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All Novels | Protect Our Patriarch: Chapter List 


Two days later.

The sky was still dark.

Wang Shoujie opened his eyes on the bed, feeling that his cultivation progress had slowed down significantly. After reaching the seventh layer of the Qi Refining Realm, the difficulty of cultivation had increased greatly.

It wasn't that he didn't have enough spirit food, and he would occasionally take a Minor Nourishing Pill. Plus, he had Spirit Stones to aid his cultivation. If he didn't have these advantages, he might not even feel the progress of his cultivation.

However, upgrading one's cultivation was a long-term process that required perseverance. It was like dripping water on a stone, a slow and steady process.

If it were easy to upgrade by just taking a few pills, there would be countless experts roaming the world. And some aristocratic families wouldn't need to spend so much effort to cultivate a talented patriarch.

Martial clans had family assets and ancestral legacies, and their cultivation was already difficult. What about those wandering cultivators?

Recently, Wang Shoujie had also read a few books, some internal manuscripts passed down within the family.

One of them was specifically about wandering cultivators, who had incredible luck and encountered all sorts of strange events. They could even pick up ancient sacred beasts on the road and stumble upon top-grade martial arts techniques. Then, they would go around killing people and slapping the faces of aristocratic families' sons, and countless aristocratic daughters would fall for them.

It was truly ridiculous, and Wang Shoujie suspected that some wandering cultivator had written it to fantasize.

The path of a wandering cultivator was often ten times harder than that of an aristocratic family's son.

Even if a wandering cultivator occasionally appeared with exceptional conditions and had the opportunity to marry into an aristocratic family, they could only marry a secondary daughter at best. Very few could marry a direct descendant.

A direct descendant of an aristocratic family? That was a pipe dream.

It wasn't that there weren't wandering cultivators with incredible luck, experiencing sudden changes in their bloodline and becoming extremely talented. But that was always a low-probability event. Under the same conditions, an aristocratic family's son would always be able to go further.

Moreover, if a wandering cultivator did manage to reach the pinnacle of life, they would still need to establish their own family to ensure their descendants didn't have to take the same difficult path.

As Wang Shoujie would say, using a phrase from his past life on Earth, the social hierarchy in this world was already largely fixed, and it was extremely difficult to move up a step.

Let's put aside these thoughts for now.

Under the service of his servant Wang Gui, Wang Shoujie washed up and had his breakfast.

His breakfast had basically become White Jade Spirit Rice porridge and some Spirit Fish pickled meat, which were standard issue.

Breakfast was the foundation of the day, and eating these delicious spirit foods made him feel invigorated. After a short while, he could feel his energy and blood, which had been depleted from cultivation, slowly recovering.

After a brief rest to digest, Wang Shoujie began his daily martial arts training.

As a martial artist aiming to reach the Spirit Realm Stage, training in martial arts was a must. Otherwise, it would be a waste of resources to cultivate to the level of a patriarch only to become an empty shell, a laughingstock.

Training in martial arts also didn't have any shortcuts. Every day, he had to work diligently, taking the slow and steady path of dripping water on a stone. This was another advantage of being an aristocratic family's son, as he didn't need to rush around and could focus on his training.

After finishing his training, he cleaned up and went to visit Ancestor Longyan.

At this time, Longyan's residence was more lively than usual. Not only had Ancestor Mang arrived early, but the Liu Clan Siblings were also present.

Everyone exchanged greetings.

"Granny," Ancestor Mang said respectfully, "thanks to your guidance two days ago, I feel like the bottleneck that had been troubling me for years has finally loosened. I think I'll be able to break through to the third layer soon."

He was also filled with emotion. As Gongsun Mang, he was naturally talented and had reached the Spirit Realm at the age of forty-something. Back then, he was full of vigor and wanted to reach the Heaven-Human Realm in his lifetime.

However, thirty or forty years had passed, and his cultivation was still stuck at the second layer of the Spirit Realm. With such slow progress, it was hard to say if he could even reach the late stage of the Spirit Realm, let alone the Heaven-Human Realm.

"You don't need to be polite, Mang," Ancestor Longyan said calmly. "Your talent is not bad, and with a few more years of hard work, you'll likely be able to break through smoothly. The hardest part about cultivating in our lower-tier aristocratic families is the lack of resources and guidance from our predecessors. Every step we take is extremely difficult."

"Grandma said it's extremely difficult, originally thinking that after reaching the Spirit Realm, it would be a smooth ride. But unexpectedly, the path to becoming a heavenly being is like a chasm, making it impossible for people to catch up. If I were to open up and consume resources to cultivate, I'm afraid the entire Gong Sun Clan's resources would be exhausted on me alone. If that's the case, what about the children and grandchildren?" Ancestor Mang sighed, "But thinking carefully, it's normal. Which Celestial Clan is easy to establish? Our Changning Guard has dozens of large and small families, while the Celestial Family only has two."

Wang Shoujie and the others listened to the ancestors' casual conversation, naturally not daring to interrupt.

However, Wang Shoujie was calculating in his heart. The difficulty of the path to becoming a heavenly being, as mentioned by the ancestor, was the lack of cultivation resources.

