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This seemingly high-and-mighty young master was none other than Chen Fang Jie, the future brother-in-law of Wang Shoujie. The "unremarkable" retainer standing behind him was Wang Shoujie himself, dressed up in disguise. Of course, both of them had undergone a makeover, courtesy of Wang Mei's skilled hands. Unless you were extremely familiar with them, you wouldn't be able to recognize them.

When Chen Fang Jie heard about this plan, he thought it was quite amusing. Not only could he curry favor with his future in-laws, but it was also a rare opportunity to have some fun. Moreover, since Wang Shoujie had entrusted the Chen Clan to participate in the plan, it was unlikely that they would let them exert themselves in vain.

Therefore, to play the role of a high-and-mighty young master, he even brought out the custom-made clothes that his family had prepared for him to wear before and after the wedding. Wang Shoujie, dressed as the retainer, was also quite speechless about this. This future brother-in-law appeared very dignified on the surface, with the demeanor of a young patriarch from a noble family, but deep down, he still had a bit of a mischievous streak.

His half-reclining posture, half-closed eyes, and disdainful expression were truly convincing. The faces of the Liu Clan members all turned pale.

Liu Yongzhou, the young talent of the Liu Clan, was even more flushed, looking like he was about to explode. "Cough, cough." Liu Shengye, the head of the Liu Clan, was ultimately a cunning old fox who could keep his cool, smiling and bowing, "This young master must be the renowned Eastern Sea King Dantai Family's young master, right? Indeed, he lives up to his reputation, with an aura that's truly majestic and regal."

As he spoke, he also gave Liu Yongzhou a warning glance, hinting that he shouldn't act rashly. "Dantai Heyu, this transaction, I originally wasn't looking for you, but you insisted on getting involved." Zhong Luoxian's tone was icy and slightly dissatisfied, "I owe the Liu Clan a life debt, so please show some respect."

"Ah, yes, since you're our benefactor, I'll just be polite for now." Chen Fang Jie slightly straightened his posture, looking askance, "So, how much grain do you want to borrow?"

Liu Shengye's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately bowed, saying, "We, the Liu Clan, need to borrow 1,000 tons of grain to alleviate the disaster in our territory. We're willing to repay 2,000 tons of grain to your esteemed family after the next harvest."

"1,000 tons?" Chen Fang Jie's mouth curved into a faint, enigmatic smile, ignoring Liu Shengye and looking at Zhong Luoxian, "Luoxian, isn't this looking down upon Dantai Heyu. For such a trivial matter, you're actually willing to use our Dantai Family's connections?"

"Zhong Luoxian" seemed to have some opinions about Dantai Heyu, but his voice was cold and detached, "This transaction may be a small amount for you, but it's crucial for the Liu Clan to rescue the disaster victims. I hope we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement."

Liu Yongzhou's heart was filled with shame and indignation. Luoxian had actually gone to beg that despicable Dantai Heyu for him. He felt that the young master wasn't bothered about the small business, so he immediately said, "We, the Liu Clan, want 2,000 tons."

As soon as he spoke, Liu Shengye almost lost his footing. Normally, the Liu Clan would have a shortage of around 1,500 tons, but they could mix some sand into the rice to make up for it. However, Liu Yongzhou had spoken out of pride, asking for 2,000 tons.

"Truly, this is utterly uninteresting." Chen Fang Jie's eyelids didn't even flicker, as if he was very reluctant, "But, for Luoxian's sake, I'll do this small favor."

"Indeed, you're truly worthy of being the Eastern Sea King Dantai Family, with an aura that's truly extraordinary. Very well, I'll lend you 2,000 tons." Liu Shengye had no choice but to agree to this number at this point. Otherwise, he was afraid that this hot-tempered young master from the Dantai Family would get angry and leave in a huff.

"2,000 tons of grain, at a price of five large copper coins per ton, is equivalent to 1,000 gold coins." Chen Fang Jie spoke indifferently, "My Dantai Family is a staunch supporter of the Daqian Law, and we will never manipulate grain prices. Therefore, our contract must specify that this transaction is a gold loan, where we lend you 2,000 gold coins, to be repaid within five months, with an additional 1,000 gold coins in interest. Furthermore, your family must provide an asset worth over 3,000 gold coins as collateral. If you fail to repay the loan within the deadline, the collateral will belong to us."


The Liu Clan members all had their faces change color; these conditions were harsh enough Although they were slightly better than those of the Sun Clan, they were still quite demanding. Moreover, the requirement for collateral made everyone extremely cautious. All eyes were on Liu Shengye.

Liu Shengye's face was also very solemn and serious. After careful consideration, he cupped his hands and said, "Young Master Dantai, can the clan's property be exempt from collateral? I, Ping'an Liu Clan, am willing to use our reputation as collateral."

"Reputation?" Chen Fang Jie sneered and said, "Your family's reputation is worthless in my eyes. Are you trying to default on the loan and not use your clan's property as collateral? Humph, I don't have time to play games with you."

Seeing that the Liu Clan was in a difficult situation, Zhong Luoxian glanced at Liu Yongzhou and lightly bit her lip, her voice filled with a hint of pleading: "Young Master Dantai, I know that grain is hard to come by now. But can you show some mercy to the Liu Clan, considering our efforts to help the disaster-stricken people?"

