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In Liu Yongzhou's eyes, Miss Zhong was the most perfect young lady he had ever seen. She was gentle and charming, but with a subtle, ethereal aura that hinted at her noble background.

Although she never revealed which martial clan she came from, it was clear that she was from a very prestigious family, judging by her demeanor.

Compared to the Liu Clan's own daughter, who was considered ordinary, Miss Zhong was like a celestial being who had accidentally fallen to earth.

She even ate Spirit Fish in a dainty manner, only consuming the soft and tender parts like the belly and cheeks, and often just took a few bites to savor the fresh flavor.

Like the White Jade Spirit Rice wine, which he normally treasured, he didn't dare to bring out now. The disdain and contempt in her eyes still lingered in his memory.

The only thing that made him extremely angry and regretful was why he had to drink with that despicable Zhao Dingtian from the Zhao Clan on the boat that day? If not for that, he would have been the only one to rescue Miss Zhong.

That despicable Zhao Dingtian, Luoxian didn't even like him, yet he still dared to pester her every day.

But it seemed that he and Luoxian wouldn't have much time together either. The Zhong Clan's retainers had already arrived, preparing to take her back.

However, this also gave him an opportunity to obtain some information. The Zhong Clan seemed to be facing a food shortage and was purchasing grain from a prominent family in Donghai Garrison, suggesting a close relationship between the two families.

"Yongzhou, tell me the situation," Liu Shengye asked, his brow slightly furrowed, interrupting Liu Yongzhou's thoughts.

Liu Yongzhou calmed down and briefly explained the situation.

"Could it be a scam?" an older clan member asked, "Is there really a young lady in distress like that in this world?"

"Third Uncle!" Liu Yongzhou was somewhat annoyed, "Don't randomly slander Miss Zhong. I only happened to overhear this, and she never mentioned it herself. I was just thinking that the Sun Clan is ruthless, so I might as well ask Miss Zhong for help and see if we can also get some assistance with purchasing grain."

Zhong Clan? Was there a prominent family with the surname Zhong around Changning Guard? Or was it from somewhere else...

"Yongzhou, even if they're willing to sell, we don't have that much gold to buy," Liu Shengye said, looking troubled, "I don't know if we can negotiate a payment plan, to be repaid with interest after the autumn harvest."

"Family head, why can't our family afford 1,000-2,000 gold? This is something I can't do." Now it was Liu Yongzhou's turn to be troubled. He had always pretended to be a wealthy young master to impress Luoxian, and now he was embarrassed to ask for a loan, especially from the woman he admired.

"This..." Liu Shengye hesitated, unwilling to speak.

Liu Yongzhou thought for a moment, then exclaimed in surprise, "Could it be that Uncle..."

His uncle, Liu Shenghao, was the first in line to reach the Spirit Realm Stage, a goal that the Liu Clan had been working towards with great financial and material investment.

Fortunately, the Liu Clan's overall conditions were stronger than the Wang Clan, and they hadn't pressured other clans for resources during their cultivation of the Spirit Realm member. Therefore, Liu Yongzhou could perform exceptionally well, being considered outstanding among his peers.

If his uncle were to reach the Spirit Realm, the family's influence would surely expand, and as an excellent young member of the "Yong" generation, wouldn't he also have opportunities?

He was overjoyed.

Liu Shengye's expression turned serious, "Since you've already guessed, you're also a core member of the 'Yong' generation, so I won't hide it from you. Your uncle has already made the final preparations, and the crucial Heavenly Spirit Pill has been purchased. However, to ensure absolute safety, two auxiliary Spirit Elixirs are still needed. If you achieve a great merit... you naturally understand."

"Okay, okay." Liu Yongzhou's spirit was immediately lifted, "Even if this is difficult, I'm willing to give it a try."

The family was a bit short on resources due to the upcoming promotion of an elder, which was a normal situation and wouldn't lose face.

Moreover, once the family had multiple Spirit Realm elders, their influence would greatly increase, and their resources would multiply. According to the family head's tone, the next cultivation target might be Liu Yongzhou himself.

A family that prospered would continue to grow rapidly, like a snowball effect. On the other hand, a declining family would only become more miserable, facing obstacles everywhere.

In Liu Yongzhou's eyes, the Liu Clan was a family that was getting stronger and stronger. On the other hand, the Wang Clan was a family that was sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire, unable to extricate themselves.

He was full of confidence, and after achieving this great feat, his future accomplishments would be limitless.


Two days later.

