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The two girls had already started trading with each other, taking what they needed. On the other hand, the two older boys in the family were still stuck in a stalemate with their respective opponents. Their opponents were only at the second layer of the Qi Refining Realm, but they were extremely skilled at working together.

This forced the two brothers to fight together as well. They were evenly matched, with neither side able to gain the upper hand.

Meanwhile, the scar-faced bandit leader still hadn't made a move. Among the bandits, he had the highest cultivation level, almost reaching the fifth layer of the Qi Refining Realm. As a wandering cultivator, it was extremely difficult to reach this level at the age of forty or so.

They didn't have the same resources as family disciples and retainers, who received a substantial allowance every year and were rewarded for their achievements. Wandering cultivators, on the other hand, had to fight for every resource they got.

Some people might say, "Why don't wandering cultivators just join a family and become retainers?" This was indeed a viable option for wandering cultivators, but families were very strict when it came to recruiting retainers. They required a clean background, a clear history, and impeccable character.

Even so, most families were not willing to recruit wandering cultivators as retainers, preferring to cultivate their own talents from a young age. If a family did need to use a wandering cultivator, they would usually hire them at a high price to be cannon fodder or use them for shady dealings.

The scar-faced bandit leader hadn't made a move because he was being watched by Wang Shoujie. The young man, who looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, gave him an unpredictable and unfathomable feeling. It was clear that his opponent's strength far surpassed his own.

This kind of oppressive feeling was only experienced when facing a high-level expert in the late stages of the Qi Refining Realm. Such a young expert in the late stages of the Qi Refining Realm must have been cultivated by a family with unlimited resources, destined to reach the Spirit Realm Stage.

In Ping'an Town, there was only one such rumored expert. The bandit leader had tried to escape several times, but he was always within Wang Shoujie's line of sight. He knew that if he made a move, he would be met with a thunderous attack.

At this point, he could no longer bear it and swallowed hard, saying, "Are you Patriarch Wang Shoujie of the Ping'an Wang Clan? I'm Scar-Faced Old Five. Since I've fallen into your hands, I surrender." Of course, this wasn't his real name - there were many similar names in the wandering cultivator world.

Wang Shoujie didn't respond, still focused on the battle between Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian. As for Scar-Faced Old Five, he couldn't read Wang Shoujie's intentions and could only wait patiently.

The two Wang Clan boys had previously been mediocre in their cultivation, only able to scrape by under the pressure of their elders. However, due to the family's poverty, most resources were allocated to Wang Shoujie.

As a result, they had only reached a level where they could barely pass, and had never hoped to reach the Spirit Realm Stage. It wasn't until Wang Luoqiu, the fish demon, stirred up trouble that they began to cultivate desperately, making some progress. However, their opponents were also very experienced, and the two sides were evenly matched.

This time, Wang Shoujie had come up with a plan to kill two birds with one stone - not only would they not let the bandits escape, but they could also temper their younger siblings and establish a correct worldview for them.

The battle had been going on for a long time.

Wang Luoqiu started to taunt them again: "Wang Shouyong, Wang Shoulian, do you dare to slack off again? Luo Jing, let's divide the spoils!" Her eyes were filled with excitement, clearly wanting to make a profit and fatten her purse.

The two boys' faces turned red, and they gritted their teeth, determined to fight. Finally, after a few close calls, they managed to defeat the two wandering cultivators. This achievement was only mediocre.

The Wang Clan's Mysterious Origin Technique was a mid-grade technique, and their basic martial arts and combat skills were also excellent. They should have had a relative advantage over these wandering cultivators, who often didn't even have low-grade techniques.

However, at a similar cultivation level, they had to exchange blows to barely defeat their opponents.

Their faces were red, but they had been teased by their sister too many times, so Wang Shouyong and Wang Shoulian had thickened their skin. They quickly learned from the two girls and started to collect the spoils of war.

"Not bad, there's some tempering effect," Wang Shoujie acknowledged, praising them, "Guard your courage, guard your integrity, you two fought bravely, and your progress is not small. Although you were injured, men must experience some hardships to see the rainbow, go and bandage your wounds."

Earlier, he had been watching them closely, and if his brothers were in danger, he would have intervened immediately.

"Yes, Fourth Brother," the two boys retreated to the side to bandage their wounds, their faces flushed with excitement, happy to have defeated strong enemies and been praised by their Fourth Brother.

The family patriarch's rules for boys were much stricter than those for girls, making their personalities more stable. Girls, on the other hand, were seen as eventually getting married, so they were more or less okay.

While Wang Shoujie was their most revered and feared older brother, getting his praise was a rare occurrence, and they were all overjoyed.

"Not bad, you've got some manly spirit now, making me take a second look. It seems my special training for you hasn't been in vain." Even Wang Luoqiu, who was previously sarcastic, and Wang Luojing, both had a hint of pale complexions as they went to help their two older brothers apply some ointment and bandage their wounds.

Although Wang Luoqiu was usually sarcastic, they were still family bound by blood, and seeing them injured was heart-wrenching.

