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"Although it's like that, this development project costs tens of thousands of gold coins." Liu Yuanrui calmed down, but still had some doubts, "I've heard that in recent years, the Wang Clan..."

The Wang Clan has been declining every year, where did they get so much funding?

"Don't worry, Far Wisdom," Wang Shoujie said calmly, "My brother has already made arrangements for this."

Liu Yuanrui's expression froze, was this something to worry about? He was just curious... But he ultimately knew the etiquette and rules, so he didn't say anything more.

Wang Shoujie was very clear that his marriage to the Shanyin's Liu Clan's thousand-gold daughter was a morale-boosting event for the Wang Clan, after all, the Shanyin's Liu Clan was very powerful and could provide support to the Wang Clan.

Even the elderly patriarchs of the Wang Clan were thinking the same way.

However, for the Shanyin's Liu Clan, marrying their esteemed eldest daughter to a declining family's son was a bit of a shame and emotional burden. But this marriage was arranged by their ancestors, so the younger generation couldn't oppose it.

That's why Wang Shoujie was very calm about this marriage, neither overly excited nor arrogant. The Wang Clan couldn't become strong just by relying on others.

Even if he knew that the Shanyin's Liu Clan's younger generation would have some resentment, he showed understanding. After all, from the surface, the Wang Clan was far inferior to the Liu Clan, and he would feel the same way if he were in their shoes.

"Hey, Guardian Brother, there are a lot of people coming over there." Liu Ruolei was very observant and saw a group of people hurrying towards them through the carriage window.

And behind that group, there were even more people coming towards them.

"Those are the common people from Ping'an Town," Wang Shoujie said with a smile, "I suppose they heard about our recruitment notice and came to respond."

"So many people are coming to apply?" Liu Yuanrui was shocked, "Guardian Brother, how high is the wage you're offering? Stop the carriage, I want to take a look."

His curiosity was piqued, and this project was already massive, if they increased the wage, the cost would be too high, how could the Wang Clan afford it?

Since Liu Yuanrui wanted to take a look, Wang Shoujie wouldn't stop him, and ordered the carriage to stop. The other retainers also stopped, guarding the carriage.

This atmosphere naturally made the common people dare not approach, and they could only detour and head towards the worker's shed.

"Everyone, don't push, come one by one to register." Two 14- or 15-year-old boys, who still looked a bit childish, maintained order, "We, the Wang Clan, offer work in exchange for food, with generous compensation. As long as you're willing to work, we guarantee that your whole family can eat their fill."

"Come, come, come, register here. We, the Wang Clan, provide food and lodging." Two little girls, who were also 14 or 15 years old, set up a table and began registering the applicants, "Laborers between 16 and 40 years old will receive half a bushel of rice per month, strong women will receive 20 pounds of rice per month, and young men between 12 and 16 years old will receive 20 pounds of rice per month."

The two little girls were very clear and efficient in their registration. It seemed like they were explaining too much, so they found a clever young man to repeat the message over and over again.

As for setting up a billboard or something, the two girls weren't that silly, and most tenant farmers and self-farming peasants couldn't read anyway.

These young people were naturally Wang Shoujie's siblings. For such a big event in the family, Wang Shoujie didn't want them to idle around, so he let them participate and help with the registration.

Whether it was starting a big project or implementing a work-for-food program, it would help shape their sense of honor and correct worldview.

"What's your name, hometown, and do you have your household registration documents?" Even Wang Luoqiu, who would become a "god-slaying, Buddha-destroying" master in the future, was serious and focused on registering each applicant. XD

However, her gaze was sharp and serious, as if she was examining each applicant, with an attitude that she wouldn't let anyone with ill intentions slip through.

"My name is Ouyang Gousheng, from Ping'an Town's Liu Village," a pale and thin young man trembled as he handed over his household registration documents.

"You're only 15 years old? You can only count as half a laborer, and will receive 20 pounds of rice per month," Wang Luoqiu said.

"Ah, Miss," Ouyang Gousheng looked disappointed and pleaded, "Can't you see that I'm very strong and can do hard labor? Can't I be counted as a full laborer? My mother at home hasn't had a meal in two days."

"No way, rules are rules," Wang Luoqiu said, although she was young, she was very principled, "However, we provide food and lodging here. I can also give you an advance of 20 pounds of rice to ensure your mother doesn't starve."

"Thank you, thank you, Miss," Ouyang Gousheng repeatedly thanked her, and tears of joy fell from his eyes.

"Take these two bamboo tokens, and you can receive 20 pounds of rice," Wang Luoqiu gave him two tokens, "Remember, you'll start working from today, and will receive your rice after work. And, give me some face, work hard, and if you perform well, I'll count you as a full laborer."

"Yes, I won't slack off," Ouyang Gousheng took the two tokens, treasuring them as if they were his life.

"Holding this work permit, there's a porridge shed over there, and with this permit, you can get free porridge." After registering the work permit, Wang Luoqiu's face turned serious, and she waved her hand to shoo people away. "Go, don't delay my work. Next, what's your name, hometown, and age?"

