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"Guardian Brother, it seems that your plan has already made Liu and Zhao Clans go crazy," Liu Yuanrui's face turned grave, "Two old ancestors have come together, and it's likely they're not here for good. We need to prepare early."

"I underestimated them. I didn't expect Liu and Zhao Clans to be so desperate. They failed to annex the land, and now they're daring to cause trouble," Liu Ruolei's face was also tense with worry, "If I had known earlier, I would have written a letter to invite our old ancestor to come and visit. With Ancestor Mang here, we wouldn't be afraid of them."

After some time, she had truly acknowledged Wang Shoujie as her future brother-in-law, treating him as one of her own.

The Liu and Wang Clan would inevitably restore their relationship to its former intimacy, just like 100 years ago, after this joint marriage.

"No worries, with Ancestor Mang here, they won't be able to get away with anything," Wang Shoujie smiled calmly.

Liu Ruolei only saw the surface of Wang Shoujie's plan, thinking that he had simply ruined Liu and Zhao Clans' plan to annex the land, doing a great deed.

But she didn't know that Liu and Zhao Clans had invested a lot of resources and hope into this plan. Not to mention the distant future, but just the two estates they used as collateral for loans, which were worth nearly 6,000 gold, were they going to get them back?

At that time, "Zhong Luoxian" and "Dantai Heyu" had finished receiving Liu Clan and then "received" Zhao Clan, using the same performance on both families, completing two plans separately.

Using Wang Shoujie's words, it was like he had written a script, how could it be used only once?

"Ancestor Mang is sitting in... " Liu Ruolei's face suddenly turned pale, "Guardian Brother, did you already anticipate that they would come to cause trouble?"

Liu Yuanrui also realized, "I said, with Guardian Brother's ability to plan ahead, how could he not have anticipated Liu and Zhao Clans coming to cause trouble? Amazing, amazing, I said how Ancestor Mang would quietly come to sit in, and we siblings were worried for nothing."

"How could that be? I am still grateful for your concern," Wang Shoujie bowed in gratitude.

The Liu Clan siblings also hurriedly returned the bow.

"Liu and Zhao Clans still have a long way to go. They don't have the qualifications to make me go out to welcome them," Wang Shoujie sneered, his gaze still fixed on Ancestor Mang, "Ancestor Mang, I still want to ask about the awakening of the ancestral bloodline. You said earlier that middle-grade talent and bloodline awakening are related. But which comes first, the middle-grade talent or the bloodline awakening?"

"Every martial artist who has entered the lower ranks actually already has some ancestral martial arts bloodline manifested, from lower third-grade to lower first-grade, it's just that the martial arts bloodline talent is not consistent," Ancestor Mang explained patiently, "If there's a special divine ability in the bloodline, then the martial arts talent will definitely enter the middle grade. Even if it wasn't originally, after awakening the special divine ability bloodline, the martial arts talent will also transform to middle grade."

"That little girl in your family, called Luoqiu, should have awakened some ancestral war body bloodline. However, there are many types of war body bloodlines in human history, and there are various variations. Right now, that girl's war body bloodline is still very weak, and it's difficult to determine what type of war body it is. After entering the Spirit Realm, her body will transform, and her bloodline will strengthen, making it clearer what type of war body it is."

"I understand. Once the bloodline mutates, it will definitely increase the martial arts bloodline talent," Wang Shoujie nodded, feeling happy for his family and Luoqiu, but also a bit regretful that he didn't have a bloodline mutation, awakening some ancient ancestral gene.

No mistake, Ancestor Mang said it was bloodline, but in Wang Shoujie's understanding, it was genetic inheritance. Awakening bloodline, he understood as the activation of some dormant, hidden genes within the body.

The sour feeling made Wang Shoujie feel like he had been stabbed in the heart.

"Actually, your family not only has that little girl Luoqiu, but also that Spirit Insect Master little girl, who must have also awakened some ancient bloodline, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to communicate with the insect tribe spiritually," Ancestor Mang added, "So, that little girl's future potential is also not to be underestimated."