Thinking about it, it was indeed the case. It was already difficult to cultivate one ancestor, let alone save up to cultivate the next generation of ancestors.

The most important thing was that a single ancestral spirit required a huge amount of resources to maintain its state. If that ancestral spirit wanted to walk the path of becoming a heavenly being, it would need a massive amount of resources.

Cultivating one ancestor was already a huge burden, let alone cultivating two or even three ancestral spirits. It would be an enormous consumption of resources.

Therefore, every additional Spirit Realm in the family meant a greater expenditure. The family had to expand its production, increase its industry scale, and acquire more resources.

This was what was meant by "being able to afford to cultivate but not being able to afford to maintain." So, most families had a rhythm to cultivating Spirit Realms, neither allowing the family head to have too many Spirit Realms nor cutting off the inheritance of Spirit Realms.

This was also the current situation of most lower-tier families.

However, when it came to resources, it was relatively easy for Wang Shoujie to solve the problem. If he were to bring the entire Ping'an Town under his control, he could afford to cultivate three Spirit Realm ancestors.

"Patriarch," Ancestor Mang said after finishing his sigh, turning his attention to Wang Shoujie, "about the matter of that girl you asked about the other day..." He paused, glancing at Liu Yuanrui and his sister.

"Please, Ancestor Mang, say no more," Wang Shoujie smiled and said, "Yuanrui and Ruolei are our own people, there's no secret that can't be shared."

Of course, this was Wang Shoujie's polite phrase. If it involved the Wang Clan's most core secrets, would he casually let them know? However, Liu Ruolan was going to become the Wang Clan's mistress in the future, so establishing some intimate alliances with the two families in advance was normal.

A casual phrase made Liu Yuanrui and Liu Ruolei feel even more affection towards Wang Shoujie, and they repeatedly expressed that they wouldn't leak any secrets they heard.

Especially Liu Ruolei, who had come with the intention of helping her sister adjust her future brother-in-law. But unexpectedly, she had already betrayed her original intention, enjoying the good food, drink, and play at the Wang Clan, and didn't want to go back home.

"I'll say it again, please correct me if I'm wrong," Ancestor Mang organized his words, "because I also walked the path of horizontal cultivation, I've researched more about the bloodlines of warriors. But no matter what bloodline, it's all the ancestors' bloodline. The ancestors I'm referring to are not the ancestral spirits of each family, but the true ancestors who once stood at the peak of humanity."

"It's said that in ancient times, those human ancestors had various extraordinary and powerful bloodlines, such as immense strength, indestructibility, or the ability to kill with a single hand. These human ancestors passed down their bloodlines generation by generation, mixing and producing more bloodlines. Later, as the generations went by, our ancestors' bloodlines gradually became diluted, and after countless years, our ancestors' bloodlines almost disappeared. Only a few lucky ones would awaken a part of the ancestors' bloodline due to chance or luck."

"Of course, if you cultivate to the Spirit Realm, your body's functions will be further enhanced, and you'll definitely awaken a part of the ancestors' bloodline," Ancestor Mang said, "like me, after reaching the ancestral spirit stage, I developed a faint golden bloodline. And you, Grandma, were different, born with a mid-tier talent, which means you've already developed a bloodline, making you a mid-tier talent. I remember Longyan Grandma should have awakened the yuan water bloodline."

"In my youth, it was the yuan water bloodline, and after reaching the Spirit Realm, it evolved into the xuan ice bloodline, which is more profound than the yuan water bloodline," Ancestor Longyan added calmly, "the yuan water bloodline should be the Liu Clan's main bloodline, and cultivating the 'Yuan Water Heart Technique' makes it easier to awaken the yuan water bloodline when breaking through to the spirit stage. And my mother, being the Liu Clan's eldest daughter, makes it normal for me to awaken a faint yuan water bloodline."

After speaking, Ancestor Longyan looked at Liu Ruolei, her eyes slightly smiling and pleased.

Wang Shoujie's mind moved, and he also looked at Liu Ruolei, who might have used some kind of concealment technique to awaken a faint bloodline, likely the yuan water bloodline.

The ancestors' conversation had given Wang Shoujie a deeper understanding of the Martial Clan's bloodline awakening.

Unfortunately, he, Wang Shoujie, had not awakened any ancestral bloodline yet. Could it be that he really had to wait until he reached the Spirit Realm, relying on the transformation of his body's functions to randomly trigger an ancient bloodline?

It was unbearable, and just as he was about to ask again...

Suddenly, retainer Wang Wu's voice came from outside: "Master, I dare to disturb you."

"What is it, say it," Wang Shoujie had already made a few guesses, and if it wasn't what he had predicted, Wang Wu wouldn't dare to disturb him at Longyan's residence.

"A scout has returned with a report," Wang Wu said from outside, "the Liu and Zhao Clans have sent their elite families, accompanied by two ancestral spirits, and are marching towards our Wang Clan."


Wang Shoujie's eyes narrowed, and his series of schemes, especially the plan to replace labor with capital, had already threatened the Liu and Zhao Clans' survival.

Those two old things had finally lost their patience.

Liu Yuanrui and Liu Ruolei, however, had their faces change, becoming extremely tense.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 86: Thanking the Wang Clan's Blessing


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