In the Wang Clan Manor, in Wang Shoujie's private chamber, Wang Shoujie listened to some news and couldn't help but let out a faint smile. He put down the secret letter in his hand and bowed to the person who had come, saying, "Brother Chen, you've worked hard on this matter."

"Patriarch Wang," the person hastily returned the bow, his expression slightly apologetic. "Last time at Hundred Island Guard, I didn't know your identity, and I was remiss in my duties. Please forgive me."

This person was Chen Fanghua, an elite member of the Chen Clan who had been responsible for receiving and guiding guests during their previous visit to Hundred Island Guard. He was a seasoned sailor with rich experience, and his interpersonal skills were excellent, making him an outstanding talent.

This time, in order to target the Liu Clan and the Zhao Clan, aside from retainer Wang Mei, the other retainers couldn't be used.

Fortunately, the plan had always involved borrowing the power of the Chen Clan, and Wang Shoujie had thought it through and written a letter to Chen Fang Jie, asking him to provide support. After the matter was settled, they would naturally share the benefits.

With Chen Fang Jie's personality, he wouldn't refuse to cooperate with Wang Shoujie.

Even if the matter ultimately failed, it wouldn't matter, as the Chen Clan of Donggang had a strong foundation, and their unique geographical location made them fearless of offending the Zhao Clan or the Liu Clan.

As soon as Chen Fanghua arrived, Wang Zhong arranged for him to join the plan. He, along with another Chen Clan member who was not very prominent, pretended to be a retainer of Zhong Luoxian, coming to find the young lady who had fallen into trouble.

The plan was carried out very successfully, and the originally close friends Liu Yongzhou of the Liu Clan and Zhao Dingtian of the Zhao Clan had already taken the bait. The ambush plan had also entered its second phase.

"No need to be polite, Brother Chen," Wang Shoujie said with a smile. "During our previous trip to Hundred Island Guard, we relied entirely on your guidance. It's I who should be apologizing for not revealing my identity earlier. Let's not mention this anymore. Just remember to be careful in this plan, and if anything goes wrong, we'll stop it immediately to avoid any safety issues."

"This plan is brilliant, and our part in it is very simple, we can't go wrong," Chen Fanghua said with admiration. "It's just that Patriarch Wang is very formidable, and I don't know where you found such a fairy-like ally. Fortunately, I'm already married, and I knew she was your person, or I would have almost fallen for her."

Fairy? Hehe...

Wang Shoujie secretly laughed, thinking that if Chen Fanghua had seen her true face, that would be a real shock.


Wait, Wang Shoujie tried hard to remember what Wang Mei looked like, but couldn't recall it for a moment. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and it was indeed the ordinary-looking retainer Wang Mei, whose real face was too ordinary, even more so than a passerby.

After Chen Fanghua left.

Wang Shoujie reopened the secret letter written by Wang Mei, the wax seal of which he had already broken. It was just that the news he had seen earlier was too shocking, so he had temporarily put it aside.

Now, he took another close look, and his eyebrows furrowed tightly as he thought the situation was not good.

Liu Shenghao's progress to the Spirit Realm Stage was not a secret. It was just that this person had always been low-key, and many times, people would overlook his existence. Moreover, not long ago, he had just revealed himself, having just reached the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm.

In the blink of an eye, he had quietly reached the peak of the ninth level and was already making final preparations, and had even obtained a Heavenly Spirit Pill.

The Wang Clan's original estimate for Liu Shenghao was that he would only start taking the final step in at least five years.

This Liu Clan, which had only been independent for fifty years, was getting stronger and stronger. While satisfying the family's development, they had also managed to produce a Heavenly Spirit Pill so quickly, which was truly impressive.

Liu Clan's Patriarch Liu Shengye's innate abilities were ordinary, but his ability to make money was not small at all.

Wang Mei's intelligence shouldn't be wrong, and that was Liu Yongzhou's true words after drinking.

This was a common problem among many men, who, in front of a goddess they liked but felt inferior to, would try to boost their own value in the goddess's eyes by exaggerating their achievements.

The Liu Clan might produce another Spirit Realm elder at any time, and what about the Zhao Clan?

The Zhao Clan had always been even more low-key than the Liu Clan, and it was possible that their progress to the Spirit Realm Stage had also entered the final stage.

Wang Shoujie's face was solemn, and he tapped his desk thoughtfully for a long time before writing a secret letter with orders, sealing it with fire wax, and sending it to Wang Mei secretly.

This matter was not to be taken lightly, and if handled improperly, it could lead to the downfall of the Wang Clan. However, if it was executed well, it would deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! SlaySaga]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 67: Hundred Years Plan


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