Wang Shoujie felt like he had been stabbed in the heart again.


Besides Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing, that broken girl Wang Lici might not be simple either. The old ancestor had also said that she might have awakened some Spirit Perception-type talent.

Okay, Wang Shoujie's heart had been stabbed for the third time. XD

No way!

The situation seemed a bit off.

Wang Shoujie's eyebrows furrowed, according to reason, a ninth-grade lower-ranking family should already have a relatively weak bloodline. Occasionally producing a special bloodline talent was already a very lucky thing.

But now, in the young generation of the Wang Clan, three had appeared at once!

Could it be that the ancestral genes were too strong, manifesting intensely in this generation?

But that didn't seem right either. Wang Lici, Wang Luoqiu, and Wang Luojing, although they were all sisters or nieces, they didn't have the same parents, not even the same grandparents or great-grandparents.

Moreover, there were many male members in the young generation of the family. If it were due to the ancestral genes, wouldn't the bloodline only manifest in a few girls?

There must be some connection, a connection that only existed between the three of them.

A small notebook? Little fish crisps? It was probably impossible.

Wang Shoujie fell into deep thought, with too few clues, it was difficult to infer. He would gather the three girls and ask them questions, to see if he could find a common point.

If he could find the connection, maybe he, Wang Shoujie, could also benefit from it.


At the same time.

A large team of people was heading towards the Wang Clan Manor.

There were elite family members, as well as powerful retainers. But what caught the most attention were the two horse-drawn carriages.

The two horse-drawn carriages were extravagantly made, with dragon and phoenix carvings on the carriage, and even the horses pulling the carriages were four high-quality black horses each.

High-quality horses were expensive, and raising them was also very costly, not only did they need to eat well, but they also required specialized care.

The most important thing was that high-quality horses were more suitable for riding, not for pulling carriages. Wang Shoujie himself owned a black high-quality horse, specifically for riding.

No mistake, these two horse-drawn carriages belonged to the Liu and Zhao Clans' old ancestors. Unlike Ancestor Longyan, who rarely went out, the two old ancestors from Liu and Zhao Clans would come out to tour and show off their family's prestige every year.

The Liu and Zhao Clans did this, and to ordinary people, it might seem extremely impressive and intimidating. However, to the refined and cultured aristocratic families, this was undoubtedly a compensation psychology for the inferiority complex they had after rising to power. On the surface, they wouldn't say anything, but in private, they would definitely sneer at them.

It's no wonder that the two clan leaders didn't have a good background. One was said to be from a side branch of a prominent family in Longzu County, while the other was a wandering cultivator who didn't know whether it was luck or fate that led him to achieve the Spirit Realm.

However, even after experiencing countless hardships to become a Spirit Realm cultivator, they still didn't have a place to survive in the core area of Longzu County, where aristocratic families stood tall.

They were unwilling to accept this difficult situation, so they followed Ancestor Zouxuan to open up new territories for humanity, becoming his followers and hoping to establish their own families and free their descendants from their humble origins.

This wasn't wrong, as many wandering cultivators or those from lower backgrounds who achieved the Spirit Realm would have similar thoughts and plans.

The problem was that they actually committed treason. Especially after Ancestor Zouxuan gave them the corresponding territory, they still chose to betray him!

In the distance, there were some curious commoners who followed them from afar. People are naturally curious and like to join in on the excitement, wanting to see what would happen today.

The Liu and Zhao Clans didn't drive away the commoners who came to watch, but instead sent some spies to secretly stir up the crowd. This made the number of onlookers increase, including some traveling merchants, wandering cultivators, and scholars.

It was clear that they wanted to let the "lowly people" of Ping'an Town know who the true masters of Ping'an Town were. The Wang Clan, which had gained popularity through their disaster relief efforts, was no match for their absolute power. They also wanted to borrow the voices of others to spread the news of "suppressing the Wang Clan."

Liu Shengye, the patriarch of the Liu Clan, and Zhao Jinxian, the patriarch of the Zhao Clan, rode their high horses, surrounded by their retainers and clan members, and arrived at the Wang Clan Manor with an air of confidence.