Ouyang Gousheng took the work permit and two rice coupons and left with gratitude.

Wang Luoqiu's style was very efficient, never dragging her feet, and she could usually finish one task in 2-3 minutes.

"Wang Luojing, what are you doing so slowly? Can't you use your brain?" Wang Luoqiu turned around, almost choking with anger, seeing that she had already finished five tasks, while Wang Luojing was still entangled with the second applicant.

Unable to bear it, she walked over directly, took a glance at the young man with a pale complexion, and looked at his registration form: "A scholar?"

"I am," the young man replied with a slight nod, showing some arrogance.

"Can you do physical labor?" Wang Luoqiu doubted.

"As a scholar, how can I do manual labor?" the young man said. "I've read extensively and can be a supervisor, and I only need a salary of 10 bushels of grain per month."

In this era, the literacy rate among common people was very low.

Therefore, scholars were still in high demand, and government agencies, aristocratic families, and other organizations all needed knowledgeable people to fill key positions.

"We don't need a supervisor," Wang Luoqiu replied coldly. "You can leave."

"You, you, you, you dare to look down on scholars, little girl? I'll tell you, reading books is the key to understanding the world... you're still so young..."

The scholar hadn't finished speaking when he was thrown out, landing on his face in the mud.

"He's even more long-winded than Wang Shoujie," Wang Luoqiu snorted. "Someone, come here."

"Sister, I'm here," Wang Shoulian replied, running over with a dog-like enthusiasm.

"Get rid of this guy, and add him to the Wang Clan's blacklist, never to be hired again." Wang Luoqiu gave the order with a fierce tone, then went back to work on the registration.

Seeing her cold and serious face, some applicants who were trying to take advantage of the situation quietly left the queue.

Not far away, Wang Shoujie and others had already arrived.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shoujie's mouth twitched slightly. This broken girl, Wang Luoqiu, really had a strong presence. If someone didn't know better, they would think this little girl was the head of the family.

Liu Yuanrui, who followed, was staring at the scene with his mouth agape: "Brother, is the salary of half a bushel of rice per month for each laborer too low?"

Moreover, the little girl seemed to have a strong opinion about scholars, and Liu Yuanrui considered himself a scholar... it felt a bit dangerous.

"Yuanrui, is it too little or not? You can go ask the applicants in line," Wang Shoujie said.

Liu Yuanrui didn't hesitate, asking several people, who all said it was enough. They thanked the Wang Clan for providing them with a meal at a critical moment. Many of them also secretly complained about the Liu Clan and Zhao Clan.

When Liu Yuanrui returned, his face looked difficult: "The Liu Clan and Zhao Clan are indeed ruthless and unscrupulous, taking advantage of the situation. Fortunately, Brother Wang came up with the idea of using labor in exchange for food."

"Brother, you didn't quite agree with Brother Wang's idea earlier," Liu Ruolei, the little sister, chimed in, "Now that the national policy is in place, and some aristocratic families are using the food shortage to their advantage, manipulating the grain prices... if the grain prices are completely liberalized, the lives of thousands of common people will be controlled by a few top aristocratic families, who have ways to manipulate the grain prices."

"And don't complain about Brother Wang's salary being too low. Right now, everyone is struggling to get by, and Brother Wang is already doing a great job by providing food in exchange for labor."

Liu Yuanrui's face turned red, and he glared at Liu Ruolei, who was always trying to undermine him. Didn't she say she wanted to help her sister adjust to her future husband earlier?

Before he could scold his sister, Liu Ruolei had already walked over to Wang Luoqiu.

She quietly approached Wang Luoqiu and said curiously, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Little sister, you... " Wang Luoqiu was about to explode, but seeing a refined and beautiful young lady, she restrained herself and said, "I'm Wang Luoqiu. Who are you? Go play somewhere else, don't disturb me while I'm working hard for my family."

"I'm Liu Ruolei, and oh, your handwriting is really ugly," Liu Ruolei covered her mouth and giggled. "Why don't you ask the questions, and I'll help with the registration? It'll be faster that way."

Wang Luoqiu almost fainted, daring to say her handwriting was ugly?

Hmph, in the entire Ping'an Wang Clan, even Wang Shoujie didn't dare...

Then she saw Liu Ruolei's handwriting, which was indeed very beautiful, and she quickly swallowed her words.

Then she thought for a moment, and Liu Ruolei's name seemed familiar. Suddenly, her eyes widened in surprise, and she exclaimed, "You're the famous Miss Liu from the Liu Clan?"

"That's right," Liu Ruolei smiled sweetly, not expecting her reputation to be so great. She then quickly helped with the registration.

"But you look so young, how can you have children with Fourth Brother?"

"Ah?" Liu Ruolei's face turned bright red, and she stomped her foot, feeling that she wasn't young at all.

No, that's not the point...

What's the point again?

[Tl: I love her, XD... ]

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 79: From Fiancée Returns a Courtesy



The Chapter Title seems strange. Shouldn't it be tries to rise hard? 🤔