriously.

If the wedding procession didn't prepare anything and just came and went hastily, it would make the Liu Clan lose face.

It would give the impression that they didn't take the Liu Clan's legitimate daughter seriously.

Two months ago, when Chen Fangjie came to welcome the bride, they also prepared a very lively performance. They even invited a foreign dance troupe from overseas to assist, letting the common people of Ping'an Town see a grand spectacle.

However, Chen Fangjie's performance was slightly inferior to Lu Zhengjie's. Using a Spirit Artifact to infuse five Fire Element spirit stones just to set off a magnificent firework was already very extravagant.

So, the Liu Clan's direct descendants were overjoyed, and Wang Shoujie's family was extremely serious about the wedding.

This scene was also transmitted to the Liu Clan's main residence.

The Liu Clan's clan leader and his wife, who were guarding the main hall, were also full of praise.

In the wedding procession, Lu Zhengjie was very proud, looking at Gong Sunjiang with a provocative gaze. "After all, it's just an adopted nephew, not as important as our Lu Clan's double blood ties with Shoujie."

Everyone's eyes fell on Gong Sunjiang.

Then, he raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

Then, Gong Sunjiang waved his hand, saying, "Come, let everyone see our Gongsun Clan's final grand performance for our nephew."


Had it reached this point, and the Gongsun Clan still had a final grand performance? The onlookers and the Liu Clan people were all shocked, looking forward to it with bated breath.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 126: Brother-in-law Gongsun Qiang's Astonishing Move


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