At that moment, Liu Yongzhou's heart trembled.

Luoxian, Luoxian was actually pleading with that arrogant Young Master Dantai for him.

Chen Fang Jie, however, laughed generously: "Even if Luoxian opens her mouth, I'll waive the 500-gold interest. However, the Liu Clan's property must be transferred. After the loan is repaid with interest, it will be returned."

The 500-gold waiver immediately brightened the faces of the Liu Clan members, which was indeed a huge concession. However, hearing that the property had to be transferred, their hearts still sank.

"The property you're transferring should be a farm-type estate," Chen Fang Jie said, narrowing his eyes at Zhong Luoxian. "Luoxian has been feeling unwell lately, and since she wants to take a break outside, it's better to have a place to settle down. Let's register it under Luoxian's name for now."

"Young Master Dantai is so generous, and I, Liu Shengye, won't be too proud," Liu Shengye said with a bright smile, cupping his hands. "Since we're all doing business, we'll take care of the grain and hand over the deed to the estate. Before that, Miss Luoxian can move in first."

The Liu Clan had a farm that had been developed for over ten years, with a beautiful landscape. It had comfortable villas, 800 acres of fertile farmland, a 200-acre lotus pond, and even more undeveloped land around it.

The total value of this farm was almost 3,000 gold, which was a considerable amount.

Liu Shengye's only concern was that after the farm was transferred, they might not be able to get the grain. And he didn't have the power to trouble the Eastern Sea King.

"Money and goods should be clear," Chen Fang Jie agreed, waving his hand impatiently. "Alright, you can all leave now. This transaction will be handled by Luoxian."

His attitude was as if this 2,000-3,000 gold deal was a small matter not worth laughing about.


The Liu Clan members felt a sense of disdain for the first time. However, the other party's arrogance was backed by their capital. If not for Miss Zhong's intervention, how could they have made a deal with such a person?

The older Liu Clan members didn't care, but Liu Yongzhou's face turned red, as if he was suppressing a fire in his heart.

As Liu Shengye led his family out of the room, they heard Young Master Dantai's teasing laughter: "Luoxian, I know you don't like me, so you're running away to protest. What a pity, what a pity. When you come back, I'll ask my ancestors to propose a marriage, and who can refuse?"

"You!" Zhong Luoxian's voice was suppressed and angry. "Luoxian is just a humble person, why do you need to bother me like this?"

"My temper is such that the more I can't get something, the more I want it. Zhong Luoxian, you'll eventually fall into my hands." The voice became increasingly arrogant, "But I'll let you enjoy your last bit of freedom."

The Liu Clan members didn't react much to this conversation. The Celestial Clan's young master was talking about love and relationships, which had nothing to do with them.

However, no one noticed that Liu Yongzhou's eyes had already turned red, and his whole body was trembling. He had never felt such humiliation and heartache in his life.

He realized that Luoxian wanted to get close to him but seemed to have a huge obstacle. He thought it was just a difference in social status between families, but there was more to it.

But he, after all, was just a direct descendant of a ninth-rank family, and what power did he have to change this?

Even the greatest anger was just a joke in the eyes of that arrogant young master.

The Liu Clan's boat sailed away, and Liu Yongzhou's heart seemed to sink with it. The painful gaze Luoxian had unintentionally revealed couldn't be erased from his mind.


At the same time, in the boat's cabin.

Chen Fang Jie was in a good mood, drinking tea, and his face was slightly excited: "Wang Shoujie, how was my performance just now? Did I look like a second-generation member of the Celestial Family?"

Wang Shoujie looked him up and down: "Is this your true nature? As the Patriarch, I have the right to regret my sister's marriage."

"Pfft!" Chen Fang Jie spat out his tea, hurriedly saying, "What a huge misunderstanding. I was just acting according to your script. I, Chen Fang Jie, am a talented person, an uncarved jade, with a pure and simple nature."

"Alright, leave this uncarved jade to my sister to polish slowly," Wang Shoujie said. "Quickly adjust your mood, as we have to receive more guests in the afternoon."

Receive guests?

Chen Fang Jie's face twitched slightly at this phrase, which made him clench his teeth.

However, this future brother-in-law was not a simple person, and the more he interacted with him, the more he felt that he was unfathomable.

Similarly, Wang Mei was increasingly satisfied with the family head.

Previously, her ancestors had been Wang Clan retainers, and they were naturally loyal to the family. However, this loyalty was only towards the family. No matter who was the head of the family, she would do her best.

But the family head, Wang Shoujie, was different, with a calm and wise demeanor, able to see through people's nature, and being very considerate. Most importantly, he was also very handsome.

Meeting such a perfect family head was Wang Mei's good fortune.

If the family head required her to serve him in bed or something... how would that be?

What role should Mei Mei play? Hehehe, the more she thought about it, the happier she became.

[Tl: My stomach is hurting, lol... XD]

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 76: The Cultivation Base Breakthrough and the Younger Brother-in-law's Arrival



Ahhhh….i caught up well i guess it’s waiting time now