When Ancestor Zouxuan chose the location for the main residence, he must have selected the best spot. To the left was the picturesque Zhuwei Lake, and to the right were the Six Flat Mountain ranges, surrounding the residence with a high terrain that was not only good for feng shui but also easy to defend.

To enter the main residence, one had to either take the water route to the back garden or follow a single path, which was lined with arrow towers and other defensive facilities that could be used to set up checkpoints and build defense lines.

However, the Wang Clan didn't block the Liu and Zhao Clans' procession. They entered the main residence as if it were unguarded, arriving directly at the front gate.

Under the tall walls of the main residence was a spacious courtyard paved with green stones.

Liu Shengye reined in his horse and looked up at the gate of the Wang Clan, where the words "Ping'an Wang Clan" were written, and couldn't help but sneer: "Brother Wang, what virtue and ability do you have to occupy this piece of precious land?"

Zhao Jinxian stopped beside him, his tall and sturdy physique making him appear more martial than Liu Shengye. He spoke calmly: "As the saying goes, 'the wheel of fortune turns.' If the Wang Clan had humbly retreated to a corner, we would have left them some face out of respect for our ancestors. But now that they dare to jump out and oppose us, haha, they really don't know how to live."

"Let's follow the proper etiquette and pay our respects," Liu Shengye said with a smile, his eyes narrowing. "Someone, call out and announce our visit."

Liu Yongzhou, a young member of the Liu Clan, immediately jumped off his horse and strode forward, pulling out a visiting card and shouting loudly: "The Ping'an Liu Clan's respected ancestor, accompanied by Patriarch Liu Shengye and clan members, has come to pay their respects to the Wang Clan."

Zhao Dingtian, a young member of the Zhao Clan, was not to be outdone, shouting: "The Ping'an Zhao Clan's respected ancestor, accompanied by Patriarch Zhao Jinxian and clan members, has come to pay their respects to the Wang Clan."

The two young men's voices were full of energy and confidence, echoing for a long time.

Although they said they came to pay their respects, their attitude was clearly one of confrontation.


The crowd of onlookers behind the Liu and Zhao Clans' procession grew larger, including some wealthy commoners, middle-class farmers, merchants, and wandering cultivators.

When the loud and clear announcement was made, the crowd erupted into a hubbub, with some people cheering and others looking worried.

Especially those who had directly or indirectly received the Wang Clan's kindness, such as those who had been rescued by their disaster relief efforts, were worried about the Wang Clan's fate.

The total population of Ping'an Town was only around 20,000. As soon as something big happened, it would spread quickly throughout the town. The commoners who lived and thrived in Ping'an Town all knew that the Wang Clan was declining, and their ancestors might not be able to hold on.

However, the majority of the crowd were just curious onlookers who didn't have a stake in the matter. They were purely there to watch the excitement and didn't have a good impression of any aristocratic family.

As the Liu and Zhao Clans' announcement stirred up the crowd, some onlookers began to shout: "Ping'an Wang Clan, don't be a turtle hiding in its shell!" "Ping'an Wang Clan, do you have the guts to come out?" "Wang Shoujie, come out!" "Wang Longyan, why aren't you coming out to welcome the respected ancestors of the Liu and Zhao Clans?"

Many people who supported the Wang Clan glared at them angrily.

But what was the use?


The Wang Clan's main gate opened.

Under the escort of two retainers, a tall and handsome young man with a strong physique walked out. His face was calm and unreadable, and his footsteps were steady and firm, exuding an aura of confidence.

He didn't shout, but his words were like a gentle breeze that spread outward: "Who is making a ruckus at the Wang Clan Manor?"

The noise immediately stopped, and the scene fell silent, with only the sound of a pin dropping audible.

At that moment, all the shouting and noise ceased, and the atmosphere became tense and anxious.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 87: Come and Teach Me, Please!



The Liu and Zhao Clans would inevitably restore their relationship to its former intimacy, just like 100 years ago, after this joint marriage. Should be Wang not Zhao