At this moment, Wang Shoujie finally turned his attention to the scar-faced cultivator, speaking in a calm tone, "Surrender, you don't stand a chance."

The scar-faced old fifth's face turned ashen, with beads of sweat the size of soybeans continuously dripping down: "Wang, Lord Wang. I was wrong, I shouldn't have been swayed by the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan, helping them do despicable things. If you spare my life, I'll give you all the evidence, and ensure the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan can't get away with it."

He was somewhat aware of the deep-seated grudge between the Wang Clan and the Zhao Clan and Liu Clan.

"It sounds tempting," Wang Shoujie said with a cold expression, "but unfortunately, if I agree to your terms, how can I face my own conscience? You only have one path ahead of you, surrender and confess, and I'll give you a dignified death afterwards."

"You... if you don't agree, don't think you can get the evidence," the scar-faced old fifth threatened, his face twisted in a fierce snarl, "You'll miss a perfect opportunity to deal with the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan."

"It doesn't matter, we'll investigate and find out anyway," Wang Shoujie said lightly, "Your little evidence is insignificant, and it can't bring down the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan anyway."

"You!" The scar-faced old fifth's face turned increasingly ferocious, like a trapped beast, "Fine, you're forcing me to do this, I'll fight you to the death!" The only way out had been blocked by Wang Shoujie, and he resolutely took out a pill and swallowed it.

In an instant...

His face turned bright red, his eyes filled with a fierce and murderous aura, and his body began to emanate a mysterious energy, as if his body had grown several sizes larger.

"Fourth Brother, be careful, that's a Frenzy Pill, which is said to allow one to fight beyond their level after consumption," Wang Luojing warned anxiously, taking out a flute.

Even Wang Luoqiu's face changed: "How despicable, to actually consume a Frenzy Pill. Fourth Brother, let's join forces and take him down."

"No need, this person is too dangerous, you can't handle him, retreat for now." Wang Shoujie casually drew his sword and walked towards the cultivator, "Today was originally meant to be a training session for everyone, and it's a good opportunity to remember that you shouldn't underestimate any enemy, as they might have hidden lifesaving techniques."

"Yes, Fourth Brother." "Yes, Fourth Brother." "Wang, Fourth Brother, be careful."

Wang Luoqiu also saw how dangerous the person was and began to worry about Wang Shoujie.


The scar-faced cultivator's eyes were filled with a brutal and bloody aura, and he grasped a large knife, slashing it towards Wang Shoujie with a fierce energy, as if he wanted to cut down the entire warehouse with one strike.

Wang Shoujie's face remained unchanged, and he casually pointed his sword, striking the side of the knife with lightning speed.


The sound of metal clashing echoed, and the fierce knife strike was completely neutralized, with the knife flying back, and the scar-faced cultivator's body, which had been swollen with energy, stumbled back several steps, as if he had been punched.

"How is this possible?" The remaining bits of rationality left in the scar-faced cultivator made him terrified. He was confident in this strike, and even if it couldn't hurt anyone, it could at least force them back.


Wang Shoujie let out a light sigh, "You've ultimately underestimated the Wang Clan's foundation, and you've also underestimated me, Wang Shoujie. Do you think you can fight me to the death with just a Frenzy Pill? Hehe..."

After a light laugh, Wang Shoujie's body floated towards the cultivator like smoke, moving at an extremely fast and unpredictable speed.

One sword strike was released.

A thick, white sword aura transformed into a lightning bolt, slashing towards the cultivator's head.

"Willow Fluff Body Technique!"

"Wang Clan Mystic Origin Sword Technique!"

Wang Luojing and Wang Luoqiu almost simultaneously exclaimed, these were the Wang Clan's family secrets, mid-grade body techniques, and mid-grade sword techniques.

Previously, they had seen Wang Shoujie's Willow Fluff Body Technique, which was unpredictable and elusive, making it impossible to catch him, not even his clothes. But this was the first time they saw Fourth Brother use the family's ultimate technique, the Wang Clan Mystic Origin Sword Technique.


The scar-faced cultivator barely blocked the attack, spitting out blood as he stumbled back. But before he could even catch his breath, an even more powerful second sword strike followed.

He tried to block again...

The third sword!

"Clang!" In the sound of clashing metal, the scar-faced cultivator's knife was shattered into two pieces, and the impact sent him flying back, spitting out fresh blood as he fell to the ground, unable to get up again.


The four younger siblings were seeing Wang Shoujie's true strength for the first time, and they were all stunned, their faces flushed with excitement, Fourth Brother was indeed very powerful!

"This is the power of our Wang Clan's Mysterious Origin Technique, combined with the Mystic Origin Sword Technique." Wang Shoujie landed lightly, as if he had just done something insignificant, and smiled as he explained to them, "The initial power is ordinary, but as you cultivate the Mysterious Origin Technique to a higher level, the power becomes more profound. You should cultivate the Mysterious Origin Technique well, as it becomes more powerful in the later stages."

"Yes, Fourth Brother."

This time, even Wang Luoqiu's face was flushed with excitement, and she nodded repeatedly, admiring Wang Shoujie greatly.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 84: Old Ancestor is Aggressive!


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